Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 - Year in Review

The purpose of this post is for me to reflect on the past year and look forward to all that a new year will bring into my life.  I have enjoyed 2014 more than can be believed.  I found a passion that had been simmering on the back burner for over 20 years and brought it back to life.  In doing so -- I made connections with grandchildren that I will treasure always.  Come take a look back with me and the wonders of twelve months in my life.  After reading this, please feel free to enjoy the blog posts that match.

January started with me taking quilt classes the first two days and a decision by Mister and I to make a quilt for each of the grandchildren for their birthday this year.  Now you can see the direction our year took, can't you?  We started working together and with a birthday on Jan. 17, we really needed to get going.  It was accomplished and we took a deep breath as it was shipped out on time.  THEN we realized that another birthday was two weeks later.  Oh my -- and thus it began.  With 12 grandchildren and one on the way - it was going to be a busy year.  Two quilts down this month and plans for the rest underway.  Cass's baby shower was this month as well and I couldn't believe another little one would make an appearance in our family in the spring.  Such fun.  I also made a hand quilted table runner that Mister picked out in Hawaii last year and gifted it to him.

February arrived and without any grands birthdays one would think we could relax, but no.  We have a problem in our family with babies being born between April 7 and May 15.  Seriously.  So Mister and I planned and cut and sewed like crazy people.  We also spent 9 days in Cheyenne enjoying Amanda and Rhiana's families.  It was snowy, fun, and allowed us to give Trent and Amanda some much needed time away together.  It is so much fun to be able to help out this way.  Once we were back in Texas, Jen and Louis needed some help as well so we were off to watch grands while they snuck away to Arizona for some special time with her grandmother.  In there -- a fun birthday for Mister as well.

March delivered spring and a decision to host a wine event at our home.  So we kicked spring cleaning into gear and truly went through every inch of our home over a weeks time.  Whew.  We also did a lot of walking at the Arboretum and the lake in addition to spending time with local family and friends.  Of course, we were sewing away as well as adopting new machines to love.  Our sad spot this month was learning that a very close friend had a very advanced stage of cancer.  This struck close to our hearts and sent me to the machine to make him a lap quilt to use while at chemo.  I think as many tears as stitches went into that quilt.

April brought change as Scott and Cass had decided to return to Provo.  I was sad but knew that they would do what was best for them and they left with a tricot quilt for that lovely new granddaughter who would be here soon.  The house seemed empty though.  The birthday season started this month as we gained another teenage grandchild and a quilt was delivered.  Mister and I then thoroughly enjoyed the spring with road trips and many morning walks at the Arboretum.  Oh the blooms.  Art festivals and restaurant hopping took up the rest of the month.  Two more quilts went in the mail, one was delivered to a neighbor friend that was having a baby and we were almost 1/2 of the way through the quilt saga.

Ah May, sweet May.  This month is ALWAYS nuts.  No exception this year.  I was able to attend my first quilt retreat this month and I have to say that I am indeed hooked.  Jen came along and that made it an extra special Mother's Day for me.  Next up was a trip to Wyoming for Ryan's birthday.  I had already shipped two quilts for girls birthdays so we were now more than halfway there.  Returning from Wyoming, I brought Elena and Malea home with me for 10 days of girl time and then returned them to their mommy.  The month ended with a nephews graduation and another quilt (yep - we wanted more to do) gifted.  A beautiful quilt went in the mail for grandbaby number 13 and we were up to 14 quilts now.  Oh my.  A trip to Temple ended the month as we got to help out by attending awards ceremonies for grands.  I am so thankful to live close enough to be available for these moments.

It's June and we received a new granddaughter -- Miss Ophelia entered the world to spread some joy around.  It also meant that school was out and Camp Gammy and Grandpa had begun.  We had Texas grandsons for 14 days and delivered a quilt to Bekah as well this month.  We were two moving units.  While Jon stayed with us -- he wanted to make a quilt and who was I to deny that?  His finished product was pretty dang sweet.

July warmed up the state and brought us grandsons from Wyoming.  The boys came to play for 10 days and as I returned them, Rhiana asked me to stay and help her for awhile so I obliged of course.  A week later, I returned home to see my sweetie and start our morning walks again.  I did so miss him.  I finished a special quilt this month and he asked if he could keep it.  Well of course.  Why didn't I think of that?

August sent me back to Denver to pick up more grands one week after returning from Wyoming.  This time the Montana duo were here to share time with Grandpa and I.  They stayed for 11 days while their parents enjoyed a little time to themselves.  I am thrilled to be the replacement each year.  During all of this, I had three children moving.  Amanda and Trent bought a dental practice in Telluride, Jen and Louis were transferred back to Abilene, and Rhiana returned to Billings.  Wow.  Changes everywhere - including in our home too as Mister started a new job.  Before school started, I was still running camp as two grandsons had not visited yet.  As the month closed and school was in session everywhere, we managed to have time with all but Bekah.  So sad but we will find a time soon.

September opened with a trip to Provo to meet Ophelia and watch her be blessed.  What a treat for me and I am so very thankful to have been a part of it.  The rest of the month was filled with special moments watching Texas grands in activities, time with Mister's family, and sewing, sewing, sewing.  We had decided to make quilts for the grown children as Christmas gifts.  Yep -- total insanity here.  Oh, and our moms too.  Mister and I found some time to ourselves and checked out a few festivals and enjoyed many morning walks.

October arrived and I couldn't believe this year was almost over.  There was a fall feeling in the air and I loved it however, the month started with a vengeance and we were hit with one crazy wind storm.  Tree limbs and debris everywhere.  No power for almost a full day and many were without for several days.  We celebrated 4 years of marriage this month and took a wonderful trip to east Texas where I was completely mesmerized with the scenery.  The time with Mister was pretty awesome as well.  We spent time in Abilene for special moments (Jacob's birthday and ordination - quilt delivery), at soccer games, and at family events.  Towards the end of the month, I went to Telluride to spend some time with Amanda and her family.  It was my first time there and I loved my week in the mountains.  Before my trip, I put another birthday quilt in the mail and only had one birthday left.  That made 18 delivered quilts so far and Mister and I actually spent Halloween handing out candy --- big candy bars to the few trick or treaters that came our way.  I finished a couple of quilts for myself this month as well.  So amazing to me.

November was here and I was so excited.  I decided to host a retreat and it happened this month.  When I was in Provo in Utah, I made totes for everyone as a gift and wanted everything to work out just so.  It was fantastic and we scheduled two more for next year.  I made some great new friends and came home on cloud nine along with a finished wedding quilt to send to my nephew and his wife.  The last grandchild quilt was delivered this month.  Yes!!! We did it.  We had a great Thanksgiving with our home filled with laughter and love.  The Christmas spirit took root this month as well.  What a fun month and another new quilt for me as well.  Twenty quilts have been gifted and I had three to keep thus far.

December walked in and I realized that I had one heck of a lot to do still.  We spent the month working on gifts, sharing time with Jason and his family, and enjoying the season around the city.  The boxes were filled for shipping and 4 quilts went in the mail.  Another was delivered on Christmas day and two more a couple days after.  I can't believe we did it.  Thirty quilts this year and one just oh so close to being finished.  What a fun year and I cannot believe how lucky I have been and how much I have learned.  Perhaps next year we will do some traveling again and then again perhaps I will just happily quilt away.  Who really knows.  We threw a surprise birthday party for Mom H that was enjoyed by all and the month ended with a house full of family enjoying each other and then Miss Elena and Miss Malea staying on for awhile.  New Years Eve started my classes and the cycle began again.

It has been an amazing year and it's hard to believe it is already over.  I am only looking forward and enjoying life as much as it is possible for an old woman to do.  Please join Mister and I in this endeavor and let's all make time for wonderful moments to occur in our lives.  Thanks for sharing your time with us and making us feel loved as well.

Lady and Mister

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Elena and Malea Visit -- Days 1 & 2

29th - The girls are all ours!  Woohoo!  Rhiana and Kasey left for Mexico early this morning and we have these little gems for 2 weeks.  Let the fun begin.  We have determine that today is going to be a quiet day.  Yep -- Grandpa has to go to work and Gammy needs one of these so lets find toys and play the day away.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Second Christmas -- House is Packed and I LOVE It.

Well, it is family time and I am oh so ready.  I LOVE the holidays and especially when given the chance to fill the house up.  Jen's family is the first to arrive today and within no time there are games being played, food being prepared, and visits all around.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Mom H's Bday

Okay I can't stand it anymore.  Mom H is turning 80 tomorrow and I want to do something a little extra for her.  We are supposed to pick her up at 12:45 to meet everyone for lunch at 1:00.  It is now 11:00 and I just got off the phone with the complex she lives in.  They have agreed to tell her friends that we are doing a small party at 2:30.  Now for a run to the store for balloons and a cake.  I am back at the house by 11:45 and we hurry off to the Remington.  We sneak in the back door with the balloons, tablecloth, confetti, and paper products.  I then take the ice cream cake down to the kitchen to hold for us and then we just show up at the front door on time to pick up Mom,  Doesn't the room look awesome?

As we are sneaking up and down her hall, I stop for a quick shot of her doorway.  Have you ever seen such a big stocking, lol?  I love it.

Time for lunch with the family.  Mom chose Mexican and thus Mexican it is.

After lunch, we return to the Remington and convince her that we need more space to have cake and gifts as her apartment is just too small for all of us.  As we enter the main room, her friends give a nice "surprise" and she is.  Yay.  Smiles all around.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas in Grapevine

After our beautiful morning at home, we are off to Grapevine for Christmas dinner and fun with Mister's family.  It's a beautiful day and the drive here is most pleasant.  After some time visiting -- it is time to get down to business --- gifts, of course.

Bob gets to play Santa again and let the fun begin.  Soon lovely little stacks of gifts surround everyone and we go through opening one gift at a time so that all can ooh and aah over everything.  Isn't this it should always be done?

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!  I am like a child and cannot sleep in on this wonderful day.  As all is calm and quiet in our home, I take this time to find some tea and crawl in beside the tree to finish binding a quilt.  I may get this finished today.   Mister and his camera join me for tea and then apparently Santa came to visit although he was strictly asked not to.  I have a wonderful array of fun stuff including something to help me pick up things.  I must really be getting old.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve and I want to know where the time has gone.  Oh my this year has absolutely flown by and I'm not sure, but I think December 1st was yesterday.  I spent the day out in the studio finishing gifts as Mister had to work all day.  Now --- it is time to enjoy the tree and do some binding.  How awesome is this?  I LOVE working by the tree.
How are you spending your Christmas Eve?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Dinner at Home with Jason and Family

We are so blessed to have good friends to share time and conversation with.  Tonight Jason, Tina, Sabrina, and Cecilia are coming for dinner and I am so excited.  Off to the kitchen I go with a meal plan consisting of Glazed Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans with a Bacon/Celery Sauce, and Cheesecake w/cherry topping for dessert.  Yum.  The smells in the house are amazing and soon the sounds of laughter and fun fill the house.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Saturday Before Christmas at the Mall

Today is our repeat attempt to watch Mockingjay and we have decided on the 9:45 a.m. showing.  Since we are exchanging our tickets, an early morning, not very well attended time makes sense.  It is easy peasy to make the exchange and 2 1/2 hours later we have enjoyed the show and are roaming the mall.  Everyone - whether you are shopping or not -- needs to make one trip to the NorthPark Mall each year JUST to see Santa.  We have the absolute best Santa ever and he has been doing this for 23 years.  He is dubbed the "Real Santa" even in the news.  I fell in love the first time I saw him and make a trip back each year to stop and take a peek.

Friday, December 19, 2014


I caught Mister standing and laughing so hard at the pantry.  Then he drug me over to see what was happening.  Apparently I did not put the morning's tea away correctly.  After the picture -- he fixed it.  Oh my.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Making Merry with Jason and Family

We are off to the movies (with Fandango tickets) first thing this morning when I notice that we have a text from Jason asking if we want to help them decorate their tree.  Well, dang - how can we make this happen?  We make a quick trip to the theater to find out if we can switch our tickets for another day and as amazing as it seems, we can.  So cool.  We reroute toward Jason's in no time and find that they have a new tree to put up.  Mister opens the box to find a pre-lit tree in three simple pieces and quickly has it ready to decorate.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Foggy Day

I have been in the office sewing all morning and when I finally get around to checking my phone, I discover that the sound has been off and Mister has been sending messages.  The first one says:  Morning!  Spooky out there today.  The second one:  Still spooky.  The third one:  Less spooky now.  Apparently I need to remember to check the phone more often.  HOWEVER, I did look out the window earlier in the day, see the fog he was talking about, and grab a few pictures.  Now granted, I bet it was much spookier up on the 9th floor of a building.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Back to the Arboretum with Bob and Friends

Our nephew is attending UD as a freshman this year and while we were together for his birthday dinner, I mentioned to him that if he wanted to go to the Arboretum to see the 12 Days of Christmas (see this link for pictures) gazebos in the garden, I would be more than happy to take him.  He called this week and asked to go today along with a couple of friends.  It's a cool day out, but I never turn down an opportunity to go to the gardens.  Come along and watch these college kids enjoy themselves in the beauty of the Arboretum.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Does that hold true here?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Carrollton Soccer With Jon

We are so lucky to be close enough to family to share in fun moments.  Today we have the chance to watch a grandson play soccer, so after meeting my friends in McKinney, we head to Babe's in Carrollton to meet up with Jen, Louis, Josh, and Jon.  After lunch, we are off to watch Jon play some soccer.  It's been awhile since we have had this chance and I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Zoo and Family Fun

Today is our last day with everyone for awhile and we are off to a slow start.  Everyone sleeps in just a bit except Mister and the oldest boys.  They have asked to go to the coffee shop and soon are one their way while everyone else sleeps.

Bekah has another game this afternoon so after I get everyone fed --- everyone packs up and we are going to try and get in a trip to the zoo before going to the game.  Right as everyone is getting ready to go, my stomach does it's thing and I have to be left behind.  So sad.  Mister takes everyone onto the zoo though for some fun and the opportunity to see the new baby giraffe.  Lucky them.

November Quilt Update

LINK to Our Quilt World Facebook Group.  Come be a part of us.

I have moved the previous posts to the end of the entry.  I hope that you make it that far.

Goals:  I have retreat this month --- YAY! -----  AND Black Friday with the start of the mystery quilt -- WOOT!!  ---PLUS time with family for Thanksgiving so scheduling is interesting but we'll give it a shot.

Roll Quilt - nope -- should take this off list until Jan
UFO - Ceramic Tea Set - nope -- dang, really need to get this one done or it is going to become a birthday gift instead
Sandwich, quilt, and bind My Favorite Things (MFT) quilt - yes
Wanderlust (W) Blocks (28 full plus half blocks) - yes
Mark, sandwich, quilt, and bind Sew Squared (SS) quilt  - nope but Mister did get the templates made
Sandwich, quilt, bind, and make label for Scrappy Bargello (SB) quilt - yes
Sandwich, quilt, and bind Virginia Bound (VB) quilt - yes
Quilt, and bind Lazy Sunday (LS) quilt - yes
Mark, sandwich, quilt, and bind Peaceful Paisley (PP) quilt - yes
Bookmarks finished - on hold til Jan
Round Robin (RR) blocks (14) pattern and fabrics selected
Clue #1 Grand Illusion (GI) Mystery Quilt worked on - yes - all cut and ready to sew
Wedding Quilt (WQ) blocks prepared, sashings cut, backing/label made, borders cut, binding made - yes
Finish sewing mats - yes

Finish any remaining Wanderlust (W) half blocks, do border blocks, and set yes
Set, sandwich, quilt and bind Wedding Quilt (WQ) yes
Make sewing mats - 4 finished, 2 close
Any bindings that need to be hand-stitched as well - worked on PP
Debone all remaining shirts in basket - yes - 12 completed

1st -  OMG It's November!  Hang on for one heck of a month.  I give myself a HUGE talking to this morning when I realize just how long my list is and how little time I have.  There is just no room for lazing around.  Get with it girl.  It's Saturday, which means I am devoted to my sweetie for today and tomorrow.  I won't change that as I have learned the hard way in life where my priorities need to be.  Mister and I go shopping for the materials to refinish my Featherweight table.  I appreciate so much that he is working on this for me.  He is also making me a Big Board!  I am one lucky girl.  Matt sent me a picture from Hyrum's birthday party of him with his quilt.  Makes my heart feel good.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Soccer - Haircuts - Josh's Bday -- Last Quilt is Delivered - Whew

Okay everyone -- Up and at 'em.  We have a soccer game at 10:00 in Plano and must be out of the house by 8:30 to get Bekah there in time.  So, naturally, who do you think we are having the hardest time waking up?  Yep, that's right.  Under all of that red/black/white/grey lies our soccer player.  Let's go girl.  We get to the field and settle in for the game while the boys set up a card game.  How on earth can Jacob tell what is going on?  Game time.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday at the Arboretum - Then Soccer

Good morning!  I find my computer commandeered and crayons being put to use in the office.  It all works for me.  However, Miss Bekah has a soccer game this afternoon AND a football game tonight so it is definitely time to get up and going.  Mister has gone to work and the rest of us are going to the Arboretum to peek at the 12 Days of Christmas displays during the daytime.

Let's go.  Head em out.  Yes, that means you too.  Come on now.  Out to door.  Oh Goodness but we are a slow moving train.  Doesn't everyone look happy?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Family Time

I LOVE Thanksgiving.  Perhaps it is because I love the fall so much.  Perhaps it is because it is a holiday devoted to being thankful and not expecting anything except some yummy food.  There is no pressure of gifts or costumes or bonkers decorating.  It's just people getting together and sharing the love.  I have always wanted to be surrounded by family on this day and this year my house will be filled with the sounds of laughter and love.  Yep - I'm a content girl.

Mister is on his way to get his mother while I finish up some preparations.  I made the rolls last night but was disappointed in the way they turned out so I am quickly getting another dough going.  Now, it's time for company.  When Mom arrives, we set up a table for her to work at in the kitchen and promptly put her to work.  She is in charge of the relish tray and preparing the giblets for the gravy.  Less things for Mister and I to worry about.

My dough is ready to be punched down and shaped into rolls.  It feels good so hopefully it will turn out better today.

Out The Kitchen Window

Some days joy is just right out the window.  Today is one such day for Mister.

I Am Thankful For:

Around Facebook people are posting their daily "I am thankful for" items and while I agree that it serves a purpose for us to take a look at our lives and focus on what we are grateful for, I have trouble with making a daily public "look at me" about them.  I have, therefore, decided to put it here, in a single post where I can refer back to it on occasion and know that it is mostly my family who will see it here.

1st - At this point in my life, I am most thankful for my sweetheart, who loves me unconditionally and I treasure that because I also know that I am a hard person to love.  He treats me with utmost tenderness and concern at all times.  I love that he is always doing things to make me smile.  This wonderful man makes me feel alive and helps me to be a better person, simply by example.  He has taught me so very much and I am so very thankful that he came into my life.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Fall Has Arrived!

Oh I do so LOVE this time of year.  I returned home from a quilting retreat to find that my lovely home has undergone a change.  Mister was out this morning and got some great shots of the trees in our yard.  Enjoy the eye candy.  I know I am.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Oooooh -- The Orchid is Doing Something

Mister is so excited he can barely contain himself.  The orchid is up to something.  Getting these babies to bloom again is definitely a test of patience.  We are pretty thrilled right now.  (The violets are beautiful now too.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Bob's Bday Dinner

Our nephew's birthday was in October but for some reason it has taken us awhile to get together and treat him to a dinner out.  Since Grandma hasn't had a chance to see him in awhile, she is coming along.  We are off to Foods From Galilee and I could not be happier.

We have a great evening talking and enjoying the mediterranean food.  Oh Yum.  Happy 19th Birthday Bob.  Glad college is going so well and hope you enjoy the break over Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Magical Night at the Arboretum - 12 Days of Christmas

It is one of those times when a person is thankful for memberships at wonderful places.  The Dallas Arboretum is getting ready to launch their "12 Days of Christmas" display and we are lucky enough to get to preview it ahead of time.  It will be available to ALL who visit the Arboretum during the daytime for the next couple of months, but in order to see it lit up at night, one must have additional tickets and reservations.  We will see it many times over the course of it's stay during the day, but know that we need to take advantage of this evening preview.  Thus, as soon as Mister arrives home from work, we have a quick dinner, make some hot chocolate to put in the thermos and are off.

It is about 6:15 when we arrive and it is already dark.  Thank you time change.  The grounds are alive with activity and the gazebos for the "days" are scattered here and there throughout the gardens.  It is indeed magical and beautiful.

This is our second trip to the gardens at night.  We were here for the Chihuly exhibit (link will take you to that post) and loved being here after dark.  We know the place well and are able to wander happily through the areas that we love.  Are  you ready for 12 days?  Let's go.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Day With Mister - McKinney

I woke early this morning and since it is Saturday, tried to creep quietly out of the bedroom to let Mister get a chance to sleep in.  A few minutes later, he walks into the office and says that he wants to spend the day with his Sweetie.  Ah, gotta love this man.  I had mentioned an estate sale in McKinney earlier in the week and today is the last day for it.  He has remembered and asks if I want to see if anything is left.  Heck yeah.  After a quick search, I locate a couple more sales in the same area and we are off.

I absolutely love this little city.  When we arrive at the sale, most of the sewing items are already sold, but there is a ton of fabric.  Everyone would be so proud of me -- I walked away from it all.  I have a ton of my own to use up.  I do spot a scooter in the garage though and Mister comes along to help me check it out for his mother.  Yep -- we make the purchase and move onto the next sale where we find a light for Mister to use in the studio while working on machines.  The last sale is a bust but now we are free to explore McKinney for awhile.  First stop is the Farmer's Market.  I love this little market as it "feels" like a farmer's market should.  It is in a cute little historic area of the city and has music, face painting, and much more.