Tuesday, March 14, 2017

D.C. With Jen and Jacob

I have been given the choice opportunity to once again go to Washington D.C. with my daughter and grandson.  Two years ago it was with Jon and now it is Jacob's turn.  Today is the day we depart.  My fight is not until almost 10 a.m. but the bus from Abilene is arriving early and we are on our way to check in with them.  Along the way, Mister discovers that he timed the trip for the bus as if it was going to our house.  Thus, we are now late.  Great start for a trip.

I arrive at the airport and have to wait outside security until someone inside can get my boarding pass to me.  After about 1/2 an hour, I am able to meet up with Jen and Jacob and begin the wait for our fight in BRIGHT NEON t-shirts to boot.  Yep, with my red hair, this is quite lovely.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Wine Night Out

Jimmy's is having a wine walk complete with antipasti, thus that is our destination tonight.  We need pasta and sauce anyway so it's a great excuse to kill two birds with one stone.

I love these nights with my sweetheart.  I ALWAYS learn something new and it helps me to understand the wines that I enjoy.  Tonight is all about Tuscany.  Sangiovese is their main grape and since it is one of my favorites, all is right in my world.  Thank you, Mister, for another wonderful impromptu date night.

Monday, March 6, 2017


We NEVER have robins and today there are about a dozen of them in the backyard.  These three were right up next to the sliding glass door.  What a beautiful start to my day.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Weekend in Abilene

Jen and Louis are sneaking away for a couple of days to celebrate their anniversary and that means Mister and I to the rescue.  Yep, Mister is going with me but still has to work today so we make a VERY early morning drive,  In fact, it's so early that I get to watch the sunrise through the side mirror as we go.  With a quick coffee stop as we near the house, we arrive right around 8 a.m. and my sweetie sets up a work station while we visit with Louis for a bit.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Change is Good - Right?

It seems that I have been gradually preparing for today.  Each time I get my hair cut and bit shorter and with the whole "growing out of bangs," I think I'm ready.  Let's go.

I gotta tell ya, by the time they (and I say they cos it took two of them to get the job done) are finished with me, there is hair EVERYWHERE.  Literally.  As I stand up, even my chair is covered in it all around where I was sitting.  Goodness.

It's gonna be a change for sure.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Birthday Season Arrives Again

It's the birthday season again.  Woot woot.  Unfortunately, I am not feeling very well.  I returned from retreat with a whopper respiratory thing and have pretty much been down since.  Being the good sport that my sweetie is, he took it all in stride and I will make next years birthday extra special for him.  His treats began with a package of Omaha Steaks from his mom and it included all sorts of yummy stuff.  It also contained a package of dry ice which Mister turns into a bubbling brew and enters the bedroom going, "bwahahahaha."

A few days later I managed to crawl out of bed and we walk down to the coffee shop and then do some shopping.  Mister finds a couple of birthday treats that I'm more than happy to purchase before leaving.  In the evening, we are trying out a new brewery -- Oak Highlands and I gotta say - it's a pretty great place with absolutely great beer.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day.  This is my favorite holiday of the entire year and I am so sick I could not care less.  How sad is that?  Come on, I want to hear you sigh with me.  At any rate, my sweet Mister treated me to flowers and a couple of wonderful cards.  Dinner/fun is out the window as getting out of bed would be cause for celebration.  Perhaps next year.  Enjoy the cards, I sure did.

The red card and roses were in the kitchen when I made my way out for a glass of water.  Ah, tears came to my eyes but I had to shut them down quick.  Tears and being sick DO NOT go together.