Sunday, November 10, 2019

Louisiana Trip - Day Two - Natchitoches Area P.M.

Welcome Back to the afternoon!  Hahaha --- we've had so much fun already and this day is going to keep going.  It is our "Plantation Day."  When we left Oakland, we followed the park ranger (for lack of a better title) over to Magnolia Plantation.  The Park Service does not own the "Big House" here but other parts are remarkably well preserved.  One of the first things we notice as we park is the row with many slave cabins still standing.  We start at the plantation store, by getting a map of the area and are soon off and exploring.  The store itself is not open for viewing like the one at Oakland was.  Here it is used as an admin area.

Louisiana Trip - Day Two - Natchitoches Area A.M.

Good Morning!!!  We have a beautiful sunrise view on the water today and LOTS planned.  I've had to divide today into two posts due to that.  Even still, grab a cuppa as this baby is LONG, but amazing.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Louisiana Trip - Day One - Texas to Natchitoches

Autumn almost always means a little getaway for my sweet Mister and I.  This year we have decided to do a little road trip into Louisiana (kind of a last minute, spur of the moment idea) and have booked an AirBNB for the first couple of nights in Natchitoches.  In order to keep this account real, I need to share the confirmation email we received upon booking:

"Hello folks, welcome to Louisiana. Let me manage expectations a bit- I need to update Airbnb page. The approach road is full of potholes. Somehow related to Louisiana politics so that’s part of the tourist experience.
The house water smells like well water does. It is true, I can’t deny it.
The dogs bark at the pig when she comes in the doggie door, and when they hear something upstairs in your apartment (normally the swinging door into bathroom). This should last just an annoying moment or two.
Your apartment is reached via outside staircase. The motion lights are not yet lined up optimally so a flashlight is at foot of stairs. Nights are bright in the moonlight, but this week we have dark, star-filled mornings.
Oh yes, in fact the shower has only one temperature. I can adjust that. The heat control for air is on your wall.
I will leave your key on the table.
I’ll be at our flea market until 2 pm tomorrow. It is located at 121 Miller Drive, one mile from house.
You are welcome to come to the house anytime tomorrow. No need to wait for official check in time.
Lastly, I am the token white at a black full-gospel church across the street. As in fish-net stockings, big hats, best wigs, disco lights, and lots of dancing. The preacher is a prophet. Do you remember in Oh Brother Where Art Thou, the blind railman who prophesied the cow on the roof of the cotton house? He’s like that. Anyway, a fun 3-4hour service on Sunday and you are invited."

It appears that fun times are headed our way --- good thing we are always up for an adventure.  As we drive away, one quick look at the colors surrounding our home.  Now, let's get going.  Fun lies ahead.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Denton with my Sweetheart

My sweetheart wants to get out of the house a bit and has plans to play near Denton this morning.  His hopes for a place to sit around Lake Lewisville at Willow Grove Park don't come to fruition, but we are able to walk around a bit and enjoy the surroundings.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mom's 80th Birthday Trip - Days 7-10

27th - People are leaving today and I'm holding onto each moment that I can.  Grandmother, Mother, Daughter/Granddaughter/Great Granddaughter talks are the BEST!  I love moments when this happens.  Four generations just being together.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mom's 80th Birthday Trip - Day 6 - Party Time

Today is the celebration of my mother's 80th birthday, which technically doesn't take place until the 30th, but a Saturday event just works better.  Naturally, we have a bit of snow to help out.  As I go out to the living room, Mom is outside waiting for Bailey and I snap this picture.  It's dang cold out there and Bailey photo bombs (literally) my picture.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mom's 80th Birthday Trip - Days 4-5

24th -  Since we are at the lake, I have the perfect backdrop setting for my mystery quilt reveal pictures.  A few minutes at my Sister's nets me this chance.  I take several more and am not sure which one I'll use, but doesn't it look pretty?