Sunday, December 3, 2017

Atlanta w/Mister - Days 3. 4. and Going Home

Day 3 - Good morning!!  Lo and behold -- there is a coffee shop within walking distance of our place.  Are we walking? Oh my heck, no.  It's way more fun to try and find parking spaces here.  At any rate, Condesa Coffee here we come.

I have to tell you.  This is just plain yummy.  The coffee is good as is the kouign amann sweet treat.  I really need to give these a try at home.  It seems the more this year comes to an end, the more I want to be back in the kitchen.  Did I say this last year too?  I hope not because I really want to make the change and get back to doing many of the things I love so much.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Atlanta w/Mister - Days 1 & 2

When I was in Montana mid October, I received an email with a crazy good deal on airfare to Atlanta.  A few quick peeks showed that it was good for the days Mister has scheduled vacation and an also very quick phone call to him resulted in "go for it."  "It" is here.  I've never been outside the airport in Atlanta and thus, Georgia as well.  Woohoo ---checking off another state.  Let's go.

Day 1 - It's a wee hour up, up, and away for us.  The sun is just starting to rise (okay so it's not THAT wee, but we left the house at 5:00 a.m.) as we taxi for take-off.

Southwest is the carrier of choice today and we are sitting right over the wing -- sometimes good, sometimes not if you really want to watch out the window.  The good part???  The seats in front of us don't go back.  THAT's a plus in my book.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Even More Fall Splendor

More beauty from the season.  I THINK having red hair makes me adore these colors even more.  I can wear all of them.  Next to the beach, the fall season touches something deep within me.  Enjoy.


Much Needed Post Caps

Mister and I have decided to be just a little productive today.  Not too much ya see, or our systems would collapse.  I went towards the studio to sew and he replaced the post caps on the front porch banister.  This was much needed and such an improvement. 

Yes, I had to sneak back in and take a picture which managed to get me a snide comment from him --- one I will not share here. 

What did you do today?

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving w/Jen and Family and Lights at Zoo

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!  I am indeed thankful for all the amazing things in my life.  The picture helps me keep it in balance and always remember that other things are just not that important.  Well ---- that works most of the time, but when it comes to a car . . . . . Hey Mister.

At any rate.  This is the sight we woke up to today.  Boys everywhere.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Day Before Thanksgiving Family Time

My sweet Mister has family here in Dallas too and sometimes it is hard to work out spending time with both sides over Thanksgiving.  With Jen's group in town, we can't really get away so invited Mom H. and his sister Michelle over for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner.  No turkey, but a wonderful Holiday Ham, with Lemon Thyme Rice, Iron Burnt Green Beans, Salad, Fresh Bread and Strawberry Granita for dessert.  Most of the day was spent in the kitchen, but I loved the time there.

When Jen's family arrive, they have an extra as they are hosting a foreign exchange student this year.  Welcome to the family Leon.