Friday, April 27, 2018

France - Day 7 - Paris

Good morning Paris!!  We are not sleeping in today.  The agenda is FULL and I'm hoping to check a few things off the list.  We have one "have to" be at a certain time, but other than that ---- let's put the walking shoes on.  I have opted for a dress and sandals today.  Why?  Because it is Paris.  Isn't that enough of a reason?  Starting out, we pass a juice shop and, oh my, that sounds great.  I get a lovely "smoothie" and we are once again on our way.  The first stop is the metro and then off to Notre-Dame.   See, the dress works.  Hello Metro.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

France - Day 6 - Lyon and Travel to Paris

Rise and Shine!  We only have 1/2 a day left here and so much still to do.  We are packed and ready to go around noon, but for now -- it's straight to the funicular and up to Fourviere Hill.

Crossing the bridge first thing is wonderful.  Look around.  Do you see anyone?  For a city of 400,000 people it never feels crowded at all.  I simply adore it here.

The funicular will take us most of the way up but we have just been informed that it is not working for the second half and we need to find a bus up there.  No worries, we can do this.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

France - Day 5 - Travel to Lyon

Can you say happy dance?  Even at this early hour I am so thrilled to be France bound.  As we come up into the Barcelona Sants station, I feel as though I am in a very large shopping mall.  The walls and floors are gleaming clean and the entire place is sparsely populated.

Locating a spot to sit near the boards and a quick bite to eat is the next order of business and once accomplished, the wait begins to watch for our train.

Our train arrives, the mad rush is on and we are soon boarded, once again in the quiet car and within moments our views of the countryside resume.  Ahhhh.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Spain - Day 4 - Barcelona

Barcelona!!  Day two and we are ready to roll.  Into the tiny elevator we go.  I'm not joking.  If we both have full backpacks, we are wall to wall snug. 

In the first shot, he is outside the elevator, the second one has the door closed behind us and we are looking in the mirror.  Tight quarters.

Now, onto much more entertaining things than an elevator.

How about the view of our door again?  Hahahahahaha.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Spain - Day 3 - Travel to Barcelona

Six a.m. and we have to say good-bye to Madrid.  It's kind of sad because we love it here but more adventures await in Barcelona.  The train station is pretty empty as we arrive.  Hmmm -- lesson learned.  We do NOT have to be at the trains an hour early like airports.  Fifteen minutes is all that is required.  Got it.

Everyone just hangs out near the departure board until the train arrives and the track is posted.  Then it's off to the gate and down to the track.  Aren't they sleek trains?  Within the 15 minute, the train is boarded and off.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Spain - Day 2 - Madrid

Hmmmm --- apparently we were really tired.  I cannot imagine why.  At any rate, it's after 10 by the time we are totally awake and ready to get up.  Let's get this party started --- out of the apartment by 11:30 and since it is still morning to us, Mister heads directly into the park where he spotted a cafe last night.  It is open and provides coffee and muffins to jump start the body. Notice the coffee cup??  We have these same ones at home.  How fun.

It is a beautiful Sunday morning and families are out and about enjoying the space walking, cycling, laughing, and just generally loving life.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Spain - Travel and Day 1- Madrid

I was living in San Diego at the age of 12 and entering 7th grade.  Whoa, time check.  That was 48 years ago.  Michael, are you reading this?  Forty-eight years.  At any rate, I signed up for French class and said I would go there someday.  I have been many places in the world, but this week, that plan made oh so long ago is happening and my sweetheart is taking me to Spain and France for our joint birthday trip.  The AirBNB's for the first and last stops are booked and a rail pass is in hand.  We have a rough outline of where we want to go and as long as the rail strike doesn't get in our way too much, flexibility is the main objective.  We have shopped and read and shopped and read for the past two weeks almost non-stop, then packed up our backpacks (yep, no checked bags) and can now say, "We are ready."  Let's go.