Thursday, June 9, 2022

Visiting Mom in Montana - Part 2

 Welcome to June in Montana.  Yep, I'm still here and still clicking things off lists.  Today is a definite go, go, gophers type.  I am making banana bread today as there are some bananas beyond the point of eating.  Turns out there are not quite enough for the bread, though, so I find some that my sweetheart put in the freezer last time he was here.  While they thaw, I might as well clean a drawer and cupboard out.  Doesn't that make sense?  One of the items I find in mom's spice cupboard is a can of parsley flakes --- an old McCormick one.  It has to be at least 45 years old and date back to when we had the Woods Bay Market because it has a stamped price on the bottom.   BEFORE stickers and lightyears before UPC codes.  It says 19¢.  Hahaha.  By the time the two spaces are clean, I get the bread mixed and into the oven.  Now to go out back and spray paint mom's tables.  Yep, I'm a jack of all trades today.  I'm in and out several times between coats and manage to take Bailey for a walk before the bread is done.  The house smells heavenly and, well, gotta admit this looks pretty good as well.

Now to get dressed and off we go to Kalispell for Mom's rehab appointment.  Sis and I visit Hobby Lobby and Costco after dropping her off and get a few necessary items.  Then, it's back to the house for fun and games.  I notice that the mushroom that looked like a ball the other day is open now.  It's a true toadstool and I want to see a gnome running around.

The tables are dry so I pot the geranium and then put all plants back in place.

The front porch even has a pretty that I found while at Costco.

I'm beat, but still need to keep going.  I'm off to my nieces house to sandwich a quilt that needs to be finished.  I get to visit with her while working and soon have this ready to move onto the next step.  At this point, I'm done for the day and heading home.  One tired girl.

2nd -   Starting the day out right with words to live by.

It's kind of a "me" day.  I have plans to meet up with a friend in town, but since I left a bit early I have some time to check out the dock and just breathe.

A stop at the brewery (no, it's not open, but has great views) allows me another chance to just enhance the magic in the soul.

I meet up with Barb at the coffee shop in Bigfork and we are off to Harry Horn's and some gentle hiking.  Wild lupin are everywhere - 

We walk and walk and stop and talk and walk and walk and stop and talk and just enjoy the whole process.  THIS is the ultimate destination and oh how glorious it is.

The trip back is more of the same and just such a fun time.  It's been grand to see her again and we're going to try and not wait 35 years for a repeat.

Right after I return home, Mom gets flowers from Jen.

Simply, lovely.

Sis calls and there is a package up at the mailbox so I'm off on another hike up to her place, visit for awhile and head back down.  Along the trail, a flowering crab is in full glory.

As I cross the neighbors yard, they come out to say hi and I meet them.  They bought the house and are redoing the whole interior so offer to show me around with the changes.  It's going to be wonderful and they are so very nice.

A walk with Bailey after that and I'm pretty much done for today, but it's been quite enjoyable.

3rd -  Today I have to quilt so I set up in the morning and get going.

A break after I'm halfway there to take Mom to rehab.  While in town, we stop and get some more plants for her yard and I am able to grab a few things at Costco, once again, while she has her session.  

The new plants get added to the patio and front porch.  There are two of the purple/white one and one of the pinks.  

Then it's back to the machine and my quilt is ready for the binding to be hand-stitched down.

After a VERY busy day with sore shoulders and back, I'm ready to end the day with a treat I found at Costco.

4th -  A stay-at-home day is ahead that's all good.  I have handwork to do on my quilt and the rain is sporadic throughout the day.  Mom forgets that it is Saturday and walks down to get her paper.  There's only one thing to do when the paper doesn't exist --- smell the lilacs.

In the evening, we decide to go and have dinner at Riley's Pub -- out front is an absolutely gorgeous white lilac bush.  OMG.

It is only the second night for Riley's (under new ownership) to be open this year.  No problem getting in.

Oh so yummy.

As we leave --- a view of the lake.

Mom's yard is really starting to bloom - Snow In Summer - 

The first iris - 

Peonies getting a start - 

5th -  So - the rain just keeps on coming.  However, I'm peeking out now and then and we have visitors next door.  They were in our yard earlier but I frightened them off.  As I watch, I've seen both of them, but one hasn't noticed me yet.

Oh, now she sees me.

A little closer - 

Mom is off for the Sunday paper -- this time she will be successful.

Picture time --- notice how wet the deck is behind me.  It WON'T stop raining.

Jill and Grayson stop down for a visit and Gammy has a wonderful drink --- psst, it's Diet Pepsi.

6th - I give up.  I have to mail my quilt to Utah today so it's getting a picture even if it gets wet.

The trip to town included dropping Mom at rehab, a stop at Penney's to return a couple of items and up to Ross for sheets to match quilt.  All in all, a productive hour with my sister (who also found some new jeans).  Back to Bigfork and a stop at UPS to send off O's gift.  Yes!!!  Lower stress today.  The other day I spotted something in town and want to get a picture of it so a quick stop ensues.

7th - The morning starts with some sewing and just general quiet time around the house.  Sis and Joe call asking if we want to go to lunch with them and, naturally, I'm ready.  Before departing, I'm loving the way the front yard is looking.

We go into Bigfork and have a really nice lunch at The Grateful Bread.  No pictures - what is wrong with me?  Upon our return, I notice the gorgeous lilacs next to my sister's house.  They fully open and many bushes are not, as of yet.

Taking Bailey for a walk, I see some more gorgeous, natural beauty.

THIS --- is new to me.    There is a really dark lilac bush on the right and a lavender colored one on the left.

They must have decided to have a child ---- this is the bush in the middle.  How cool is this?

8th - Well --- it's my last day up here and I have a list a mile long of things to do.  Might as well get out of bed and get going.  First thing:  strip two beds and remake them, then get the laundry going.  While the first load is washing, I've got chicken cooking on the stove so that I can refill Bailey's stock in the freezer.  I've refilled Mom's pills and started packing up stuff.  By noon, the laundry is done as is the chicken.  We are off to another rehab session where I drop Mom and stop at Costco and a quilt shop.  Returning to pick her up ---- there are new flowers out front:

We decide to stop at the grocery store on the way home and then make an additional stop at my niece's house.  As we pull up, there is this little buck watching us:

As I walk closer, I discover a sister in the background.

My great-nephew had a bit of trauma last night as he was hit with a baseball bat and had to have some stitches in his forehead, so we stop off with a push-up pop from the grocery store.

My Momma and my niece - 

So much love for this chick --- happy to be her aunt.

From there it's back home and I gather all the trash up for a dump run, return home and mow the lawn for Mom.  Whew ---- now to cook dinner.  Along the way I need to pick up something at the little, local store my parents used to own and so stop at Sis' house to say good-bye.  Hugs to all and I'll see you again later in summer.

Last things for tonight --- I finish up the embroidery on a family pillow (had a couple names to add as I'm a bit behind, but now I'm ahead) and also complete the book I've been reading each evening before bed.  That's it though --- time to sleep as I fly EARLY tomorrow morning.  (post continues)

9th -  Well, hello 3:45 a.m.  I'm out of the house before 4 and the first thing I run into is a temporary traffic stop.  They are working on the highway between Bigfork and Woods Bay during the nights and it's paving time.

Fortunately, it doesn't take long and I'm on my way once again.  Arriving at the airport, MORE changes have occurred.  The ENTIRE security entrance is different and here's a glimpse of the temporary gates near baggage and how close they are to the entrance, which is right behind me.

Walking out to the plane - yep it's a WALK - I notice the sunrise residue - so pretty.  It's 5:15 a.m. and almost light.  Welcome to the north in spring/summer.

Boarded with a window seat - 

And away we go ----- Just enjoy the pics

Turning - 

It's kinda eerie, right?

Here comes the sun.

Oooh, that looks like Flathead Lake.  I've never flown out OVER the lake before.

Hey Mom ---- Waving as I go by.

And that's it!  I settle in to watch The Tourist for the remaining time on the flight.  As we get near to Salt Lake -- a few quick pics.

I have a SUPER short layover - we're talking 10 minutes before I board and I am ever so thankful that I don't have to take the "hike."  Up, up, and away again.  Back to movies - I FINISH the Tourist as the last flight was only 1 1/2 hours and I needed about 20 more minutes.  Once that finishes, I watch Ocean's Eight and then an episode of Friends.  All in all -- made the flight go quick.

Hello Texas - Oops - where did you go?

There you are.

Mister picks me up from the airport and it's home to just fall in a chair for the afternoon. Another movie and dinner out ends my day.  (Psst - it didn't go well.)  That's it.  I'm home and ready for the next event - I think.

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