Friday, October 15, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 7 Heading Home

 Oh  man --- our last day has arrived.  I'm really bummed as this has been such an amazing week together.  My sweetheart is super relaxed and that is wonderful to see.  Rising early again, we break down the bedroom before hitting the beach for our last sunrise walk.  Here's to hoping she doesn't disappoint.  First color shows up AND a little crab stops to say hi as well.  It's a great beginning to our ending.  It's REALLY dark this morning and as the color starts, it almost looks ominous.  Follow along with our walk down the beach and the color changes we enjoy.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 6

 It's our last full day at the beach and we are staying put to enjoy every minute of it.  Rising before dark to walk and see the sunrise, Mister locates a tarp that was left in the sand and goes about trying to get it to the trash.  He is unsuccessful, though, as it is really covered with wet sand.  Maybe it will loose more today when the tide goes back down.  Not long after we are out, a bit of color begins.  It's gonna be another glorious sunrise.  Seriously.  Just follow the glory with me - 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 5 More Exploring

 I woke super early today and Mister hasn't moved, so I go quietly out to the deck to watch the sunrise.  Since I'm alone, I'm limiting myself to the beach right in front of the house and not walking too far.  There are just too many crazy tales -- you know what I mean.  The moment the color begins, I'm in awe.  This is going to be beautiful today.  Part of me thinks I should wake my sweetie, but this is his vacation.  Just enjoy the splendor.  I tried to bring it home with me.  This is round one.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 4 Exploring a Bit

 It's time to make the donuts.  Hahahaha.  That's kind of how it feels when one is up and dressed and out wandering when it is still oh so dark out.  However, the best part is that some of the other creatures are also still out from their evening forays and that gives us a chance to say howdy.  Hey there little one.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 3

 A storm hit this morning, but I slept right through it.  Mister said it was a whopper.  I guess all this beach walking is good exercise and my body is resting well.  At any rate, no wonderful walk this morning as it is still gently raining.  One peek outside and then back to bed for a bit.

An hour or so later, it's light, but still no sun and still gently raining.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation -Day 2 - Our Anniversary

 Happy Anniversary to US!  It's been 11 years since this sweet man took me on and has showered me with love and nurturing.  Words do no adequately express how much I adore him.  Mister, you are the BEST!

Okay, back to the present.  We decided months ago to spend our anniversary on the beach - just the two of us.  It's a new concept, but we're giving it our best.  

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 1

Yippee!!  The much anticipated day has arrived.  We are off to the beach for six glorious days (seven if you count travel days) and I think we have taken all needs into consideration.  We'll soon find out.  Naturally, Mister is trying to do something with the overgrown basil before we leave.  The laundry room will smell amazing while we are gone.  Hahahaha.  It is almost 8, the car is loaded, and we are out the door.