Saturday, November 14, 2015

Date Day -- Zoo Fun

Mister and I are sneaking away today for a trip down to the zoo.  It seems like it has been ages since we have been here with just the two of us.  I wonder what fun awaits us ---

When we arrive at the entrance, we spot this absolutely wonderful LEGO sculpture of polar bears.  Oh I wish we had bears at our lovely zoo, but isn't this just incredible.  There will be an entire display of LEGO animals starting in January.  Well, that makes it a must to return.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Real Ale Dinner

Ah Mister -- You wonderful man you.  He has bought tickets to a Real Ale dinner hosted by Whole Foods at which the owner, Brad Farbstein, will be there.  Lucky me.  Let's go have some wonderful food paired with great beer.  We all gather together for visiting and to sample the Hans Pils.  Then it is off to the dining area.  First up:  Hatch Chile Chicken Arancini paired with Firemans 4.  These are just so dang yummy.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Fun in Utah - Days 4-7

Day 4 -  We have another fun event planned for today.  One of the local shopping centers in Salt Lake City, Gardner Village, is having a Witches Festival.  It sounds super fun AND it has a quilt shop so for me that's a win win.  The first place we go is the quilt shop where we find a fun couple of things to make for Ophelia.  She, on the other hand, finds a great little corner to hang out in while we shop.  Once we finish, it's time to check out the fun going on around us.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fun in Utah - Days 1-3

It's another up, up, and away evening for me.  I kind of like afternoon flights as I was able to accomplish quite a bit today and now am able to just sit back, relax and let the marvels of technology whisk me away to another realm.  But first --- a glass of wine and something to eat.  Caprese sounds perfect and now I am ready to fly.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Five Years Married

Happy Anniversary to us.  Five Years!!!  Wow -- where has the time gone?  We have opted for just a short little jaunt this year.  A couple of days to ourselves.  What more do we really need?  Nothing, honest.

Mister is taking me to Oklahoma this weekend to visit where he went to college and see the area.  It's all new to me so let's get going.  He wants to take it casually so we get a VERY early start.  The moon is just setting and the sun has not yet shown it's beauty but we are on the road.  Ah, here comes the sunrise.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Birthday Breakfast with Bob

Happy Birthday to my nephew Bob.  He has left those teen years behind and moved onto being a 20-something.  Congratulations.

A wonderful morning at Cafe Brazil.

Friday, October 2, 2015