Saturday, March 17, 2012

Jon and Jake Visit

When Jen left, Jon and Jake decided to stay for a few days and then we would return them on St. Pat's day when we met up with everyone down in Dublin.  So, first things first - make a gooey mess.  Mister let them make slime and it looks like they are enjoying themselves to the max.

The next day Mister wanted to go and see the koala's at the zoo.  It was a new exhibit and we were excited that they were here to stay.  We got the boys ready and tried to go early in the day to beat the crowds.  We did pretty good and were able to spend quite a bit of time watching them before the lines started to form behind us and we had to give up our spaces.

Mister so does love these magnificent creatures.  One day I hope to take him to New Zealand or Australia to enjoy them hands-on.
Part of the new exhibit includes and interactive area with lorikeets and the boys had such a good time feeding them.  I don't know if it was Jon's red sweatshirt or just him in general, but they really liked him and kept landing on him much to Jake's dismay.  The delight on Jon's face is self explanatory.

We also toured the reptile building which had a hurricane simulator in it that they wanted to try.  So Grandpa put them in and inserted the money.  We then watched their skin moved in many directions as the wind blew them around.  They were laughing pretty hard and drew a crowd of observers.

I had to work the next day and so Grandpa took the boys on foot down to the local roller skating rink for the morning.  When I arrived, they were snacking and nursing blisters on their feet, but said they had a great time.  They couldn't understand why Grandpa didn't skate with them.  Me either.  What was up with that?

The following day is St. Patrick's Day and so it is time to return the boys.  We have agreed to meet up with the rest of the family in Dublin, TX.  It seems an appropriate place to gather.  When we arrive, a helicopter has landed and the boys look at us with longing.  We smile and nod our heads and they are gone in a flash.

After a fun day of rides, shopping, eating, and watching entertainment it is time to part and go back to Dallas.  A quick stop at the place where Dublin Dr. Pepper was made makes us wish it was still being bottled there.  Seems like all good things come to an end sooner or later and we hope that the history is not forgotten.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Day at the Arboretum

With a beautiful spring day and Jen in town, we set our sights on the Dallas Arboretum for the morning.  It was the first time that she or the kids had been there and so we made a good walk of it.  Bekah had a history project in school that required some pictures and this one was the most fun.  Shows either how tall she has gotten or how short doorways used to be.

We took advantage of the time to try and get a few new pics of everyone as they are all growing up so quick and change every time we blink our eyes.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First Sign of Spring

The quince in our backyard is letting us know that spring is just around the corner.  Isn't it pretty?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hyrum and Zyra for 10 days - What a Treat!

After a very early and quick flight from Denver which had Mister in the front of the plane with Happy Hyrum and me in the back with one angry Zyra, we landed in Dallas.  She was so unhappy because they made her sit on my lap for take off and she had been oh so happy in her own seat all belted in.  Ugh.

We arrive home and settle in for a week to ten days with the two grands.  As luck would have it, I have managed to pick up a cold and am worried that if it takes hold I will not be much help for Mister.  Drat.

The next morning the kids are up and raring to go.  Well at least Zyra's hair is.  I am sick.  My worst fears have come true.  I guess we will hang around the house for a few days playing.

These two are really not much work at all.  They place so well together and our biggest concern is feeding them three times a day plus snacks.  We don't takes as good of care of ourselves and so it is hard to remember.  Here are a few shots of the first couple days hanging out at home.

I love this picture! He was absolutely sound asleep for the nap he didn't want to take.  Too sweet.

Craft time on the kitchen floor.

Pizza.  This one makes me laugh.  We ordered pizza for dinner and Hyrum told us that he had never had pizza.  When it gets to the house, we give him a slice and fold it New York Style and teach and he starts to eat it.  It is his new favorite food for the duration of his time with us.  Everyday he asks if he can have pizza for dinner.

What can I even say about this one?

Playing games with Grandpa on the floor.  Smiles all around.

 I felt better today so we went to the zoo and rode the merry-go-round.  As we were walking towards it, Hyrum said he wanted to ride the Stegosaurus.  I thought he was nuts - this is a zoo ride after all.  Lo and behold, we get there and he jumps on his dinosaur.  The only dinosaur on the ride.  Hmmmmn.  How did he know?

Walking away from the ride.  It is time to go home for the day, but the kids have had fun and so have we.

Today we drive to McKinney for the Krewe of Barkus parade.  It is a Mardi Gras event for dogs and the kids get a kick out of it.  The dogs are all dressed up in costumes and they laugh at point at some of the really funny ones.

This is sitting on the curb waiting for the parade to start.  They were amazingly patient and the sidewalk filled in with people all around us.

Grandpa sits on the curb with the kids both before and during the parade.  Miss Zyra with all of her parade beads.  Hyrum would not wear them at all.  He handed any he got to his sister.

I wake up one morning to find that Grandpa has located colored flashlights for the kids and so they are playing in the hall with them as it is too light everywhere else in the house.  They played with these for days.  Who needs expensive toys?

It is a beautiful day out and so we are off to the park to play for awhile.  It is not a far walk, but us girls are much slower than the boys.  We'll get there eventually.

The kids have a great time playing and so do I.  I am feeling much better and know that I want to have as much fun with them as I can because their Momma is getting homesick for them and wants them back.  I am not ready to give them up yet though.

It is February in Dallas and yet look how green it is.  You can see the flowering quince just behind me.   It will not belong before summer is here again.  Hyrum and I take the time to play a little football.  He is so proud each time he catches the ball.  Such great memories for me.

We go shopping the day before the kids have to leave and Hyrum wants to pick out a new outfit to show his Mom and Dad.  Don't you think he has pretty good taste?  I didn't help at all.  He found the pants and the shirt and brought them to me -- I just switched them out for the right sizes.  What a handsome fella to greet Dad at the airport tomorrow.

I can't believe our time is up with them.  Hopefully we can get them all to ourselves again sometime.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Grandparents to the Rescue

I know the title sounds like it was an emergency but that is not exactly true.  We had planned this trip for several months, but it WAS a rescue operation.  Two of my girls were having surgery at the same time and one would be down for a couple of days and the other for a couple of weeks.  So:  Grandparents to the Rescue seems apt.

Both girls (heck they are women but that makes them sound so old and makes me feel ancient) had scheduled their procedures for the same day, same town, same doctor.  Since it was taking place in Denver, Mister and I flew there and then drove to Cheyenne to watch all 5 kids.  It was going to be cousin time and we would do our best to make it fun for them.

We arrive in the evening and Matt's family is already there from Montana.  It is fun to all be together for a short time, but Amanda is heading to Denver tonight as her appointment is early in the morning.  First things first -- feed kids.  I start with Caleb while the main meal is being completed in the kitchen.

I have no idea what story Matt is regaling his sister with here, but it must have been interesting.

 We finish feeding little people and settle in for a few days with kids.  This was perhaps the easiest babysitting job we have ever had as they just wanted to play with each other.  Our biggest concerns were meals and bedtimes.  That's it.  They didn't even really want to play with us - I mean seriously, would you?  Not when you have other small people with endless energy to run around with.

 Miss Zyra provides ample opportunities for pictures as she really didn't run with the boys all that much.  She was always nearby and was the one who wanted to spend time with us.

The boys were so busy all the time with each other, but here is quick glimpse of their 24-7 activity.  They get along so well and are fun to just sit back and watch.  Cheap entertainment.

After a couple of days, Amanda is ready to take on her own family and so we depart back to Dallas, taking Hyrum and Zyra with us until Rebecca is recovered.  We are actually very excited for this time with them.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 - Year in Review

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Looking back on 2011 --- We had a great year filled with travel, family, and fun.  Here is a quick review and please look up the blog entries on these for more details.

We started the year with a Trip to Las Vegas.  It was Raef's birthday and I wanted to play in Vegas for a few days.  The month ended with us down in Temple for Jared's birthday.

February took us to San Antonio Wyoming for time with Jen and family and then to explore the area.  It also brought us SNOW!!  Lots of snow.

March found me traveling to Montana to pick up Elena and bring her down here for a most delightful week.  We also ended the month moving Mister's from her home to a retirement community.  She loves it.

April took us down to Temple for Pinewood Derby construction and then on to San Diego/Los Angeles with Matt and Becca.  Mid-month was Jen and family up here for Scarborough Fair and Easter.  We finished the month with the arrival of anew grandson.  Welcome Caleb.  I went to Vegas to help for a few days and then on to Montana for Zyra's birthday where I met up with Mister again.

May -- We made the rounds and went up to the Flathead the first week and back to Billings by the weekend for Elena's birthday.  Whew, after two weeks, it was time for my own bed again.

June let me explore the wonderful city of Boston.  How fun.  It also took us down to Austin for the National Tae Kwon Do tournament which Bekah was in.  The month ended with the experience of a lifetime and one I will forever hold dear.  Thanks to Mister's Valentines gift of a turtle nest -- I was given such a treat and memories I will treasure forever.

July gave us the chance to just hang around the house and enjoy Dallas.  This type of month is awesome as well and sometimes much needed.

August brought the family reunion to Texas.  I organized it with a beach house rental in Surfside and was on pins and needles hoping everyone would have fun.  Cass and Scott arrived a week ahead to help and spend time together.  It was such a great time and we cannot wait to go back again next year.  Just having all of my children together once a year is such an incredible high for me.  Ah, the memories.  Once we returned from the beach, we still had a few days with Cass and Scott.  What a fun two weeks.

September was the beginning of our subscription to the Dallas Theater Center.  We have really enjoy our "play" nights and hope to continue this for years to come.  It also delivered Hyrum and Zyra to us for a fun week.  I flew up to Denver and met Becca to do a kid trade.  She then flew back to Billings and I flew with the kids to Dallas for time together.  A week later, we did the reverse, meeting Matt in Denver and returning them against my will.  We loved having them here.  The Texas State Fair is this month and so Jen arrived to spend time there with us.  What a fun month.

October is our anniversary month and so we spent a weekend in Hot Springs, Arkansas enjoying all it had to offer, including the old bathhouse.  We were also able to go to Chicago with Matt and Becca for a few days.  We finished the month down in Temple, watching the grands while Jen and Louis went  away for Jen's birthday.  Whew.

November was another quiet month for us mostly spent with our Texas family (Yep, Jen's) and with a small trip down to Lake Granbury for a night with Willie Nelson.  Good times.  I also got busy baking this month -- gearing up for Christmas.

December started with a "help" from Amanda and so off to Cheyenne we went to help them get moved.  It was a great time and we even managed to get a little Christmas in there as well.  Ending the month was time with Jen and Cass.  Cass and Scott arrived for 10 days and helped make the holidays special.  Jen's crew came up for Christmas and we had a full but oh so happy house.  Sometimes I think I live for these moments when I am surrounded by those I love so dearly.

What an awesome year.  When we fill it in with friends, dates, and just time together, Mister and I can say that our lives are full of love and fun times.  We look forward to 2013 with all the surprises it will bring us (and a new granddaughter).

Love to all,

Mister and Lady

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve With Cass and Scott

We were lucky enough to have Cass and Scott with us for New Year's Eve.  Mister had decided to make sushi and so was in the kitchen creating away.  We started the night with a cheese tray and snacks and then moved on to the sushi.  I think he did a dang good job for his first attempt.