Sunday, March 5, 2017

Weekend in Abilene

Jen and Louis are sneaking away for a couple of days to celebrate their anniversary and that means Mister and I to the rescue.  Yep, Mister is going with me but still has to work today so we make a VERY early morning drive,  In fact, it's so early that I get to watch the sunrise through the side mirror as we go.  With a quick coffee stop as we near the house, we arrive right around 8 a.m. and my sweetie sets up a work station while we visit with Louis for a bit.

The rest of the morning is spent with me working on this blog as well so keys are clicking like crazy on as we both type away.  Jen and Louis arrive home shortly after noon and we talk with them and Bekah (who only has half days of school).  A lively discussion takes place but soon they need to pack and get out of here.  I pick up Jon while Josh and Jared walk home to a waiting Grandpa.  Jacob is staying with a friend overnight so we won't see him until tomorrow sometime.

It's Friday evening and Bekah has a soccer game at the school.  Grandpa and Josh go while I stay home with the other boys and work on tacos for dinner.

The game goes well and the Bulldogs pull off another win.

We tell Bekah that it is okay to go out for the evening with her friends and then we take the boys out for frozen yogurt at Nikki's Swirl Shop.  I manage to find some salted caramel that equals the one in Provo and top it the exact same way.  Score.

Once we are back home, I decide to stay up until Bekah gets back.  Eleven comes and goes and around 11:30 I look out front and see a car parked across the street, but nothing on our side.  A text message is sent but no answer.  I send another one at midnight.  By 12:15 I am really starting to freak out.  I send another message and then walk out front.  Crossing the street, I walk around the car parked over there and notice that it has the racing stripes like Bekah's so it must be hers.  Why hasn't she come in the house?  I peek through the windows and see her laying in the drivers seat -- SOUND ASLEEP!  Grrrrr.  Opening the car door, I scare her and feel okay about doing that since she has scared the dickens out of me tonight.  Get in the house girl.  I have an early morning and staying up until 1 a.m. was not in the plan.

It's a cold, cloudy, and windy morning.  Bekah and Jared are reffing all day, while Josh has a 8:30 morning game. Grandpa and I are huddled in to root Josh on to a tie game.

Grandpa gives up the small amount of body heat we are generating so that he can take a few pictures.  It's dang hard to enjoy the games when one is this cold.  Dang, it was 80 degrees yesterday.  What is up with this?  He plays decently and that's all that matters.  I'm betting that when you are freezing, it feels warmer to keep moving, unlike us frozen grandparent popsicles.
After the game, we are back to the house in search of warmth.  Mister takes a nap while I work on laundry and talk with Bekah as she has returned from her game assignments.  She is soon off to work out at the school and we are once again bundled up and heading for Josh's second game.  We take more jackets this time , but it is still dang cold.

Jared finishes his assigned games and meets up with us for the end of Josh's game and to get a ride home.  He stops at the office on the way out to pick up his pay for the day and is indeed one happy dude.  I can't believe he is only 12 as he is taller than me and now working to earn money.  Super proud of him.

By the time we get home, Jacob is back and I focus on getting a spaghetti dinner ready for everyone.   Lazy evening.  I'm not sure Jon moved the ENTIRE day.  The evening is a super chill one with no one really wanting to do much.  That's it for today.

It's our last day here AND Sunday so after letting them sleep in and making their breakfast, I give the kids a choice.  They can get ready and go to church or they can play games with me and Grandpa for several hours and then tackle getting the laundry put away before their parents get home.  There is a mountain of folded clothes everywhere and I don't have a clue what belongs to who.  Is that whom?

At any rate, they choose to hang with the old folks, so Grandpa goes to the dollar store to get prizes and I have located a set of LCR dice.  We will just play until the prizes run out and since Grandpa spent about 20 bucks, it'll be awhile.

There is much fun and laughter as the first round is won by Bekah and she pulls a can of Pringles out of the prize bag that Grandpa has.

The rounds continue with the story being pretty much the same.  Almost all rounds are won by Jared or Bekah and Bekah is now sharing whatever she gets.

One time she pulls out a box of Good and Plenty's and absolutely not a single one of them has had one before so they all pop one into their mouth and we just sit back and wait.  When the candy has dissolved and they all get that hit of black licorice, the looks are their faces are hysterical.  Oh, I am laughing so hard.

Time out for a kitchen conference.

Okay, back to the game for the remaining rounds in which everyone manages to win at least once.

I think Grandpa is having as much fun as they are.  Yes, Josh is struggling.  We CANNOT stop until he wins a round.  So let it be written, so let it be done.

NO way I could hold the bag up high enough for these two.  It won't be long and they will be as tall as Grandpa.  Goodness.  Additionally, it's hard to look up and be stern with someone.  I think they laugh when I turn my back.

Finally!  Success.  We can end the game after 2 1/2 hours.  I will say that everyone was super fun and we laughed oh so much.  A great memory has been made -- one I will hold onto for quite awhile.

That's it for the game.  Now to tackles those cleans socks and get the laundry put away before mom and dad arrive.

Jen and Louis are soon home and after a nice chat, it is time for us to point our car east and head home.  I've certainly enjoyed being here and love these moments with my grands oh so much.  All were attentive and respectful, making it a great trip all around.  As we travel home, I now have the sunset in my side mirror.  The trip has come full circle.

Until next time, be good ya'll.  Hug all around.

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