Friday, October 31, 2014

October Quilt Update

LINK to Our Quilt World Facebook Group.  Come be a part of us.

Previous 2014 posts:  First of year quilt update  (There are individual class posts for 4 Bonnie Hunter classes as well if you click on Feeling Crafty label and go to older posts.)
                         End of January quilt update
                         February quilt update
                         March Quilt Update
                         April Quilt Update
                         May Quilt Update
                         June Quilt Update
                         July Quilt Update
                         August Quilt Update
                         September Quilt Update

Goals:  I may be in Telluride to see my daughter and son-in-law's new dental practice and home so once again I need to be careful here.  Finally got a screaming deal on some batting -- 45 yds for $150.00.  woot woot --- time to quilt.

Roll Quilt - nope
UFO - Ceramic Tea Set - nope
Sandwich, Quilt, and bind both Celtic Solstice (CS) quilts  - yes
Sandwich, quilt, and bind Old Kentucky Album (OKA) quilt - yes
Sandwich, quilt, and bind Jacob's Log Cabin (LC) quilt - yes
Mark Sew Squared (SS) and Peaceful Paisley (PP) quilts - no
Sandwich, quilt, and bind Lazy Sunday (LS) quilt - sandwiched only
Remainder of spool doilies for retreat - yes
Work on bookmarks - yes
Crochet hats - yes
Round Robin (RR) row finished, attached, and in mail - yes
Set My Favorite Things (MFT) top - yes
Pull Fabrics for new mystery quilt - (Grand Illusion or GI) - yes

1st -  It's October!  Oh my goodness.  I literally blew off last month and really need to regroup if I am going to finish what I set out to do this year.  Today is my LAST lazy day and so I bask in it and finish book 7 of the Harry Potter series.  Whew -- that is behind me now.  Since it would be way too much to make an entire switch in one day and actually sew something, I opt to work on the Monthly Blog Update from September so that it can post.  Okay, I think I am ready now.  Let's see what one determined redhead can accomplish this month.  Do you feel the cheerleader in me?  Someone's gotta spur me on.

2nd - First thing this morning I make a "Get on Track" schedule for both quilting and the dang house,  I have absolute need for this as I feel so much better when I can see what needs to be done each day.  Here we go.  I am off to the studio and quilt 2 quadrants CS I before realizing that a couple of weeks away certainly makes a difference on the arms.  I am beat so head back into the house and cut strips for my RR blocks.  That's a good start for the month AND I was able to check off all that I planned for today.  Yes indeed, I am pretty hot stuff (cheerleading continuing).

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Week in Telluride with Amanda and ALL of Her Boys - Days 7 & 8

Tuesday - today is another work day for Amanda and all three boys are off to school.  I am going to ride along so that I have the car today and possibly pick them up after school to play.  When I get into the car, I notice that they all have their hats on (a first for Caleb) and must take a picture.  How cute is this?

When everyone is dropped off, I stop in at the coffee shop for a drink and some internet on my phone time.  It's funny - I don't miss it tremendously here, but a peek in on my quilt group to make sure no one has questions about the upcoming retreat is always a good idea.  As I am returning home, Amanda calls and has forgotten two of the pages to the employee manual that we worked on.  After discussing options, I opt to go home and get them for her and bring them back.  It just seems easier to me.

As I am driving towards the house, I get the chance to stop at a few "overlooks" for some beautiful morning pictures of the mountains.  Heart food.

A little more education comes along with it but I really should get going as Amanda is waiting.  I am soon at the house, grab the two pages, and back on the road into town.  A quick drop off and my return trip to the house includes a stop in Mountain Village for a drive-thru.  It's pretty cute but definitely for the ski crowd.

I have to return home tomorrow and want to enjoy my day as much as possible so I set to work on my sewing project and allow myself this wonderful view at the same time.  What a great way to spend the day.  Beautiful view and productivity as well.  Nice.  I am just about ready to go into town to pick up the boys when Amanda texts and says that they are going to go over to a friends to play.  Well -- plan B.  I will cook dinner for everyone then.  Sounds good and I am in the mood as well.

I make a pork roast and it is ready about the time everyone arrives home.  We get to have a nice sit down dinner and I am rewarded with both Raef and Ryan totally cleaning their plates and asking for more.  Yep, awesome feeling.

Trent helps me clean up and then is off to help his boys finish homework and get ready for bed.

I head upstairs to start disassembling my sewing station and returning things to their proper place.  When I am putting the ironing board and iron away, I find the family enjoying something on television together.  Everyone is giggling up a storm and thus a picture must be taken.  Oh, and yes, those are Gammy quilts that everyone is under.

This has been such a fun trip.  I have loved every moment of it and cannot wait to bring Mister up here the next time.  There is so much more to explore and enjoy.

Soon, the house is quiet and I am the only one still awake.  I want to finish a beanie for Trent as a thank you gift and also because, well, he is the only one without one.  I get it completed and slip outside to put it in his Jeep to find in the morning.  I really do appreciate him sharing his family with me and putting up with a mother-in-law in the house.

I have to fly tomorrow so even though I am really not tired tonight, I know that I must get some sleep or be totally exhausted tomorrow.  I am kinda sad and kinda happy all at once.  I do not wish to leave my family here, but I miss Mister a great deal and am ready for some hubby time.

Wednesday - It's an early morning.  Everyone is up and ready to go by 7:30, including me.  Amanda, Caleb, and I take the older boys into town for school and then turn around and head for Montrose.  She has to get a tire fixed on the van plus do some shopping before dropping me off at the airport.  The tire takes a bit longer than we think but it all works out and several more stops are made before it is my turn to be the stop.  We say good-bye and although it is hard for me, I know I will be back soon with Mister in tow.  Thanks for an awesome time Amanda and ALL of your boys.

When I arrive at the airport it is such a frustrating experience.  Since I did not have internet access, I waited to check-in at the ticket counter, thus putting me in the line of fire on my bag size again.  Ugh.  I move a sweater and my cosmetic bag to my backpack and then my bag fits.  There are MANY upset people around me discovering the same thing -- that the bag they have been using for years now longer is acceptable.  I swear they have changed the dang measuring device but I am on my way through security and to the gate.  When I arrive at the gate it is only to discover that the gate agent is requiring everyone to do the same thing.  I told her mine had been done at the ticket counter and she then gave me a gate check ticket as the cases won't fit on this small plane anyway.  Seriously????  Well dang it all anyway.  My sweater and my cosmetic kit go back into my case and that's that.  How ridiculous can we get?  It's finally time to fly.

I get another glimpse at the Black Canyon and some beautiful views of the mountains.  It will be awhile before I have this eye candy so I peek out the window for as long as it lasts.  There is not a lot of snow yet, but I think that if we can return in February or so that it will definitely look a bit different AND that the town will have a totally different feel as well.  Skiers everywhere.

I watch as the tires lower for landing in Denver and find that we are deboarding right onto the ground beside the plane.  It's been awhile since I have not used a jet bridge.  We wait for our gate checked bags and then are off to the next flight.  I do not have a long wait, but enough time to grab some lunch and enjoy it at the gate - where my bag is once again gate checked.  Do you see the humor in this?

I figure that on my second flight I need to finally finish the spool doilies I have been working on for the upcoming retreat so I settle in and within the flight time manage to complete my task except for working ends in.  I can do that at home in the next couple of days.

Mister is waiting for me by the exit and I am so thrilled to see him.  When we arrive home, this is what greets me.  He has been working on my Big Board and my little Featherweight table.  What a great hubby.  I am so excited to see how these turn out.

When we get inside the house I am greeted by another beautiful sight.  Apparently he missed me as well.  What a super sweetheart.  Roses AND a new barrette.  Thanks so much sweetie.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pork Loin Roast in the Mountains

I am in the mountains of Telluride, Colorado and home all by myself for the day.  It it seems like a good time to make an oven meal.  There is a chill in the air and I am ready for a roast.  Everyone is either at work or school and wouldn't it be nice to come home to a hot meal?  Well that is my thought process too.  Here we go.

I find a cast iron pan to work with and put in a 3 lb. pork roast that I have rubbed with a mixture of 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tsp. onion powder, and 1 1/2 tsp. thyme.  I add some salt and pepper and call it good.  I put this in the oven at 325 degrees for 50-55 minutes.

Next, I take some potatoes and peel them and quarter them.

Put the potatoes in a pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil.  Boil for about 10 minutes.

Drain and cool the potatoes.  Put them in a large bowl and toss with 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1-2 tsp. chives, 1 tsp. thyme, and 1/2 tsp. garlic powder along with salt and pepper.  Remove roast from oven.

Arrange the potatoes around the roast in the pan.

I add some carrots which had been brushed with a bit of olive oil and back into the oven it all goes for an additional 45-60 minutes or until the roast has an internal temperature of 145 degrees.

And here is the finished product.  After removing everything from the pan, there are great goodies on the bottom of it.  I made up a quick gravy to pour over the slices of meat.  I think the meat was a bit dry so I would suggest a lid during the second roasting stage and perhaps just a bit of water or broth as well.  Enjoy.

Monday, October 27, 2014

A Week in Telluride with Amanda and ALL of Her Boys - Days 5 & 6

It is a gorgeous day and this is the view from my bed when I first wake in the morning.

Would you like to see what I see?  Well here is a close up.  Heaven.

We have a quiet morning before Amanda and I go into town to clean the office.  I am glad for this opportunity to help out as I have not really had a chance to explore the facilities.  Each time that I have been there has been during business hours and I cannot just wander around.  While cleaning, I take advantage and take some picture to show Mister when I get home.  I'll also share a few here.  Isn't this a nice set up?

We return home and I set up a mini sewing station in my room so that I can stay out of the way of the party with friends this afternoon.  Seems like a good idea.  Caleb hears me sewing and decides to come check me out.  This lets him play in the LEGO area at the same time.  I have absolutely no objection to this.

Once their friends arrive, I retreat to my own area and give them their space.  At least until I hear the magic words:  "local beer".  I'm sorry but I can't help myself then.  I have to go down and check it out.  Tyler lets me try an IPA and it is dang good.  So much so that I have to send Mister a pic showing this on my sewing table.  Very fun.  I then stay in my room until dinner and then once again retreat for awhile.  Pumpkins are next though and I certainly don't want to miss those.  Amanda has transformed her dining room to a pumpkin carving area and goodness but there are orange orbs everywhere.    I have a few issues with my camera but soon figure it out and am snapping away.  (View from my room)

I move around taking as many pictures as I can of the stages and yet at the same time retreating upstairs to sew.  I know, I know -- it's hard to do both.  Check out the finished pumpkins though --they look awesome!  LOVE.  I have sewed myself silly and am ready for bed.  What is it about the mountains?  I certainly am able to fall asleep early each evening.

Good morning!  It is Monday -- dang where has this week gone?  I cannot believe how quick it is flying by.  Amanda is trying to get some things for the office finished and Caleb wants to finger paint -- Gammy to the rescue.  Well, in all honesty he wants to finger paint but has absolutely no desire to have dirty fingers.  It is really too funny but soon I have him working away.  As he paints each item, he says, "Your turn Gammy."  I then have to paint something as well.  I don't recall it working this way before.  He mixes the paints together, thus making it a bit harder to do my job.  Finally, I do get him to do rainbow hand prints.  Here ya go:

When we are finished, Amanda comes out from the home office and decides that we need to get out for a little while.  We drive just a short distance away to Ophir and find the best little play area that I have ever seen.  Everyone in the neighborhood just leaves their bikes and toys there for all to play with.  What a concept.  I find a great spot to sit on the base of a slide and settle in to watch Amanda and Caleb play.  I am definitely feeling a bit sore from yesterday and am moving a bit slow but do love sitting in the sun.  Ananda will absolutely LOVE this picture:

What a backdrop to play in.  Oh my.

Soon it is time to go and when we get back to the house, it is Caleb's nap time and Amanda needs one as well.  I take over on typing the employee manual and get it finished while they sleep.  Then it is back to sewing for me.  When the boys get home from school, Raef has a project for school that he asks me to help with and I soon find myself picking through an owl pellet looking for rat bones.  Yep, you read that right.  He has to put together a rat skeleton from the remains in an owl pellet.  Fun.  At one point I mention that I cannot believe I am doing something this gross and Ryan looks at me and says, "Gammy, it is just dirt."  I laugh and tell him that it is fur and other assorted materials and it is at that point that he agrees to its grossness.  

I have suggested that we go into town tonight for pizza as one of the local restaurants has a 2 for 1 special and it will take some stress of Amanda on making dinner.  Once homework is complete, we get ready and head in to meet Trent when the office closes.  As we are driving into town, look at what Amanda shows me on the way:

The elk are amazing and we stop to watch for a few minutes.  There are quite a few calves and she says they hang out in this area each day.  So beautiful.

Trent calls while we are driving a lets us know that it is an hour and half wait at the pizza place so we opt to go to the brewpub instead.  

Everyone is starving by now so meals are quickly eaten and I swear that Raef is a bottomless pit however one little person just doesn't want to eat.  Is this not just such a sad face?  Poor thing.  No ice cream for him.

It's been another great day and I am once again oh so ready for bed.  The temperature has really cooled off and it is a quick run to the car and back home.  Stories and then bed.  I am so there.