Saturday, February 4, 2023

Lubbock - Family Time and Weekend Fun - Saturday

 Round two of the swim meet starts today, but first, we have a bit of time to explore.  Our first stop is at the Buddy Holly Plaza.  Charles Hardin "Buddy" Holley was born in Lubbock on September 7, 1936 to Ella Pauline (Drake) and Lawrence Odell "L.O." Holley.  The youngest of four children, Buddy grew up in a musical household, with his mother and siblings singing and playing instruments.  Buddy showed  musical aptitude, taking violin, piano and steel guitar lessons.  He took up the acoustic guitar after his brother, Travis, bought a $15 Harmony model.  Buddy, with other young Lubbock "pickers", formed several country groups.  In 1955, he saw Elvis Presley in concert and was impressed by Presley's rhythm and performance style.  Buddy and his friends were opening for big country acts at The Fair Park Coliseum when Eddie Crandall, an agent and manager, saw a performance and helped Buddy broker a Decca recording contract.  Buddy's last name was misspelled on the contract:  "Holley" became "Holly".  Buddy's relationship with Decca was short-lived as his early recording sessions failed to produce a hit.  In 1957, Buddy and his new band, The Crickets, began working with producer Norman Petty in Clovis, New Mexico.  On February 25, 1957, they recorded "That'll Be The Day", the first of several hits on the Brunswick label.  Their success led to the band to tour widely in the U.S. and Canada.  In 1958, Buddy Holly and The Crickets toured England.  The group had a profound influence on rock and roll in England - from their sound to Buddy's distinct look.  On February 3, 1959, during a three-week tour of the Midwestern U.S., Buddy's chartered plane crashed after takeoff due to bad weather.  There were no survivors.  Buddy Holly was 22 years old.

Lubbock - American Windmill Museum

 Deserves its own post - I LOVED this place.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Lubbock - Family Time and Weekend Fun - Friday

 A last-minute opportunity came up Tuesday and we quickly arranged schedules to take advantage of it.  Leaving town on Thursday after Mister finished work, the crazy drive to Abilene took place.  It was CRAZY for the first hour as we simply worked our way out of the Metroplex.  Icemageddon was working it's way out and the roads were thawing, but slushy.  We were in solid rain until we hit Weatherford and it magically stopped when the weather guy said it would.  I know, right?  When are they EVER that accurate.  At any rate, things picked up after that and the roads were dry the rest of the way.  Hallelujah!!

Early the next morning, everyone is up and moving.  We still have the drive to Lubbock, but my sweetie has a bit of work to do first.  Once Jen and Louis leave, I'm ready and just waiting on my love.  Grace comes to visit while I wait.  Times like this do make me want a cat again, but the hair everyone just does me in.  Someday I'll be ready to tackle that again, just not yet.

We get on the road just a little after 8 and point the vehicle north to Lubbock.  This is a first time visiting the city for both of us.  The view?  Lots and lots of generator windmills.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Icemageddon 2023

 It's the last day of January and we are in the beginning stages of an ice storm.  When we arrived back from Montana on the 28th, it was 71 degrees out.  Not anymore.  This is the sound I woke up to this morning.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Montana Winter Trip 2023 - Week Three

Week three begins on Saturday with breakfast out.  Mom suggested a new spot in Bigfork called The Stage Stop and it was very good.  Loved our food and hope this little place does well in the future.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Montana Winter Trip 2023 - Week Two

To start Week 2, Mister and I decided to get out and about a bit today.  He hadn't been to Columbia Falls so that is the direction we pointed the car.  It's kind of a dreary day, but there is still a certain beauty, even in dreariness.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Montana Winter Trip 2023 - Week One

 And away we go.  We are off to Montana for three weeks with Mom and I have the heaviest suitcase imaginable for a carry-on.  The idea of taking clothes up there and leaving them so that I wouldn't have to have a suitcase fell apart.  I have a quilt for our bed and multiple projects to work on along with gifts for a niece and nephew.  It's a crazy early morning departure once again.  By 4:15, we've left the house for the airport run.  The car had to be dropped in long-term and then security lines before we finally board the flight at 7.  WOW.  One good thing - the sunrise as we're leaving the metroplex.