Friday, January 13, 2023

Montana Winter Trip 2023 - Week One

 And away we go.  We are off to Montana for three weeks with Mom and I have the heaviest suitcase imaginable for a carry-on.  The idea of taking clothes up there and leaving them so that I wouldn't have to have a suitcase fell apart.  I have a quilt for our bed and multiple projects to work on along with gifts for a niece and nephew.  It's a crazy early morning departure once again.  By 4:15, we've left the house for the airport run.  The car had to be dropped in long-term and then security lines before we finally board the flight at 7.  WOW.  One good thing - the sunrise as we're leaving the metroplex. 

At any rate --- we are boarded and ready to go bright and early today.  Come along on our journey this week.  I'll share the highlights and perhaps a funny or two along the way.  Settling in to watch a movie (Matchstick Men), we make our way to Minneapolis.

A layover in Minneapolis is next.  It's a bit chilly here - 1 degree and even though we don't leave the airport, the jet bridge is FREEZING.  Wanting to stretch our legs, we walk the mall at the airport and I manage to spot a quilt exhibit - I know, it's a talent.  If you wish to check them out, here is the LINK to the separate post I did.  We grab a quick snack and it's up, up, and away for the second leg.

Kalispell is up next and the pilot tells us that if we wanted to land RIGHT now we would not be able to.  Apparently, there is intense fog ahead.  It's so beautiful outside as we pass over the mountains.  I've settled in with a second movie (Now You See Me) and the trip goes quick.

As we near our destination, the fog is still pretty thick, two hours later.  It must have been dreadful earlier.  Oh, you don't see it?  Look down to the ground - that's what those big white patches are.

As we descend, we are in it and the wing almost disappears.

It's an smooth landing and we are picked up by my sister and brother-in-law to begin the road trip down to the the lake.  Yep, there is a house in this picture.

Ah, arrival.  Hugs all around and Mister's first order of business is to get Mom's new phone up and running.  It's looking a little silly on her end table by her chair, but one step at a time.

1/8  Good morning.  A test run with the totes mom picked up for packing away Christmas.  The Santas fit but we will definitely need more than the three totes Mom already picked up.

A trip into Kalispell with Mister and Mom.  We have a list:  Wal-Mart for totes, Mister razor, shower head.  Went to Costco for lunch and checked for a few more items but no luck.  Stopped at Lowes for ceiling fan, rechargeable batteries, and an ornament organizer for mom.  Back to the house. 

Yesterday's fog was a freezing one and the trees are left with hoar frost.  It's just so pretty.

Not much sun to be seen, though.  Way to the south, it is trying to peek through.

 Back to the house.  Dinner for Jill, Brock and kids tonight.  That means baby time too.

Pictures and moments to treasure.

I could hold this one all night.

Meanwhile, Uncle is keeping Greyson in smiles.

We have such a nice visit and a simple Costco dinner of Lasagna, salad, and bread.  It worked.

1/9  It's a work day.  Taking down Christmas and starting to pack into totes.  We will still need more as there are still boxes in the garage that we haven't even gotten to yet.

1/10 - Up and going into town to take Bailey to vet.  A light dusting last night has Mister prepping the driveway for us. 

 We got there and an opening for later in the day that wouldn't be "urgent care" happened so a stop at the grocery store and then back home.  Went back in at 2 for appointment, blood drawn and meds.  A second stop at the store and back to the house.  I got a kick out of the med bag.

Brought in the rests of the boxes from the garage to go through and add to the totes.  I need more totes, but we have definitely made progress.

1/11 - Into town in morning and back to Wal-Mart for more totes and Mom picked up some new cushions for the table chairs.  McDonalds lunch in the doctor parking lot while waiting for appointment time.  Saw doctor and then a stop at Rosauers for meat we saw on sale in an ad in the doctor waiting room.  Home and made a pot of soup - invited Jill down for dinner as she's home alone with Avrielle while Brock is out of town and Greyson spending time with Gma.

We had visitors in the afternoon.  By the time I got my camera, the others had gone around to the side of the house.

An accidental bump on the window got her attention.

Jill and Avrielle arrive and this little one is just so sweet.  Pictures are the window to the memories and I'm so thankful to have these.

1/12  All the totes filled and put away in garage.  Discovered wrapping paper, bags and bows that need something done with them.  Mister to the dump and I loaded up stuff for the thrift store and headed up to Jill's to ride along into town to pick up Greyson.  We stopped to get a wrapping paper container for mom, grabbed coffee and chatted in the school parking lot while waiting for Greyson.   After - drop at thrift store, stop at grocery store to get ingredients to make dish Mom found on Facebook.  Home to cook dinner and then back to Jill's to help with bath and bedtime.  Brock home tomorrow.  (Mister's fancy "going-to-the-dump" shoe covers.)

While up at Jill's,  Avrielle's 1 month pic is taken and then shortly after, her first accident shortly after.  Just a big brother running like a 2 year old does.  All is good.  Jill's cat, Apricot, has found a warm spot to lay, but it WILL get really warm soon.

Snuggle time while Jill gets Greyson down to sleep.

Apricot has moved and is now my best buddy as well.

On the way home, a trip through Bigfork to see the lights in the village.

1/13 Back to Bigfork to mail life alert and stop at grocery store again.  I took pictures to follow up on this and make sure Mom's account gets credit.

After a day at home, we went to A-Bar for dinner and it was fabulous.

A second trip through town so Mister could see the lights and we had to stop for deer cruising through town.  That's the end of our first week.  Loving being in Montana and enjoying family.  See ya next week.

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