Saturday, April 26, 2014

Peach Check Week 4

Week 4 check in with my peaches.  We are bigger than a nickel now and have spots of a blush color showing up.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Neighborhood Gathering -- Wine Event for April

Has a  month gone by already?  It is time again for our monthly wine night in the neighborhood.  I do so enjoy these as it is a bit of social time for us and helps us get to know the neighbors better.  I have busy ALL day working on a quilt and Mister has been left to make all the preparations himself.  He has made a carrot cheese ball that he paired with a gingersnap type cookie and some graham crackers.  It is WONDERFUL!  I am so thankful for him and his willingness to be a partner in everything.  Besides, I would not have come up with this.  I was gonna do hummus and flatbread - real original.

During the evening -- we stop and do a couple of group shots.  Some people have already left, but it still shows a good mix.  What a fun evening.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mexico Right In Our Neighborhood

I have been sewing all morning and need a break to ask Mister if he wants to take a walk down to the thrift store and see if they have any men's shirts that I can use for a new quilt.  We strike out on the shirts, but discover La Michoacana Meat Market, a great little grocery store and meat market with a wonderful mini cafe inside.  We decide to have a couple of tacos to test it and are pleasantly surprised.  It is as if we have taken a quick trip south.  All the signs are in Spanish as well as the music and conversation around us.  What a fun find -- right in our own area.  Why don't we check out local shops more?  I am asking that as humans in general.  Do you know what is in each shop near you?  I am on a mission to discover ours.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mister Monkey

It has been a couple of years since the trees were trimmed in the backyard and that is the thought process that takes Mister out to take care of the problem.  If these don't make you smile (Matt), then you cannot comprehend how challenging this set-up is -- and perhaps a bit unsafe as well.

He starts with the pecan tree and a long pole saw.

Next day:  Onto the oak tree but this time he needs to be a bit of a monkey.  There is some damage from the storms this year and the branches that need to be removed are quite high.  I said, "just climb up there and sit in that one "v".  After looking at me and reminding me he that he is 55 and climbing trees is not high on his 'wanna do' list, I held the ladder and he set out.  Once he got into position, I climbed to the top of the ladder with his pole saw and passed it to him.  Let the cutting begin.

We also took several lower branches off this oak and the oak out front.  Our roof is now clear again and there is a mountain of branches out front ready for bulk pickup this week.  Once the places where branches were removed are treated with a healing sealant, his task is accomplished.  Good job Mister.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Morning View of White Rock Lake

It's another beautiful spring day here in Dallas and therefore time to put on our walking shoes again.  The lake beckons.  I am so thankful that it is mere minutes from walking out the door of our house to stepping onto the path at the lake.  It's times like this that I still feel as though I am back in Bigfork, Montana and I truly do realize what a blessing it is.

As we step out of the car, a mallard hen is there to welcome us to the lake.  She is not the least bit worried about our presence there and merely moves slightly to the side to let us pass.  Perhaps there is a nest close by.

White Rock Lake has many paths in it's eight mile circumference and each time we visit, we try and walk a different area.  The trip we are just about in the center of the west side.  Let's see what we can spot today.  As we cross a bridge, there is a small grassy area to our left and we spot a lone unique bird.  He does not want his picture taken.  We try many times and this is the best one we could get -- yeah, I know -- not saying much.  He had a black body and a brilliant orange head.  We are not able to determine what species it belongs to and after researching Texas birds -- well, it is not listed there either.  Hmmm.  Perhaps he is a wanderer.

The path winds near the road at one point and I spot a killdeer couple mixed in with other birds along the roadside.  We stop and watch for a few seconds and the --- yay!  We spot three baby killdeer nearby.  As I try and get a picture, the male attempts to lead me away with the old "wounded bird" routine.  

The bluebonnets across the road are calling to me and Mister sends me on my way to soak up their beauty for a short time.  I do so love these wildflowers.

All along the walk today we have also spotted several American Coot and I remark that I am not familiar with that particular breed.  Just before returning to the car, I snap a picture of a couple of them in the water.

We are at the last corner before the car now, and I look across the lake.  A beautiful sailboat is enjoying the quiet morning as it passes in front of the bath house.  Nice.

Once again, it has been a nice morning.  Time to head home and get back to work.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Late Frost and a Blood Moon

The forecast is calling for freezing temperatures tonight.  Really?  It is the middle of April and this is DALLAS.  Goodness.  This means that Mister and I need to cover all of our beautiful flowers so just before dark, we pull everything up close to the house in the front and back and cover with plastic and then sheets.  Fingers crossed.

Now -- what to do about our baby peaches?  We give it our best shot and with a sheet and two tarps, manage to give the tree an umbrella that will hopefully keep it a bit warmer and stop the frost from touching it.  Again -- fingers are crossed.

One of the benefits of tonights clear skies leading to our cold temperatures is that we are having a lunar eclipse tonight and should be able to see it.  Yay!  I have never been in the right place at the right time to see one of these so am excited.  Yes it is at 2 in the morning -- Yes we are old -- Yes we are going to do it.

Mister has checked nearby locations for the best viewing area, but I walk out to the porch about an hour before the eclipse starts and the moon is just right there --- straight off our porch.  We don't have to go anywhere.  Mister sets up his camera and is blessed with some really great shots.  Here ya go:

We have light pollution by staying in the city, but all in all --- it is great fun and I am glad we stayed awake for it.  Now -- it is 3:30 and definitely time for bed.