Saturday, March 17, 2012

Jon and Jake Visit

When Jen left, Jon and Jake decided to stay for a few days and then we would return them on St. Pat's day when we met up with everyone down in Dublin.  So, first things first - make a gooey mess.  Mister let them make slime and it looks like they are enjoying themselves to the max.

The next day Mister wanted to go and see the koala's at the zoo.  It was a new exhibit and we were excited that they were here to stay.  We got the boys ready and tried to go early in the day to beat the crowds.  We did pretty good and were able to spend quite a bit of time watching them before the lines started to form behind us and we had to give up our spaces.

Mister so does love these magnificent creatures.  One day I hope to take him to New Zealand or Australia to enjoy them hands-on.
Part of the new exhibit includes and interactive area with lorikeets and the boys had such a good time feeding them.  I don't know if it was Jon's red sweatshirt or just him in general, but they really liked him and kept landing on him much to Jake's dismay.  The delight on Jon's face is self explanatory.

We also toured the reptile building which had a hurricane simulator in it that they wanted to try.  So Grandpa put them in and inserted the money.  We then watched their skin moved in many directions as the wind blew them around.  They were laughing pretty hard and drew a crowd of observers.

I had to work the next day and so Grandpa took the boys on foot down to the local roller skating rink for the morning.  When I arrived, they were snacking and nursing blisters on their feet, but said they had a great time.  They couldn't understand why Grandpa didn't skate with them.  Me either.  What was up with that?

The following day is St. Patrick's Day and so it is time to return the boys.  We have agreed to meet up with the rest of the family in Dublin, TX.  It seems an appropriate place to gather.  When we arrive, a helicopter has landed and the boys look at us with longing.  We smile and nod our heads and they are gone in a flash.

After a fun day of rides, shopping, eating, and watching entertainment it is time to part and go back to Dallas.  A quick stop at the place where Dublin Dr. Pepper was made makes us wish it was still being bottled there.  Seems like all good things come to an end sooner or later and we hope that the history is not forgotten.

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