Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thoughts About Motherhood

I know that it is unusual for me to do a post without pictures but my heart is so full towards my children and I want to share the feeling with everyone.  (I do know that the only people who read these posts are my family but to me -- they are everyone.)

I remember saying that all I wanted was to be a good mom.  To raise all my children to adulthood with all their limbs intact and not addicted to something terrible.  I hoped they would be contributing members of society but that was not required.

To say that they have far surpassed my expectations is to say that I love them.  Neither statement truly embodies the depth of what I feel for all five.  They are amazing - incredible adults in society and parents to my grandchildren in their homes.

I always do things oldest to youngest -- this time I will switch it around.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Peach and Blackberry Update

Things are growing in the yard.  How fun is this?  I so hope it's a good year for the fruit.


And peaches!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Yay! The Birthday Season!

It's the Birthday Season!  You know, that time of year I look forward to ALL YEAR LONG!  Well, I'm not really in that mode yet as it is still only the 20th of April, but Mister walks in with flowers and a card.  To show how truly stumped I am, I ask if they had been on the porch.  Really?  Where did that come from?  He looks at me and hands me the card.  Yay --- It's Birthday Season.  It is starting early since I will be gone over my birthday this year.  Oh how fun is this?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Tea Time for Miss Zyra

It's time for another one of those extra special little girl birthdays.  Zyra is turning 5 and has not received her tea set from me yet.  I was so busy doing quilts last year that this got overlooked.  Her birthday is coming up and it's time to get busy on this.

3/26 - My plan for today is to work on the tea set for Zyra and I get everything set up to paint only to discover that all my paints have totally dried up.  Drat.  I call the shop and order some new ones for Mister to pick up on is way home from work.

4/2 - I am finally getting back to working on this project.  Where has the past week gone?  I bought this tea set greenware OVER 20 years ago.  Two years ago, I took it out to clean while I was working on one for Elena.  I left it sitting on a tray in my studio and somewhere in all that time and various grandchildren visiting, the spout got broke.  About six months ago, we fixed it and today, while I am trying to clean the repaired area, it broke off again, hit the floor, and shattered.  Great!  I call the local ceramic shop to see if they have ANY teapots poured and the owner says yes.  I quickly call DART and take the train up to Spring Valley to just get a teapot.  I don't care if it matches the set.  When I arrive, guess what???  She has the exact same one only with a different lid.  No problem.  I didn't break the lid.  What are the odds?

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Peach Update

The peaches are growing!!!!  Woohoo.

Taming the Blackberries

After a trip to Home Depot for wire and posts --- we are set to tame the blackberries.  They are everywhere and it's hard to believe we only planted two stalks a couple of years ago.  Wow.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Colorado Boys Come To Visit - Day 10 & Good-byes

It's our last day together and I'm pretty dang sad about it.  The house has been filled with giggles and adventures for 10 days.  Now, admittedly, I have missed sewing but these guys have been well worth it.  We have a few items on our list that are not checked off and that must be done -- right?  Cookies!  We haven't made cookies yet.  Where did the time go?

Ryan, Caleb and I head to the kitchen first thing and get our cookies underway before anyone else is ready to go somewhere.

We are doing sugar cookies, the dough is made, and it is time to roll.  Fortunately, I have two rolling pins.  Yep, good Gammy.  I pull out some cookie cutters that are pretty basic and away we go.  It takes a few minutes to explain that we can't just cut circle after circle in the same cookie.