Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas at Jen's

Merry Christmas to one and all!!!  I hope the day finds you enjoying the love of family or friends.  If not, are you doing something you enjoy?  Find the peace and joy of this time of year, no matter your belief.  I, too, have difficulty at this time of year as my family is spread all over the place.  I have daughter in Ecuador today, one in the Bahamas, one in Utah, and one here in Texas, in Abilene --- a son in Montana rounds it out.  That makes it very hard to come together and share in this time.  The love holds it all together no matter what.  I am up bright and early (think 4:45 a.m.) enjoying the calm of the day and watching a Christmas movie.  Mister wakes and we are moving units to get dressed, share stocking gifts, and hit the road to Abilene for the day.

My son sent a gift for a night out and a daughter is helping my desire to use less plastic.  It's perfect timing as we had just talked about this here at home.

Now, drive, drive, drive.  Three hours later we are in Abilene and arrive just as they are beginning to open gifts.  Pull up a chair and join in.

Once all their gifts are open, we share that we brought presents and bring them in from the car.  Everyone has a giant tootsie roll to open.  Quilts for all.

And then the smiles:  Luka and Jared

Jacob and Joshua

Jen and Louis

And Jon.  Then I get them all to line up for a group picture.  Woohoo!!!

Once the mess is cleaned up, the table is cleared and games begin.  We start with Wacky Six  and after four rounds move on to Munchkin.  I can't even begin to understand the name of this game, but after about an hour, I start to figure out how to play it.  If truth be told, I really liked it.  However, it's not a quick game at all.  Like Monopoly --- in a way.  (Psst, the purple dude is me.)

Game time comes to an end and the table is prepared for dinner.  Isn't this lovely?

Some sparkling cider adds sparkle to the table.

The dinner is wonderful and we are sitting around the table visiting when Bekah arrives from Lubbock.  She had to work today and got here as soon as possible.  First things first --- open gifts again.  I love seeing the joy on all the grands faces as they give to each other.  The smiles and joy just light up and I think they have more fun giving than receiving ---as it should be.  She gets to our gift.

Bekah with her quilt.  And with that, we are back on the road to Dallas as my sweet man has to work tomorrow.  I hope you all had as wonderful a day as us.  Time for sleep.

Oh, before those eyes close --- a quick look at all the wonderful gifts received by us.  Thank you to one and all.  The love has been felt.

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