Monday, June 6, 2011

Blessing Caleb - Las Vegas

We flew straight from Boston to Las Vegas to be a part of Caleb's blessing.  We arrived late and went straight to Amanda's and to bed.  The next day was going to be busy and us old folks needed some rest. First thing the next morning we were woken by two delightful grandsons climbing into our bed with us. These are some of our most treasured memories -- the wee hours when we get them all to ourselves.

Mister doesn't wear a shirt to bed and he will forever remember Raef asking him why he was naked.  Too funny.  Oh, and Ryan wondering where all his hair went.  Those two always have the choicest comments for us to laugh about later.  Time to get up and get moving -- Jen arrived last night as well and had problems so didn't get to bed until quite late.  Cass and Scott were due to arrive today and tons of Trent's family were in town for this as well as John and Sheri.  Should be a packed house today.

Trent and Amanda have opted to do the blessing at home instead of at the church building and that does give us a little more latitude with time as we do not have any travel, but we are still trying to keep everything reverent, even with cousins who haven't seen each other for awhile.  Soon, the house is buzzing with people.  The star attraction has been dressed in white and everyone is ready to begin.

The blessing goes beautifully and then it is picture time.  I got in a quick one of Mister before he took over as photographer.  I love it.

Of course I wanted at least one shot of me and Caleb --- look at him looking at me.  What is all over her face?  Dots and wrinkles.  Pretty sure that is what he is thinking.

I wanted to get a picture of him on the blessing blanket and goodness but I had a lot of help.

It's okay though because it becomes a very cool shot of 8 of my grandchildren and then they all want to get in the act ---

Too many wiggling bodies -- we took so many shots of this and evens till couldn't get everyone just laying in place.  Still cute though.

Now for group shots ---

Then we let everyone change clothes and play.  It doesn't take Aunt Cassie long to set up a game and entertain half of the little bodies.  She is so good with her nieces and nephews.  They should always remember how she played with them at every event.

We get a girls shot and I love it.  Funny part is that I changed out of my turquoise and Bekah changed into it.  We should have talked and then this picture would be color perfect.  (giggle)

While everyone was busily talking and cooking and whatever else was going on -- I turned my attention to my grandson and we laid on the floor playing I Spy with one of his books.  I absolutely love these moments and remember them often.

I catch the other kids playing with castles and dragons so quietly that it is hard to believe it is a room of boys.  Bekah is just stretched out on the bed watching.  I think she was bored out of her mind today.  It happens at that age.

And finally --- I find a moment to say hello to Caleb.  Gotta get my new baby fix while I am here and enjoy that wonderful smell.  I look tired though -- must be bedtime.  It was a great day though.

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