Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tae Kwon Do with Bekah

Off to Austin to spend time with Jen and have a little fun.  First up was a Tae Kwon Do competition that is the qualifier for Nationals and we all have our fingers crossed that it turns out well for Bekah.  She has a good day even though everyone certainly looks serious enough.  She will be heading to Nationals next month.  Woohoo!  Yay Bekah!

We kept Bekah with us over night at the hotel and took her wandering down to SoCo for awhile.  It was a hot day and since she had competition again the next day, we made her wear my hat.  She felt out of place for awhile, but then let's remember where we were.  Austin!  Keep Austin Weird!  After just a short time of watching others and how they were dressed -- suddenly my hat was not so bad at all.

Lunch was at the Purple Bean Cafe - one of the great little food trucks that Austin is so famous for.  We had a mufaletta that was so very good and they actually had lefse as well.  I had to give in and try some and they did a really good job on it.  Yum.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Once in a Lifetime -- Padre Island

One of my Valentine gifts from Mister this past May was that he adopted a turtle nest in my name.  We were then able to track when the eggs were laid.  Truly amazing --- it was on my birthday!  Now it is late June and since I had let Sea Turtle Inc know that I was interested in being there when the hatchlings were about to arrive, I received a call early this morning at work.  Was I still interested?  My nest was likely to hatch that day, but if it didn't, there would be others that were and I could be a part of all of that.  They said that I would be able to help check nests and do the release.  I absolutely did not have to be asked twice.  I said that I was 9 hours away but would hit the road within the hour.  I called Mister and told him I was heading to Padre Island if he wanted to come along.  Well naturally he did and so off we went on a mad dash.  We arrived after they had closed and so checked into our hotel, grabbed a quick bite and went to bed as there was going to be an early release the next morning.

We were up bright and early the next morning and stopped at the office.  We told them we were the "turtle people" from Dallas and they invited us in.  They were preparing the hatchlings from another nest for release and we were able to peek in at everything.  They took me into a dark restroom where there was styrofoam cooler with over a hundred little babies "frenzying" and wanting to get in the water.  So, let's get them there.

We drive down to the release point and help set up the ropes to keep people from interfering.  Sea Turtle Inc. has a hotline that tells when and where they will be doing releases and for the most part, they are open to the public to view.

By the time we are ready, a fairly large crowd has arrived and so the hatchlings are placed on the sand quite a distance from the water.  They need to work to get there.  As soon as they are on the ground, they start the journey towards the water.  It takes over an hour before all are in the water and it is remarkable to watch their flippers rapidly spin when the waves rush in.

They do not have very good chances of making it.  Only 1 in 1,000 will reach adulthood.  Ugh.  At least we are trying.

Soon the beach is clearing and many of them are on their way.  I am impressed with the crowd as they are staying until the last one makes it to the water.

Just enjoy the next few pictures - nice sunrise huh?  Gotta love Texas.

When this release was finished, I was pulled over and introduced to the crew.  We would be working together that day and hopefully into the night.  I cannot tell you how excited I was.  This is an amazing group of people dedicated to sea turtles.

They told us to take a break and check back in later on as they had been up most of the night with the hatchlings.  So we drove around South Padre and into Port Isabel to have a meal and see the old shrimp boats.  Very cool.

When we returned to the island, we went to headquarters to witness the effort that is taking place there to rescue and rehabilitate injured sea turtles.  They also have an education program which was in full swing with tours for local school groups.

We had the chance to talk with Jeff George and the staff to learn what we would be doing later on.  We agreed to go have some dinner and then meet to check on the nests.

Naturally, we were able to find a local brewery and so we stopped in at Padre Island Brewing Company for a sampler.  Aren't these pretty?

We go another bite to eat and then meet up to go check on the nests with Justin and  ??.  For the life of me I cannot remember her name.  Drat.

When the turtles nest on the beach and after mama leaves, the nests are dug up and moved to an area where they can be protected better.  We walked out to the enclosure and then dug down into the sand on the nests that should be hatching soon -- one of which was mine -- yay.

We find baby turtles that have indeed hatched and are starting to dig their way out of the sand.  We discover that they may reach the surface that evening and so put everything back the way it was and go back to the hotel for some sleep as the call will come around midnight if my babies are ready.

Now, the rest of the story has to be told without pictures as it was dark and who had time to take pictures anyway.  We get called around 11:30 that we will be picked up about half an hour later.  Yay -- here we go -- my nest is ready.  The hatchlings are almost out of the nest and ready to go.  We go straight to the nest and finish digging it out, placing the babies in that same cooler.  From there it is back to headquarters to count the live ones and the ones who didn't hatch.  This number has to match the number that was recorded when the nest was moved.  They are then each measured and weighed and that took awhile but I got to handled each and every one of these precious creatures.  The next step is to release and since it is a midnight release, the public is not notified and so we don't have to set up all the barriers.  The hatchlings have a better chance at night as well.  We are out on the beach for a couple of hours by the time they all make it to water and a check of the beach is done to make sure that no one came back a slight distance away.  It was incredible.  I cannot believe that I was fortunate enough to have this experience and will forever be thankful to Sea Turtle Inc. for providing it for me.  What a way to make an old woman happy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Luscious Dessert!

Mini Mocha Tortes.  I had a little fun tonight with dessert.  Oh and they were yummy.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rebekah is 12! Where are the years going?

I cannot believe that I have a grandchild that is 12.  How on earth did that happen?

We went down to Temple armed with Victoria Secret shampoos and lotions and a giftcard to Kohl's for her to do some shopping.  We wanted to share in her celebration and fun since she got her new cedar chest this year.  Some traditions are continuing and that is fun for me.

I am not sure how we managed to only take these few pictures but it is better than not having any.

Apparently she is not too big to climb up on Grandpa's shoulders.  Are we too cold?

Her brothers had made really cool cards for her and were all smiles when they presented them.  Dad had given her a patch that she was pretty delighted with as well.  Oh, and I think Jon is just a wee bit jealous of it.

Another fun day in Temple.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Natures Web

How cool is this web?  This was looking out the back sliding door --- Amazing.  Neither of us think it was there yesterday.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Blessing Caleb - Las Vegas

We flew straight from Boston to Las Vegas to be a part of Caleb's blessing.  We arrived late and went straight to Amanda's and to bed.  The next day was going to be busy and us old folks needed some rest. First thing the next morning we were woken by two delightful grandsons climbing into our bed with us. These are some of our most treasured memories -- the wee hours when we get them all to ourselves.

Mister doesn't wear a shirt to bed and he will forever remember Raef asking him why he was naked.  Too funny.  Oh, and Ryan wondering where all his hair went.  Those two always have the choicest comments for us to laugh about later.  Time to get up and get moving -- Jen arrived last night as well and had problems so didn't get to bed until quite late.  Cass and Scott were due to arrive today and tons of Trent's family were in town for this as well as John and Sheri.  Should be a packed house today.

Trent and Amanda have opted to do the blessing at home instead of at the church building and that does give us a little more latitude with time as we do not have any travel, but we are still trying to keep everything reverent, even with cousins who haven't seen each other for awhile.  Soon, the house is buzzing with people.  The star attraction has been dressed in white and everyone is ready to begin.

The blessing goes beautifully and then it is picture time.  I got in a quick one of Mister before he took over as photographer.  I love it.

Of course I wanted at least one shot of me and Caleb --- look at him looking at me.  What is all over her face?  Dots and wrinkles.  Pretty sure that is what he is thinking.

I wanted to get a picture of him on the blessing blanket and goodness but I had a lot of help.

It's okay though because it becomes a very cool shot of 8 of my grandchildren and then they all want to get in the act ---

Too many wiggling bodies -- we took so many shots of this and evens till couldn't get everyone just laying in place.  Still cute though.

Now for group shots ---

Then we let everyone change clothes and play.  It doesn't take Aunt Cassie long to set up a game and entertain half of the little bodies.  She is so good with her nieces and nephews.  They should always remember how she played with them at every event.

We get a girls shot and I love it.  Funny part is that I changed out of my turquoise and Bekah changed into it.  We should have talked and then this picture would be color perfect.  (giggle)

While everyone was busily talking and cooking and whatever else was going on -- I turned my attention to my grandson and we laid on the floor playing I Spy with one of his books.  I absolutely love these moments and remember them often.

I catch the other kids playing with castles and dragons so quietly that it is hard to believe it is a room of boys.  Bekah is just stretched out on the bed watching.  I think she was bored out of her mind today.  It happens at that age.

And finally --- I find a moment to say hello to Caleb.  Gotta get my new baby fix while I am here and enjoy that wonderful smell.  I look tired though -- must be bedtime.  It was a great day though.

Friday, June 3, 2011

We're in Boston!! - Day Three - Cambridge/Harvard/ACBF

Our plans for today include a trip up to Cambridge to visit the Harvard and the square.  As a result, we are up fairly early and on the "T".  I do love the availability of public transportation when traveling back east.  I wish it was more accessible in Dallas, although it does get better each year.

Upon arrival at Harvard Square, the first thing on my mind is breakfast.  It is not often that my tummy dictates, but that is the case this morning.   Mister has already got the problem covered and leads me to L.A. Burdicks to tickle my taste buds.  What a quaint little place.  I adore it.  We are given a number -- only it is the shell of a cacao bean that has been painted.  What fun!  The hot chocolate is divine, I love the mug, and the sweet treats are truly on spot.  Yay Mister!

Once my tummy is happy, we stroll through the square again and watch it come alive.  There are jugglers, clowns, and various other musicians and such setting up for the day.  The whole area is bustling with activity.  We will be back but for now are on our way to Harvard.  The campus is wonderful and we are visually delighted while we talk and think about all that has happened here.  We would like to visit the bell tower, but it is closed today.  Such rotten luck.  Here is a shot of the portico at Memorial Hall on campus.  I LOVE the old architecture here --- well old for the U.S. anyway.

As we return to the square, we take a different route and enjoy the neighborhood.  Mister spots a statue being set in place at The Old Cambridge Baptist Church and we stop to watch for awhile.  I also notice a gorgeous stained glass window and within moments our camera is once again in use.  This church has a partnership with the Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre and they not only perform here, but have rehearsals halls as well.  This statue is by David Kasman and is entitled Resurgence.  Simply breathtaking dancer on pointe and a choice moment to watch it be placed.  YES, the artist is on hand for this event.

Just a short distance away, we spot another church with a wonderful window that I would love to see from the inside.  It is St. Paul's Parish and it is huge.  As we walk up to the doors, I am saddened that they are locked.  However, let it never be said that I am easily distracted.  Mister and I start walking around the building looking for an open door.  It turns out that the office door is open and as we enter we are greeted by a sweet woman who answers our request to see the sanctuary with a smile and a vague point in the direction.  It only takes me a minute and I am off.  Upon entering the sanctuary, we find that the organist is practicing.  That's it -- time for a seat.  There is also a training session going on up front and so the organist is playing softly.  When the training session ends, he looks at us and smiles.  He then switches to the main pipe organ and seriously blows us out of the water.  We are privy to a private concert of the most magnificent order.  How lucky are we?  When it is over, we thank him sincerely and are still buzzing as we head back onto the street.  Simply glorious.

It is time to return to Boston as the main event is tonight.  This is the reason we are visiting on this particular weekend.  We have tickets to the American Craft Beer Festival.  From the hotel, we walk over to the Seaport World Trade Center.  We arrive early, but apparently so does everyone else.  What  line.

The doors open on time and I will say this much.  Even with all these people, this place is huge.  The lines are not long and we start the rounds looking for unique beer to sample.  A large percentage of the breweries are from the New England area, which is fun since we haven't been exposed to many of them yet.

The festival is fun -- we can check one of those off our list now -- however, it is time to go.  Our tickets gave us 3 1/2 hours but we are ready to find some dinner and call it a night.  Thank you Boston for a wonderful time again.  I cannot wait to return.

We are off to LV in the morning for time with Amanda's family and are going to use the condo for the first time.  Time to say goodnight from Massachusetts.