Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Emergency Trip to Montana

 26th  - Mom is in the hospital and had open-heart surgery last night.  I'm heading to Montana in the wee hours this morning and met up with Jen at the airport.  It's nice to have her with me and I'm oh so thankful.  Times like this --- I may not be thinking straight, but she's keeping me calm.  Up, up, and away.

A brief layover in Denver allows Jen to quickly grab some breakfast while I head for the gate to make sure we don't miss any information.

Over the mountains ---- looks cold out there.

We manage to get to the hospital right after noon and are able to see Mom right away.  She is alert, cute, and lovie but also on a lot of pain killers.  After several hours, we break away to let others visit and grab lunch from the coffee shop.  Yep, livin' the life here.

Back to Mom's room in ICU and I tease her about the oxygen monitor on her finger.  It reminds me of E.T. phone home.

The rest of the afternoon is spent with Mom, with visiting hours ending at 6 and we are booted out.  On the way home, I call my niece for a stop-by so Jen can see Greyson.  He's getting so big and she hasn't seen him before.  They treat us to a home-cooked meal and I am most thankful.

Finally, down to Woods Bay and into the house to spend some time with Bailey for the evening.  I am beat and ready for some rest - I really don't want to relapse and get my mother sick.  Poor Bailey just doesn't know what is going on.  Where is his lady? 

27th - It's another hospital day, but believe it or not, she is out of ICU late in the afternoon and has this new view.

Jen and I head down to the house once she is moved and take a small break.  Then back to the hospital for the evening since visiting hours are until 8 on this floor and Jen is leaving early in the morning.  She has great nurses and they work with us to get her hair washed in the most interesting way.  Jen is able to do this for her and it makes Mom feel almost human again.

28th - Making a VERY early morning run to take Jen to the airport, I'm back home by 6 a.m. and catching a few more ZZZ's.  Then, I'm off to the hospital again for another day with Mom.  

29th - Another day at the hospital.  I wish I had more, but I just don't.  By the time I get back home, it's after 7 and I have visitors in the backyard.

30th - The entire day is spent at the hospital, and is crazy frustrating.  We have the worst nurse imaginable and my sister has named her "Nurse Ratchet."  UGH.  It makes a bad situation even worse and I even have to leave the room today as I don't wish to yell at the woman.  Here's hoping she's not our nurse again tomorrow.

Add to this --- troubles determining the next step for Mom's care seems to have us all a bit tense.

31st - I'm staying home for the first half of today as I've hired a cleaning crew to work on Mom's house.  They are a whirlwind and while they clean, I wash anything even remotely fabric oriented.  The washer and dryer are going solid.  In all fairness, I've been doing this each evening as well.  All bedding, towels, rugs, curtains, etc.  If it can be washed - it gets washed.

One of the many continuing issues with Mom is diet.  The hospital just won't do what the doctor says.  TWO different doctors have cleared her to eat whatever she wants and this is an example of what she gets.  The doctors are pushing protein and they don't care how she gets it --- the dietician feels different, but NO protein won't help her heal.  So frustrating.

4/1 - Well, its the first of the month and I feel as though I've been hit with a Mack truck.  The day DID start out well as I finally managed to get Mom's diet fixed.  It was a brief moment of joy, however, as we moved Mom to a skilled nursing facility this afternoon and NOTHING went well.  I am literally heartbroken and bawled my eyes out all the way back to Woods Bay, including during the stop at a hardware store to have keys made.  Mister convinces me to stop at Sip of Montana and I am pretty sure the men in there didn't appreciate it.  However, a phone call from a dear friend lifts my heart and the beer doesn't hurt either.  This is dinner tonight.  Then, some sleep and a new attitude for tomorrow needs to happen.  I will get it together, I promise.

4/2 - Waking to snow -- it seems as though a renewal has taken place.  I'm up and ready to face whatever issues we have getting Mom re-situated today.  She MUST be moved and we are determined to make it happen.

Just a little farewell to start my day.  We DO get Mom into another room and things are so much better today.  I have a better attitude and that seems to be helping.  Lots of love and visits/calls from family today, so everyone is doing better.  Mom will be in the skilled nursing facility until Easter Sunday if all goes well.  That is the day Mister and I return to Texas and hope to take her home.  For now, though, I'm still here and getting more done each day.

4/3 - This morning I'm off to the hospital and taking Bailey with me so they can both relax together for a bit.  I stay there with him until early afternoon, when Sis takes her shift.  

It's almost dusk by the time my second trip into the facility has ended.  Just a brief glance at my surroundings as I drive home tonight.  Seems comforting.

4/4 - This is my last full day here and I'm spending as much with Mom as I can.  We've paid her bills and walked and figured out food and talked and worked on hygiene and made all kinds of progress.  I'm super sad to be leaving, but she has a list of what she needs to do in order for me to bust her out on the 17th when I return.  It'll happen.  I have faith

4/5 - Another wee morning hour drive and I'm heading home.  It's a bit chilly here and the wings have snow on them so we need to take the time to de-ice.  It's the first time I've ever tried to take pictures while this happens, but it's also the first time I've had the perfect vantage point to do so.

This next picture just makes me smile.  Not because of what he is doing, but because it's a decent picture.

Ta-ta Montana --- I'll see you again in about 12 days.

Ahhhhh -  above the clouds

Simply beautiful.

Back in Texas and my friend, Stephannie, picks me up and delivers me home to my sweetheart.  I'm ready to be home for a few days, but have a TON to do to get ready for retreat.  Then it's back to Montana for a couple more weeks.  See ya then.

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