Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vegas Bound - Raef is 6

Hello desert.  Look at this beautiful sunset that we flew with on our way to Las Vegas.  The colors are absolutely fabulous.

Upon arriving, we immediately went to the condo, settled in, showered and were off to KA at the MGM Grand.  There is not much I can say about the show except -- everyone should see it just to experience the set alone.  Even Mister was impressed with the stage.  All those mechanical brains cells were bursting watching it change and mold to fit the show.  A quick walk around the Strip and we called it a night.

The next morning we were off to see Amanda and family.  We were going to drive to Mt. Charleston for the morning and everyone was going out on the Strip later in the evening.  It was a great drive up to Mt. Charleston and once we arrived, we let the boys get out and play in the snow for a little while before stopping in at the lodge and getting some much needed hot cocoa.  After sitting and visiting for awhile, it was time to head back into town.  (For some reason - which we haven't determined yet -- ALL pictures of that visit are gone -- ugh.)

Our late afternoon plans were to go to the MGM Grand and see The Lion King.  We did a dinner stop at The Rainforest Cafe. The boys were so good and Raef was completely happy just because he got a steak.  I loved it.  After asking for a moment, they posed with the elephant so that I could take a "Gammy" picture.

When we got to the theater, everyone was sitting and relaxing while waiting for the show to start.  When it did -- the animals started coming down the aisles and I will never forget the wide-eyed look of wonder that Ryan gave.  Amanda said that at that moment she was so glad to have been able to see that look -- it was just that special.

We all took an evening stroll on the Strip for a little while before calling it a night.  We were happily off to our condo for a good night's sleep.  The next day was Raef's 6th birthday and my goodness but Amanda and Trent had the most amazing party planned.  Little people just kept arriving -- one after another until I was sure the house would fill up.

She had worked so hard on the volcano cake -- complete with a working volcano.  I bow down to her --- I used to make great cakes, but I cannot even compete with that one.

The party got started and between Amanda and Trent, they kept the little ones busy with one activity after another.  I was amazed at how much planning had gone into this party.

It was all based on dinosaurs and the games went right along with the theme.  I especially loved that Ryan wanted so much to be a part of what the "bigger kids" were doing and did his absolute best to keep up.

After awhile, the party moved outdoors for some "get out the wiggles" games.  Obviously sack races needed to be a part of all the festivities and it turns out that Raef was dang good at it.

Next up was the old classic of "Duck, Duck, Goose" and oh my that took me back.  I loved watching the kids as they tried oh so hard to figure out who would be picked.  Okay -- it was time to feed the gang and what better than pizza?  Well -- pizza with silly glasses of course. How did you not get that question?

And of course, a pinata.  These are great at any age -- one from high school sticks in my  mind as something not to be forgotten.  Raef took such a good swing at it and yep -- success!

Check out how full those hands are of the treats.  Too funny.

Finally --- the main event.  THE VOLCANO!  How cool is this?  Look at that look of sheer delight with his cake.

It was a great party and ended with a fantastic rendition "Tooty Ta" which made me laugh until I almost peed my pants.  This was so fun and we were so glad to have been a part of it.  Amanda and Trent really outdid themselves and were absolutely beat at the end of it.

As we sent them all off to rest, we hit the road and aimed the car towards the southeast.  Our destination was The Hoover Dam.

  When we arrived, it was getting a little late and so we quickly took the tour down into the dam.  Wow.  I could not believe how large the generators were AND how quiet.  The place was pristine and only a few of the generators were working at the time as they are not all required at once.  We were way down in the dam and it was kinda spooky to me --- I mean seriously --- think about it.  Once back outside, we were able to take some great pictures as the light was just leaving us.  The shadow on the dam is for the new bridge bypasses driving over the dam itself.  We still took the road that took us over the actual dam.

And here is that bridge:

And --- the dam from the new bridge:  I loved this stop and learned so much.  I can remember touring other dams before, but this one taught me a great deal.  Maybe because I am older and holding onto each experience that comes my way.

By the time we stopped in Henderson for dinner, it was late arriving back at the condo and we were beat.  Time for bed.

Ah yes -- this day was the one Mister had been looking forward to.  He had made arrangements with The Neon Boneyard for a tour in the morning but first a quick stop at Ethel M Chocolates for a tour and some incredible chocolates.  Oh my -- that really is my weak spot --- a great dark chocolate.  We were able to watch the assembly lines I was fascinated by it all.  Could I possibly make a living out of this?  I am always looking for ideas.

Now, onto the boneyard.

Once we arrived, I knew that this was going to be something that Mister loved.  The tour guide was awesome.  Truly.

Once we got started, I am not sure that Mister heard all the wonderful stories being told because he was so caught up in photographing the many signs that called this place home.  It took me back as well since I could remember seeing many of these during my childhood and our visits to Vegas in addition to the times I was there with my own children as they were growing up.

Ah yes, the Stardust.  Oh my --- that one was iconic.  As we were walking along on the tour, our guide mentions a sign from the Black Jack Motel that has a lumberjack as part of it and I love that, but it is not what fascinates me the most.

As we are walking along the sign, We see the imprint of where the sign was made and who made it.  Oh my --- first of all, it is Billings and secondly --- it says J P Pendergrass.  How bizarre as one of the first customers we had in the business back home had the last name of Pendergrass.  A connection perhaps?  Love it.

As we continued along with the tour --- the stories were amazing and we loved the history that this city has.  They don't hide from it -- rather the opposite -- they embrace it and that is one of the things that makes Las Vegas unique.

It was our last day in Vegas and so we went back to Amanda's to  spend some time with her and the boys before we had to pack up and head out the next day.  We took the boys to a park to play for awhile so that we could visit and have a few minutes together.  Being able to spend time with family at the same time as having a mini-vacation is the absolute best.

I cannot believe how much these moments mean to me.

Ah -- is this not a proper ending?  Absolutely beautiful.  Memories made and things learned -- the epitome of a perfect trip.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 - Year in Review

Another year has gone and this time it is the first full year here on the blog.  Thank you for following along with us in our daily life and just being a part of my journal.

This year was, simply put, AMAZING.  How could it be anything but?  If you have kept up, you know what I am talking about but here is a recap for you anyway --

January arrived with us spending New Year's Eve in a motel as Mister was doing an incredibly cold bike ride the next day.  Call him crazy.  Kyle and Rhiana came to visit the first week and then we were off to St. Louis for a simply wonderful late Christmas gift to each other.  We then flew to Ohio for a few days before flying to South Dakota to watch kids while Jen and Louis took a much needed break.  From there we went to Billings.  What a crazy, long trip.

February brought us 12 1/2" of snow.  Yep, that's right.  We live in Dallas and got 12 1/2" of snow.  Wow.  The rest of the month was spent around town and with me being able to do the Birthday Season for Mister for the first time.  What fun that was.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merrry Christmas

Our first married Christmas!  Yay!  We are all alone this morning and able to open our gifts from each other in a lazy and comfortable way.

Next -- get dressed and off to Mister's brother's house for the day.  When we arrive -- he spots the train under the tree --- yep, I am married to a large little boy.  I love it.

Gift exchanges are always fun and it is especially true when learning another family's traditions.  Here, they all open at once and you have to keep your eyes open to see what is being received.

On the right, Penny has found our cookies.  Yum.

Mom, Bro Rick, and nephew Bob all seem equally happy with their items.

That is always a plus.

Merry Christmas to all --- I hope your day is absolutely perfect.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve in Temple

A drive down to Temple to spend Christmas Eve with Jen and fam.  We are so excited to give the boys their gift --- a slot car set.  Mister searched for it for quite awhile and we are hoping that they just love it.  Obviously they have to put the dang thing together, but the smiles seem to tell it all.

We also got Rebecca several items and I was happy to explain how to use them.  I do love her age and all the things she is experiencing in life.  What a sweet little lady she is.

Mom and Dad were the beneficiaries of new pots and pans.  I know -- incredibly boring for guys, but much needed and top of the line in Pampered Chef.

We ended the day with a great meal --- my fav --- Tomato Bisque.  I am so happy that this tradition has continued through the family.  Somethings need to stay the same.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Baking Treasure Trove

We are done!  Everything is tinned and ready for shipment.  Good thing since it HAS to go into the mail today.  Just joking!  We shipped everything already that had to go -- these are the local tins getting ready to be give.  I know -- aren't we wonderful?  HAHAHAHA  Truth be told --- I LOVE doing this even if it is a lot of work.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Amanda and the Boys Come to Visit

Returning from Jacob's baptism, we had Amanda, Raef, and Ryan for a few days.  I was so excited for this time with them and the fun times we would have.

Northpark Mall has hands down the best Santa I have ever been in the presence of.  That being the case, I wanted to take the boys over to see him and hear his story telling.  This guy has been at here for as long as most people can remember and everything about him is authentic -- even the beard and hair.  Awesome.

Each year the mall also plays host to The Trains at Northpark and since we have boys along (and Mister) it seems to be a must stop.  After a trip through the displays, our train conductors posed in their hats for us.  Well, not really, but we did take a picture.

There was time made for playing -- of course.  Who would want to come to Gammy's house if we couldn't play?

Grandpa and Raef were having snacks and a great talk that I interrupted with this picture.  Neither one looks too happy with me over it.

Perhaps it was payback for the shot of me with Raef.  There are toys all over the house and I love it.  Usually the two of us just ramble around in here.

We had such a short time with everyone this visit, but made an effort to make memories.  Since it is close to Christmas - well what else would Gammy do except make cookies?

Raef was excited to help and so we mixed up a sugar cookie dough to cut into shapes and decorate with frosting made by Grandpa and Ryan.

Time to decorate.  We brought out sprinkles to finish up with after frosting and soon the boys were filling plates (and mouths) with yummy treats.  Just enjoy the pictures and know that we made cookies AND memories that day.  At least I did.

It was such a fast couple of days and so sad to see them leave, but they left with Christmas presents in tow.  Yep, it took us awhile to get them checked in cos we sent BIG boxes along too.  Lucky Southwest Airlines.  Can't wait for another chance like this.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jacob's Baptism

I cannot believe Jacob is 8.  I mean, I know his birthday was two  months ago, but still --- 8?  I know I am getting old.  We drove down to Temple for the day and to pick up Amanda and her boys.  They have been visiting with Jen for a few days and now it is our turn to have them.

Prior to us coming down, Jen asked Mister to do a family shot for them and so he had brought along a few pieces of equipment to help it out.  So, while everyone was dressed and ready to go -- we grabbed them and quickly took a few pictures.

Then it was off to the baptism.  As Jacob, Mom, and Dad prepared everything, Amanda and I did our bet to keep everyone else entertained and quiet.  I think we succeeded.
It certainly looks like we are having fun -- not real sure about Ryan though.  I think we were laughing at his expense.  Bad Gammy and Mommy.

Ah yes, snacks.  It is not a baptism without them.  I love this.  We asked all the boys to sit against the wall so that they didn't spill anything on the floor.  Six grandsons raising their cups.  Isn't that cool?  Naturally Bekah did not wish to join them, but was busy on her own.  Must be a good root beer float.

I love you Jacob.  Congratulations.