Saturday, June 13, 2020

COVID Zoo Experience

The Dallas Zoo, one of our favorite spots to go weekend walking, re-opened a several weeks ago and we had to wait until now as all spots are reservation only now.  Ours is at 8 a.m. today and I'm ready for some walking.  All of the inside buildings are still closed except restrooms and even the vending machines are roped off in areas.  At least we don't have to wear masks unless interacting with the animals.  It's warm out and I don't think I'd enjoy any part of this if that was required as well.  Thank goodness for outdoor air.

The penguins are bathing and it's so fun to watch.  We've never seen this type of fun behavior before as they splash and play.

From there, it's straight to the hippos but we spot the rare exhibit of a squirrel posing on a rock.  He's watching us, too, but never moves at all.

Ahhh, the hippos.  My heart is so happy at this moment.  I can pretend that the world has not gone mad and there is peace in watching giant animals swim around.  Simple, but true.  I am so surprised at how big Adanna has gotten.  That was fast.

She still likes to interact with people early in the morning and heads to the glass.  A quick run by me nets a couple of semi-good pictures because we can't get up to the window anymore.  Someone might touch it.  I feel so bad for the little kids as this used to be a joyful area and now they are behind barriers which block the view.

The zoo is now one way on the Gorilla Trail so we enter near the hippos and walk around to the gorillas, in the hopes of seeing how big the littles have gotten.  No littles, but the bachelor troop was in rare form and having a bit of a tussle and power play among themselves. 

A stop at the lions just as they have finished a training session and Bahati is being returned to the habitat.  Again, she's grown so much.

Now to see the new baby giraffe, Kendi.  So sweet.

 All of the giraffes are visiting close up today.

 Well, that's the end of our day on this side of the zoo.  No pictures were taken on the other side, but as we leave this area ---- the elephant sculptures with no children.  That's kind of sad and never before witnessed.

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