Thursday, July 23, 2009

Peach Day!

The night before --- attempting (and I do mean attempting) to remember everything that needs to go along on a day of riding. We even tried a checklist and we still forgot to put things on the list and added four additional items to it when we returned home the next day. The really interesting part is that with my knee still on mend, this is only for one rider. Imagine the amount if both Mister and I were riding.

The day was beautiful even though we left in the dark. Mister was smiling as he started out and rode over 62 miles and still was smiling when he returned. I enjoyed the morning wandering some English gardens and a wonderful farmers market. After the ride, Mister and I endured the 105 degree heat to go to the peach festival. Peach everything --- cobblers, ice cream, pies, etc. could be found everywhere and we ducked out of the heat and into the coolest little sandwich shop where just watching the dynamics of this small town was entertainment for over an hour before braving the heat once again. Oh and yes --- the ice cream was yummy.

Enjoying Kids and Grands

What a great day at work! One of the greatest blessings in my life right now is that I get to spend time with my kids and grands each month while working and the trip is eagerly anticipated. Mother and daughter above in the office -- of course you can tell I'm working hard as those are my arms holding the little miss. Spending three days with my "girls" is such a joy and its amazing how much I treasure those times together. The smiles I was favored with were so incredible and so were the "conversations" we had. The talks my daughter and I had were equally as memorable to me and we planned her visit to see me next month -- one I am so looking forward to.

What can I say? Like father, like son. Working very hard isn't he? The office is always a buzz of activity and playing around with his sister gave me the chance to shoot this pic. They work very hard and when they have a chance to let down and get silly, its fun to watch. Having my grandson around to share in the fun made the day even more special to me. I cannot believe how quickly they are all growing up -- but this one absolutely loves to pose for the camera -- something his father always hated and is hard to believe since my son is generally full of smiles and ready to tease at a moments notice.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday America!!!

We spent the 4th of July up on the lake with family. Sat on a boat dock under the stars and enjoyed the display reminding us of the freedoms that we all enjoy each and every day. Mister's brother, sister-in-law, and nephew provided a wonderful barbeque and had just returned from seeing the Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles hatch while on vacation. They brought back a wonderful turtle for my collection and touched my heart in doing so.

Before and After

The last weekend in June found us in another small town for a bike ride. First picture is nice and fresh, just starting out --- second one? Well, its a bit warmer out and he hit the cold shower completely dressed to try and cool off. This time Mister was riding alone and the ride started earlier -- thus, fnished earlier and we were able to hit the town for a little while. Stopped in at this great little restaurant/pub for lunch and they asked if he had partaken of the pickle juice that was along the way. He said yes, and they replied that they had supplied all of it for the riders. People started talking and wondered what a pickle martini would be like and the next thing we knew one of the owners was up mixing it and passing it around -- tasted like pickle juice, lol. They decided to call it a pickletini -- small town fun at its best. The chicken salad sandwich there was oh so good -- or were we just REALLY hungry?

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Last Saturday was beautiful as the ride started out with 2000 other close friends. I had hurt my knee in Alaska and so was not able to ride along with Mister and his sister. At the end of the ride I was almost glad as it was about 105 with 80% humidity -- ugh. They were fried. I, on the other hand had thoroughly enjoyed the morning with a nice outdoor cafe breakfast consisting of a fruit plate and watching the downtown come alive. Then off to a really cool farmers market and some fresh pasta and zucchini found their way home with me. It was a nice morning for me -- the others, well after 55 miles they were still smiling so I guess another ride is in the future. I need to get a pair of those wonderful padded pants that they all wear in order to do that many miles and not be in pain. Either that or one of those really soft BIG seats -- man I sound old.

Friday, June 12, 2009

What fun!

Isn't she just a slice heaven here on earth? What a sweetheart. During my monthly trek to the office up north, I was able to spend some incredibly pleasurable time with this doll. She favored me with some of her first smiles and I was ever so thankful. This was her first day in a dress and if nothing, she looked even more feminine. What joy! Her mama and daddy are doing just great too even with all the changes going on around them in their lives right now. Its fun to watch the daily changes and remember back to how nothing ever seemed set in stone back then and how we always had to be fluid and open to changes. Something that gets a little harder with age and I am somehow trying to get a grasp on again. Also, while up there I was treated to time with a grandson that is just oh so fun right now. Everytime I took my camera out, he struck a pose -- too funny -- and they all involved lifting his arms as if he had just finished some gymnastics trick. Even with a stick of candy in one hand and an incredibly sticky face, one arm still had to go up. I loved it. I had front row tickets for a special dance performance by him as well and just had to video it so that i could watch it over and over and over when at home. He is just a joy and each time he comes to me with arms raised to be lifted up, my heart just melts and I could easily run away with him -- with mom and dad in hot pursuit for sure. I think he has their hearts too.

Each trip brings me more time with these little ones and more memories that mean oh so much. They are so full of life and make a person constantly aware that we should enjoy each day to its fullest just as they do. Every little exposure to one of our senses should have the time taken with it to inhale deeply the wonderful aromas, look in detail at the beauty around us, listen closely to the sounds of joy, taste the incredible creations placed before us, and touch, oh yes -- definitely touch to marvel at the wonder of all things. Life is short -- enjoy.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fun With Grands

Spending two and a half days in Denver with three of the grandsons was such a treat. We went to Garden of the Gods where the rarity of all three looking at the camera at once took place. What fun it was. The park was absolutely beautiful and the boys had such fun climbing on the rocks and just being boys. Additional activities included the cliff dwellings, a full day at the childrens museum, and a morning at the acquarium where my new turtle picture was snapped. Every opportunity to create memories with these little ones is grabbed and held onto with fervor as they grow up so fast and then the chances are gone. Watching them interact with one another was a sheer delight and the imaginations ran wild as well as the feet now and then -- all boy. Hopefully another opportunity is just around the corner for treasured memory making.