Friday, July 15, 2022

H & Z Are Here!! Days 1, 2, and 3

 It's been a minute since grands have been here for "summer camp" and I have missed it so very  much.  Fortunately, this year, some are back.  Let the stories begin.  Hyrum and Zyra are arriving this morning and I'm cruising along getting ready to leave the house when I get notification that their flight is 20 minutes early.  WTW??  Now, I'm racing and using every toll road I can to speed things up.  As I pull into the parking lot, I make the decision to just take my ID and phone in.  Faster through security, right?  Well, things go super smooth with the ticket counter AND security and I get there just a few minutes after the plane (briefly run into my son-in-laws mom as she was on the same flight, but that's another story) and discover the kids are not at the gate.  Neither is a gate agent.  Since there wasn't a gate agent, the attendants kept them on the plane until they were ready to leave and I was waiting.  Woohoo!!!  I have them safely in tow and a pic for Mom and Dad proves it.

A stop at Subway and I add my credit card to my back pocket along with my ID and soon have sandwiches for all to take home and share with Grandpa.  Only one problem - no phone.  What???  I had it at Subway for sure so back I go.  Yep -- keep in mind that I've only had this phone for less than a week.  Back to the house I go.  Goodness, I'm a hot mess.

Once Mister is off work, he has a suggestion for an activity and we soon find ourselves at the mall.  There is a new VR experience which is total immersion and you walk around during the scene.  I'm always game for something new.  We get right in and have just a few minutes to wait.  The kids are excited and I have to admit, I'm a little bit too.  Please let this be fun - cos it's pricey, for sure.

Peek-a-boo Grandpa - 

We are soon getting strapped in with monitors on our wrists and ankles along with backpacks and headsets.  At this point, I can't use my phone or camera anymore, so you're just going to have to believe me when I say IT WAS A BLAST.  I would do it again tomorrow.  So, so much fun.  Your mind really messes with you and makes it just that much more real.

A quick walk around the mall after to get some steps in --- I liked it, not sure the kids did but there are a few things to check out along the way.  Infinity towers --- they're cool.

We are at North Park Mall and the plants are crazy pretty right now --- look at this bloom.

That's pretty much the end of the first day.  It was a travel day and the kids are beat plus we are leaving super early in the morning for Abilene.  Their uncle, Louis (also my son-in-law), is retiring from the Air Force and all the fun begins tomorrow.  Gotta be there.

7/14   A 5 a.m. wake-up and we are on the road as quick as possible.  There is a schedule for today and we certainly don't want to be the ones to hold anything up.  If you wish to follow along with ALL that takes place, here is the Abilene Day 1 LINK.  This post will center on Hyrum, Zyra, Grandpa, and Gammy (that's me, lol.).

We are off to the base and, REMEMBER, the story above about my ID?  Well it comes into play here BIG TIME.  So, much fun.  At any rate, once on base, our first event is an in-person visit to the B1 Bombers.  We even get to go up into the cockpits.  There is protocol on what pictures we can share, but some of them are good so take a minute to enjoy.

A ton of information about the plane was shared with all.  Very cool.

Gammy and the grands - peek-a-boo Hyrum.

Just the grands - is Bekah cold?  It's about 105 degrees right now.

Ahh-- my charges for the week.

The non-human star of the show today - 

Waiting patiently for whatever comes next .

Lunch - that's what is next.  While at the BX Food Court, Zyra enters into a push-up competition.

Against Jared and she holds her own VERY well.

Hyrum and Josh give it a go as well.

THIS exchange just makes me happy.  I love the genuine happiness in both.

From lunch, we go to the AFE (Aircrew Flight Equipment) building for the chance to learn more about the job Louis did.  The kids have the chance to "harness" up and once it is on correctly, they CANNOT stand up straight.  

Into the chair for a feel of what it's like - no comfy at all.

We saw sooo  much more and the link above will let you see all of it.  Part of what we did was fly simulators and Zyra kept proclaiming, "I did a barrel roll."  They had a great time.

Next up - bowling.  A nice way to end the day and then H&Z decide to stay with the cousins for more fun throughout the night.  Grandpa and I are DONE and head for our little AirBNB.

7/15 - We arrive to find kids in the pool.  Seems like the perfect way to start the day.  Grandpa got some FABULOUS pictures - so I'll just let you enjoy.

Jen and I have run errands and now it's time for all to get ready for the ceremony this afternoon.  Aunt Jenny gets the chance to play with hair and make Zyra happy all at the same time.

Lunch for all - 

Ceremony time.  (Again, the link above has a ton here)

Cousin after-party.  Drinking the hard stuff.

Outside parking lot games after dinner while waiting to take group pictures.

All family here (except Grandpa and I) - we're taking the pics.

Late night swimming ensues once back at the house.  Even Grandpa gets in on the fun - and, that's about it for today.  Grands are opting to stay with cousins again tonight so we're out of here and will pick them up in the morning.

Abilene Day 2 - Retirement Ceremony and Family Time

 It's Day 2 in Abilene and the celebration will continue and peak today.  Sooo much to do and then --- bask in the day.  

Mister and I get started with a trip to a new-to-us coffee shop.  Mezamiz was fabulous and here is the LINK to the spotlight post I did.  OMG --- I would so hang out here for various events and just chill time as well.

Mezamiz Coffee Shop - Abilene

I haven't spotlighted a coffee shop in awhile and I simply LOVED this place.  

Mezamiz is located in The Cloisters Courtyard Shops in Abilene, TX.  If you are there or going there -- put it on your list - it is definitely worth the stop.  Come take a peek along with me.  

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Out to Abilene - Retirement for Louis ---- Day 1

 With two grands in tow, we are out of the house bright and early and heading to Abilene.  Our son-in-law in retiring from the military and his ceremony is this week.  So many fun things are planned for those attending and I'm super excited.  Two sleepy kids?  Well, maybe not so much ---- yet.  They will be once we arrive and the fun begins.

A quick stop at Jen's and we are all on our way to the base.  Entrance is not without it's issues, but everyone gets through and we are soon on our way to the B1's.  Louis spent his career as a navigator on this huge plane and we are about to see it first hand.  His squadron is the BATS and the first thing that greets us is the batmobile.  Gotta laugh.

Without wasting any time at all, we are onto the tarmac and heading for the plane.  It's dang hot, but no one really cares as this is pretty cool.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Out and About - Zoo and East Texas

A holiday weekend and a need to get out and about for for a bit has this day off to a good start.  Mister snagged tickets to Member Morning at the zoo and today's first interaction is with the gorillas.  Enjoy these pics and I'll continue typing below.