Thursday, December 14, 2017

Cherry Eggnog Tea Bread

Here is today's second tea bread recipe and I have to tell you that I have NEVER smelled a batter as divine as this one.  Please don't let the initial pictures scare you off, I really didn't kill anything, honest.

Cherry Eggnog Tea Bread (also Pampered Chef)

Preheat oven to 325°F.  Spray loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray.  Chop maraschino cherries to measure 3/4 cup.  Place on paper towel to drain.

Peanutty Chocolate Banana Bread

It's Baking Season!!!  Why don't I do this more often?  The smell in the house is divine and I do so love working with dough.  Today I am making a couple of tea breads and will share them in separate posts.  They are both old Pampered Chef recipes and available for free on their website, so  no worries here.

First up is Peanutty Chocolate Banana Bread

Preheat oven to 350°F.  Spray a loaf pan with vegetable oil.  In a mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Christmas Spirit in Every Room

Every so often I have chats with myself.  Well, if I'm totally honest, I talk to myself all the time, BUT that's not what I mean here.  Some reevaluation needs to take place now and then, thus resulting in a self-chat.  This year, I made the decision to bring the Spirit of Christmas back into my home.  I have struggled a great deal with this since moving to Texas, but I am determined to bring back the love for this season and ALL it brings.  One of the ways to do that is for me to not over-plan.  Not over-do.  Not over-spend.  All of those lead to stress and hurry and worry.  None of those conditions lead to the calm and peace I am looking for.  I want to bring my "home" back into play and wish for it to stay that way all year.  No, I do not have to wait until January for changes to take place --- NOW is the perfect time to start.

Mister is a gem and soon has all of the totes down from the attic.  No, that is not a dead body wrapped up as a friend suggested, it's simply part of the tree.

With the tubs all down, we both work together and soon the outside is sparkling from lots of little lights.  Yes, this is a good start.  I usually leave this to my sweetheart while I work inside, but together is much better.  It's all part of my refocus on "home" and time with my sweetheart.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

My First Trip to the Girlfriend's Christmas Party - Their 32nd

I have been invited to attend "32nd Annual Girlfriend's Christmas Party."  It's being held at Pinot's Palette and a gift exchange will occur.  This sounds like so much fun and a chance to meet people I don't already know.  I've looked at the roster and "think" I may know one person other than whom I was invited by.  Oh that's terrible grammar but I just can't fix it as my brain won't wrap around it right now.

The party is at 2 so Mister and I decide to do some shopping for the morning and work our way that direction in time for the party.  I have bought an Ott-Lite for the exchange and it's wrapped and ready to go.

Upon arrival, my childhood comes racing back in.  The tree is a silver one and all it is missing is the color wheel that I remember oh so well.  Talk about a trip back in time.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Red Hat Holidays

December has arrived and with it comes another opportunity for me to attend a Red Hat gathering.  Today is a dress up Christmas luncheon, except I didn't really absorb the whole "dress up" part until rereading the email yesterday afternoon.  Hmmmm.  I am still just barely building a purple wardrobe and most of what I have now are tops and leggings.  Believe me, nothing qualifies as dressy.  Now what?

Oh wait a minute.  I picked up a lovely saree at October's retreat in the hopes of making a pair of pants and a vest or jacket.  Where did I put that?  AND, I know I bought a pattern too.  A little bit of hunting and I found both items.  I got it all laid out on the bed and was ready to pull an all-nighter making this outfit when I remembered that I need a new serger needle for my machine.  Ugh.  I was just too tired to deal with it at that point and gave up, thinking, "I'll get up early and give it a go."  Off to bed.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Atlanta w/Mister - Days 3. 4. and Going Home

Day 3 - Good morning!!  Lo and behold -- there is a coffee shop within walking distance of our place.  Are we walking? Oh my heck, no.  It's way more fun to try and find parking spaces here.  At any rate, Condesa Coffee here we come.

I have to tell you.  This is just plain yummy.  The coffee is good as is the kouign amann sweet treat.  I really need to give these a try at home.  It seems the more this year comes to an end, the more I want to be back in the kitchen.  Did I say this last year too?  I hope not because I really want to make the change and get back to doing many of the things I love so much.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Atlanta w/Mister - Days 1 & 2

When I was in Montana mid October, I received an email with a crazy good deal on airfare to Atlanta.  A few quick peeks showed that it was good for the days Mister has scheduled vacation and an also very quick phone call to him resulted in "go for it."  "It" is here.  I've never been outside the airport in Atlanta and thus, Georgia as well.  Woohoo ---checking off another state.  Let's go.

Day 1 - It's a wee hour up, up, and away for us.  The sun is just starting to rise (okay so it's not THAT wee, but we left the house at 5:00 a.m.) as we taxi for take-off.

Southwest is the carrier of choice today and we are sitting right over the wing -- sometimes good, sometimes not if you really want to watch out the window.  The good part???  The seats in front of us don't go back.  THAT's a plus in my book.