Sunday, June 12, 2022

Texas Weekend - Just Us Two

 It is the 11th of June and I am home with my sweetheart.  That seems to be a rare moment right now so we are getting him out of the house and exploring our state and city a bit this weekend.  Hitting the road bright and early, our first stop is in Lucas, TX for coffee.  Cream and Sugar fills the need but we take them to go today.

Cartier at the DMA

 While I was in Montana, I mentioned to Mister that I would like to see the Cartier exhibit at the DMA upon my return.  Today -- it's on the agenda.  We have 11:00 a.m. tickets and I'm super excited.  The exhibit is entitled "Cartier and Islamic Art" - elaborating on the way the two are interconnected at times.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Visiting Mom in Montana - Part 2

 Welcome to June in Montana.  Yep, I'm still here and still clicking things off lists.  Today is a definite go, go, gophers type.  I am making banana bread today as there are some bananas beyond the point of eating.  Turns out there are not quite enough for the bread, though, so I find some that my sweetheart put in the freezer last time he was here.  While they thaw, I might as well clean a drawer and cupboard out.  Doesn't that make sense?  One of the items I find in mom's spice cupboard is a can of parsley flakes --- an old McCormick one.  It has to be at least 45 years old and date back to when we had the Woods Bay Market because it has a stamped price on the bottom.   BEFORE stickers and lightyears before UPC codes.  It says 19¢.  Hahaha.  By the time the two spaces are clean, I get the bread mixed and into the oven.  Now to go out back and spray paint mom's tables.  Yep, I'm a jack of all trades today.  I'm in and out several times between coats and manage to take Bailey for a walk before the bread is done.  The house smells heavenly and, well, gotta admit this looks pretty good as well.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Visiting Mom in Montana

 Howdy, howdy Y'all.  It feels like I just got home and I'm off again.  It's the 23rd of May and I'm heading to Montana with a very early morning, rainy send-off.  

Might as well watch something long that I haven't seen before.  Dune is it and I have to admit I really liked it.  It's certainly set up for a sequel, but aren't most movies these days?  A few peeks out the window now and then

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Happy 64 to Me!

 Another year in my life has passed by and I'm into my 65th year with all the changes that brings.  The "birthday season" is limited this year as we just returned home from Montana and I leave again tomorrow.  I'm enjoying each moment, though and thought I'd share some of my joy with y'all.

Mom sent me home with money and I took advantage of shopping with Mister, bringing home a couple of skorts and three shirts.  Bring on summer.

The mail has brought some treats - 

My actual birthday arrives and I am greeted by a coffee treat in bed.  My sweet love went out and bought this just for me.

Video phone calls are the BEST!!!

Mister's treat for tonight is tickets to the symphony at the Arboretum.  I cannot thank him enough for this wonderful, romantic evening.

Even with changing weather, we enjoyed every minute.

As evening comes, the place is magical and the music divine.  I am simply in heaven.

Heading to retreat the next day, more treasures came my way.  I am so thankful for friends and family that share the love.  Happy Birthday to Me.  Bring on 65.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Red Hat Fun


I FINALLY have another opportunity to meet up with the Red Hat ladies today.  Conflicts seem to arise with a regular frequency, but I have high hope for 2023 when my schedule changes a bit.  At any rate, today we are meeting at Chocolate Angel High Street, a tea room inside High Street Antiques.  It's a delightful place and PACKED.  Perhaps, because it is the Saturday before Easter, or perhaps because it's just awesome.  Let's find out.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Emergency Trip to Montana

 26th  - Mom is in the hospital and had open-heart surgery last night.  I'm heading to Montana in the wee hours this morning and met up with Jen at the airport.  It's nice to have her with me and I'm oh so thankful.  Times like this --- I may not be thinking straight, but she's keeping me calm.  Up, up, and away.