Saturday, January 28, 2023

Montana Winter Trip 2023 - Week Three

Week three begins on Saturday with breakfast out.  Mom suggested a new spot in Bigfork called The Stage Stop and it was very good.  Loved our food and hope this little place does well in the future.

Once we are satiated, it's onto Kalispell for some shopping at Penney's, Cabela's, Ulta, Costco, and Harbor Freight.  While we do not have much sunshine, the view during the drive is lovely.

On the way back - SUNSHINE!!!

The lake is even visible today --- wow.  We truly have been in the clouds for days.

After our outing, I sewed for a bit and Mister went to the garage to work on some things he bought to organize a bit more.  While out there, he called me to come look and several deer just walked right past him and into the yard where there is a bit of open grass.  Love it.

We all made a stir fry for dinner and followed that up with an old movie - The Sting.

1/22 Breakfast out two days in a row!!  We are off to Echo Lake Cafe to meet up with Jill and Avrielle.

What a wonderful time had by all and I was so stuffed by the time we left.  Oh my.  In fact, I rarely take food home with me, but this time I did and Mister will get it tomorrow morning. (There are four generations in the picture - just not in a direct line.)

The afternoon had more education moments on how to use Mom's new phone and then ---- SNOW!!

1/23 - Just a little proof that I am indeed sewing.  I've made a delightful mess all over the den.

Jill came down for a visit and Uncle didn't take long to get a baby to himself.

Is there anything better than feeding a little one?  She had mouth surgery yesterday and we are all in awe of how well she is doing today.  What a champ.

Love watching these moments.  Mommy trying to make a smile happen.

Did it work?  Not exactly, but she really did lock her gaze upon her mommy.

Another afternoon visitor, even after new snow.

1/24  It's a stay home day.  Mister is working and I am just chatting with Mom and sewing.  Cass called and I was blessed to visit with her for over an hour.  Oh how I treasure these moments.  Her girls are selling GS cookies and so that was asked as well.  Of course we will buy.  Earlier in the week we planned for dinner out with Jill and family, but as I went to start the car, I discovered that it was dead.  Yay! Some light had been left on and thus punting occurred.  I called Joe and had him bring down a charger, called Jill to come and pick us up, and still managed to get to Andy's Crafthouse for dinner.  All will be well with the car.  I have faith.

My sweet love is taking the pic.

After the return home, the car started right up.  Yes!

1/25 - Some sewing in the morning, then to doctor with mom in afternoon.  Grocery store after and then home.  Watched Saving Mr. Banks with Mom for evening entertainment.  No pictures.

1/26 - Another trip into Kalispell with Mom.  Our list of errands is gets a few check marks first (post office and thrift store), then her eye appointment.  She got a mix of good and bad news and then ordered new glasses.  Trying on the different frames was entertaining.  She can't see what she looks like, so she would try one on and I'd take her picture.  Then she would put her regular glasses back on and look at the pic.  These are NOT the glasses she chose, but how fun are they?  The sunglasses have a magnet that attaches them to the glasses in just a second.  I may look these up next June.  More errands (Spectrum and Costco) before heading back home.  

Mister and I took an hour and went down to Bonfire for a beer and appetizer.  YUM!  We will definitely make a return trip next visit.

The evening ended with another movie - The Devil Wears Prada.

1/27 - It's our last full day here and guess what is happening?  We wake to snow and a crazy forecast.  Of course this is happening.  We have to leave tomorrow and Montana does not like us to go.  It sure feels that way, at least. 

Might as well collect a few snowflakes on the hair.  They are HUGE and so beautiful.

Jill makes one last trip down to visit and we have such a nice time before she has to go and I have to give up holding the little one.  Oh these moments are sheer bliss.  Lucky for Gammy - she gets to continue this quite often.

Almost time to go and Uncle is shoveling the way for her to get out.  Jill and Avrielle have matching hats - check it out.  So, so cute.

One for the books - memory making and documenting must take place.  

Now the work begins.  We have to start breaking down the rooms we have set up in.  Mister does the office, while I work on the den and we both tackle the bedroom.  Sis and Joe stop down for a visit (no pics, drat) and before we know it, we have to get to bed as we depart the house at 3:15 a.m. for the airport.  Tomorrow will be a very long day.  Good-byes are said and it's always hard, but it won't be long before a return trip.  It's not the best picture, but, it'll hold me for awhile.

1/28  It's Fly Day!  We leave Mom's at 3:15 a.m. and are in our house at 3:15 p.m. Texas time.  Eleven hours later.  Goodness.  That included a stop for food once we landed in Dallas and a Costco run for food at home.  Not too many pictures today - movies in flight included See How They Run and The Good Liar.

Leaving Salt Lake - here comes the sunrise.  In SLC, we literally walked off the plane, almost rant 9 gates, and walked onto the next plane.  Not even time for a potty break.  Second pic is arriving in Dallas.  WHERE IS THE SUN???  I may cry.  Everything goes smooth with catching the shuttle to the car and picking it up.  Now for some food.  We are starving.  Asian Mint will do quite nicely.

When we leave the restaurant, I'm a much happier person.  The sun is out and the temp is up.  That's much better.  Home to unpack and get our house running again, then relax and take it easy for the evening.  It's been a great trip and we've enjoyed it all.  Onto the next adventure.

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