Friday, February 10, 2012

Grandparents to the Rescue

I know the title sounds like it was an emergency but that is not exactly true.  We had planned this trip for several months, but it WAS a rescue operation.  Two of my girls were having surgery at the same time and one would be down for a couple of days and the other for a couple of weeks.  So:  Grandparents to the Rescue seems apt.

Both girls (heck they are women but that makes them sound so old and makes me feel ancient) had scheduled their procedures for the same day, same town, same doctor.  Since it was taking place in Denver, Mister and I flew there and then drove to Cheyenne to watch all 5 kids.  It was going to be cousin time and we would do our best to make it fun for them.

We arrive in the evening and Matt's family is already there from Montana.  It is fun to all be together for a short time, but Amanda is heading to Denver tonight as her appointment is early in the morning.  First things first -- feed kids.  I start with Caleb while the main meal is being completed in the kitchen.

I have no idea what story Matt is regaling his sister with here, but it must have been interesting.

 We finish feeding little people and settle in for a few days with kids.  This was perhaps the easiest babysitting job we have ever had as they just wanted to play with each other.  Our biggest concerns were meals and bedtimes.  That's it.  They didn't even really want to play with us - I mean seriously, would you?  Not when you have other small people with endless energy to run around with.

 Miss Zyra provides ample opportunities for pictures as she really didn't run with the boys all that much.  She was always nearby and was the one who wanted to spend time with us.

The boys were so busy all the time with each other, but here is quick glimpse of their 24-7 activity.  They get along so well and are fun to just sit back and watch.  Cheap entertainment.

After a couple of days, Amanda is ready to take on her own family and so we depart back to Dallas, taking Hyrum and Zyra with us until Rebecca is recovered.  We are actually very excited for this time with them.

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