Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving w/Jen and Family and Lights at Zoo

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!  I am indeed thankful for all the amazing things in my life.  The picture helps me keep it in balance and always remember that other things are just not that important.  Well ---- that works most of the time, but when it comes to a car . . . . . Hey Mister.

At any rate.  This is the sight we woke up to today.  Boys everywhere.

Jen and I have pies to make first thing this morning so Mister rounds up all the boys and is off to the coffee shop to take care of breakfast.

And, being the sweet person that he is, he even takes a few pictures for me to use here. 

We have pies in the oven by the time they return and are moving forward with dinner plans.  Louis makes the traditional run for the newspaper so that everyone can start their Christmas wish lists AND give Jen a chance to get some good deals.  It also appears they have been saving up their own money for certain items too.
No one will be shopping today so all the Thursday ads get moved aside, but anything starting tomorrow gets full attention given to it.

Once all the prep work for dinner is complete and the turkey is in the oven, we settle in for a game of Phase 10.  Hmmm Louis and Jen, I see your hands.

Mister gives the shout that dinner is half an hour away --- that means MOVE everyone.  Lots to do and lots of hands are needed.

Once the table is set up, the boys change clothes and we get all the food out.  Yum.  We are ready.

This is Leon's first "Thanksgiving" so he is loving all of it.

Again, we sit and visit for awhile after eating and then the clean up work begins.  Now what?  Haha, I know.  We have planned to go to the Zoo to see the new lights display.  Let's walk off some of that food.  It's a gorgeous night out and I'm loving the fact that there's just a slight chill -- perfect for Thanksgiving.

The Dallas Zoo Lights have over a million lights and we are surrounded by them the minute we arrive.

Family Pose

No words required

As we arrive at the Wings of Wonder stage, a show is just ending.  I ask and it is only 8 minutes until the next one -- everyone wants to stay so some go get seats and others watch the flamingos for a bit.

It's Show Time.

The boys get drug down to the stage to dance.  Why?? No idea, but they are gone.

Here's a peek

By the time the show ends, even I have been brought down to dance with the boys.  What???  At any rate, all the boys say how much they liked the light show --- "That was really cool --- better than I expected" was the common comment.

The next stop is in the Children's Zoo, where a trip to the Underground takes place and then a tree that we can sing to and make light up sits.  We are oh so off key, but manage to light it up.

And, yes, even big boys will play if given the chance.  He may be 6' tall, but he's only 12.  Keep the perspective Gammy.

More walking around.

Aren't these next two pictures amazing???  Definitely my favorites.

The "event area" is packed with lights and a is quite the scene.

Josh and I take off and run through the large ornament.

Josh also spots Santa and wants to go see him.  Jen opts for a whole family picture taken with Santa so into the line we all go.

Our view from the line.

Hello Santa --- I've been a good boy this year and would like . . .

And the fam - Yay Jake, Mom will love ya for this one (and yes, in ALL shots)

Here's the smile

Santa gave out suckers.  They were black licorice flavored --- not a big hit.

Just in case you didn't know where we are

We've about managed to cover the lit area.  As we pass the elephants (no, not the real ones), I grab a quick picture as I've never seen them lit at night.

Grandpa asks if they want to ride the carousel and Leon's answer is "Why not."  Off I go for tickets and the boys each get one ride.

These two weren't fast enough and want the tea cup so wait for the next round.

And a combined video for your viewing pleasure.

What a fun evening --- love these grandsons of mine that now tower over me.  Hold on Josh, your turn is coming.  AND, my sweet Mister, who also towers over me --- you own my heart.

It's been a wonderful Thanksgiving.  The night was perfect and all had a really great time.  My heart is so happy tonight.  See ya'll around and take time to treasure the moments -- hold tight to the memories.

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