Friday, July 3, 2020

Arboretum Walking, COVID Style

Timed entries.  That is the new thing.  Once upon a time we could just go walk in the gardens.  We weren't really close to anyone and fresh air surrounded us.  Now, it's a timed entry and lots of "keep aways."  At any rate, Mister has a three day weekend and this is our first stop.  We are calling it the COVID weekend --- sooooo tired of being cooped up. 

At the Arboretum, new sculptures dot the landscape and as it is summer, the floral wonders are not as extreme as in spring.  Therefore, sculptures are the share for today --- with a few plant pretties thrown in for good measure. 

The artist is Seward Johnson and the collection is "Celebrating the Familiar."  Follow along - and smile.  I know I did.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

COVID Zoo Experience

The Dallas Zoo, one of our favorite spots to go weekend walking, re-opened a several weeks ago and we had to wait until now as all spots are reservation only now.  Ours is at 8 a.m. today and I'm ready for some walking.  All of the inside buildings are still closed except restrooms and even the vending machines are roped off in areas.  At least we don't have to wear masks unless interacting with the animals.  It's warm out and I don't think I'd enjoy any part of this if that was required as well.  Thank goodness for outdoor air.

The penguins are bathing and it's so fun to watch.  We've never seen this type of fun behavior before as they splash and play.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Ennis Bluebonnets - Pandemic Style - Round Two

My sweetheart want to do a repeat trip down to Ennis this morning as the sun is shining and he's hoping for better pictures.  We are up and out very early, but when we arrive we discover that all the rain this past week has caused the grass to grow about a foot and the bluebonnets are crazy hard to see.  Drat.  We still drive around and enjoy the time out of the city and have a great little coffee/biscotti stop overlooking the swan pond.  Enjoy the pics --- no commentary except to say that if you look close, you can still barely see the patches of blue.  Silly grass.  We made it back into Dallas right before another storm hits.  Oh hey, do you see the moon?

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ennis Bluebonnets - Pandemic Style

I have a bad case of cabin fever and eve though we have been walking in the neighborhood, I just need to get out and see something beautiful.  I've made coffee to take along with some slices of banana bread.  A bottle of water and some oranges are added to the bag "just in case."  We have a full tank of gas and went to the restroom before leaving.  We should be good for 3-4 hours right?

Ennis is the destination as I'm hoping at least a few of the bluebonnets are out and my heart can bask in their beauty.  It's not really very far from Dallas and although there are other cars on the road, it's NOTHING like a normal Saturday in the city.  Using an old Bluebonnet Trails map, we turn off for the upper loop and within moments spot these fun friends.  They are just as interested in us as we are in them.  Soooo fun.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Naan Bread -- First Time and Love It!

I LOVE to be in the kitchen and baking/desserts are my absolute favorite thing to work on.  What I don't like is the mess so I try and make a day of it when I'm going to be in there.  Why make that mess more often?  Today, I have put two loaves of English Muffin bread off to rise (I've done a post on it in the past here is your LINK), have Oatmeal Raisin cookies mixed, and put four small panna cottas into the refrigerator.  Now, I'm moving onto Naan bread and this is a first for me.  That means I have to find a recipe to use as a base, make it once, and then start my own adjustments.  The one I've selected is from  I'm not doing a pictorial of the making of the dough as it is the same for any dough but I will share the recipe:

Sunday, March 1, 2020

More Weekend Fun - Greenville, Sulphur Springs, and BackStory Brewery

Weekends with my sweetheart are always unpredictable.  After coffee, we just start driving northeast.  There is not a destination in mind.  A simple Sunday drive.  Are we really that old?  I remember the joy my grandparents found in Sunday drives.  Oh my.

Staying on back roads, the wandering continues until a stop in Greenville.  I have to say, this town is struggling and that is putting it mildly.  However, I just have to get a closer look at this church.  Unfortunately, even though it is Sunday, no one is around and it doesn't appear to have had services today.  Drat.

Weekend Fun - Pink Coffee

Every so often we want out of the house bright and early and have a desire to discover a new coffee shop.  Today we are off to Pink Coffee in Garland and from the minute we drive up, we understand the name.  Goodness --- this a TON of pink.  Yes, you can get into the carriage and take pictures with the giant pink bunny.  Wow.