Sunday, January 12, 2020

Exploring Dallas - Teddy Bears!!!

It's been a very busy week here at home, but the sun is shining this afternoon and we are both tired of being in the house.  I heard about a park not too far away that I want to check out today.  It's right in Dallas -- well Highland Park, technically, but  . . .   The Lakeside Historic District!!  According to a marker in a rock nearby, "The Lakeside Historical District is a collection of early 20th century homes flanking Exall Lake and Turtle Creek between Beverly Drive and Wycliff.  Initially planned by Wilbur David Cook, Jr. and subsequently completed by George Kessler, Highland Park was promoted as 'The South's Finest Residence City.'  Many of the most prominent architects of the day designed homes here.  Its residents have played significant roles in the development of both Dallas and Texas."

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Strange Weather & A Backyard Visitor

It was 70 degrees out yesterday and today, well, we have snow this morning and the temperatures are dropping quick.  So strange how quickly it can change.

I heard tiny pelts hitting the window earlier and it was some frozen rain, but now we have flakes of snow.  If you look on the table you will see the entire accumulation.  Hahahahahaha

Yep, batten down the hatches.  It's a doosy.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Just Us Two Spending Time

Starting the year out right -- weekends with my love.  It's a member morning at the zoo and dang brisk out.  We'll go and give it a shot, but my hopes are not crazy high.

A little history on zoo to the left.  I think I've shared this before, but it's been years.

When we arrive, there is a penguin presentation which we listen to and learn several new things.  No pictures, though, because the windows were cloudy and too many people up close to where they were standing.  It was fun just to hear all about them.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 - A Year in Review

I'm 61 years old and looking back on another year of my life.  They certainly seem to go much faster than they did 50 years ago when I lived for Christmas and it took so very long to arrive each year.  I know the passage of time has remained the same, so why the perception of it flying by?  I'd love a bit of a slow down.  Please.

As Ellen would say, "Anyway . . . "  Let's get this post started.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Family Fun in Dallas w/Jen's

When we get to have time with family, I'm back to the old Momma, cleaning, shopping, planning everything around meals.  It's who I am and what I do.  Jen's family is arriving this afternoon and staying until Sunday around noon - all 7 of them.  Bekah is not coming, but their exchange student from the Netherlands is.  I am excited and a bit stressed to get everything done in time, but by 1, the house is clean, dinner is prepped, bread is rising, we are showered and dressed and heading to the zoo to meet up for some fun.

It's a great day out and Jen's first request is the hippos as she has not seen them yet.  A quick look at the schedule shows the keeper talk at 2:30 and it's 2:00 now, however, the okapi talk is at 2:15 and right next to the hippos.  Walking at a brisk pace with few stops gets us there to enjoy and learn.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas at Jen's

Merry Christmas to one and all!!!  I hope the day finds you enjoying the love of family or friends.  If not, are you doing something you enjoy?  Find the peace and joy of this time of year, no matter your belief.  I, too, have difficulty at this time of year as my family is spread all over the place.  I have daughter in Ecuador today, one in the Bahamas, one in Utah, and one here in Texas, in Abilene --- a son in Montana rounds it out.  That makes it very hard to come together and share in this time.  The love holds it all together no matter what.  I am up bright and early (think 4:45 a.m.) enjoying the calm of the day and watching a Christmas movie.  Mister wakes and we are moving units to get dressed, share stocking gifts, and hit the road to Abilene for the day.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve - Just Us Two

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again:  The holidays are hard when I am so far from my family.  I do the best I can and stay incredibly busy so that it won't take me down as much.  This year, I decided to use a lot of that "busy time" baking cookies and we have been going around town dropping them off at places in which we feel "at home."  Mister is working today, but manages to get a short break to visit the coffee shop and drop off a tray of goodies.  While there, we spot this amazing mug.  Too fun.

The last two trays still need to go out and Mister has been released from work (at 2:00 p.m.).  Let's get going!  Both stops are completed before dark, leaving us with enough time to drive over to Addison for the Vitruvian Light Display.  It's a beautiful night, just a tad chilly, but perfect for walking.  Come along and share in the calm, glory of it all and Merry Christmas Eve to you and yours.  (It gets progressively darker as we walk - pictures at the end are my favorites.)