Monday, May 17, 2010

Play Day With the Boys in Cleveland - Ryan is 3

Since my flight is not until later this afternoon and since this was also Ryan's birthday weekend, we try and do a little something nice for him as well.  What could be better than a pizza and play day an the indoor children's park.  I absolutely cannot believe this little guy is already 3.  The years are just flying by and I am not sure I like it.

I fall down on the job taking pictures today - ugh.  I just want to play with the kids - that is way more fun.

I am heading back to Dallas with a full heart and great memories.  The memories include my different visits to Cleveland as Amanda will be moving shortly to their new location in Las Vegas.  New adventures heading my way I am sure.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Graduation and Commissioning: Trent's Turn

After a good night's sleep -- who am I kidding?  I played Farmville half the night.  I have a real addiction that is in need of an intervention I think.  Anyway, I am up and on my way to the airport to catch a flight to Cleveland.

I arrive and am met out front by Amanda.  We are off to the house to meet up with her "boys" and Trent's family as well.  Louis arrives shortly behind and we take our seats and the processional starts.  The boys do well through the opening remarks and the commencement speech give by Katie Couric.  At the point where it is time to start handing out degrees, the start to waiver but fortunately Dad is near the beginning.  Once he is seated, Louis (who joined us just as the ceremony was starting) and I take the boys outside to play so that Amanda and Trent's parents can enjoy this special time.

I m trying to be a good grandma, but I look around to discover that they boys have located an outside stairwell and are climbing on it.  Way to go Gammy.  Dang, they are quick.

Next up:  water.  Fortunately Mom and Dad are here now so if they get wet -- not my fault.  Smile.  Are these or are these not two really great looking boys?  Wow.

Congratulations Trent!  We absolutely could not be prouder of you.  You set yourself a goal and followed it all the way through not only in achieving it, but in excelling along the way.

It is picture time - always the best part of any event.  I honestly don't think I have seen smiles like this on my son-in-law for several years.  A slight break from stress, yes?

After a fun lunch/dinner with family, it is time for the second event of the day and the reason Louis made the trip here as well.  Trent is being commissioned an officer in the Air Force and receiving the rank of Captain.  He has asked Louis to be his commissioning officer.  Is that not just awesome?  It is being held at the home of a family friend and I have to tell you -- my eyes are tearing up most of the time.  To have two of my "sons" standing there together for such a solemn occasion after watching both of them graduate in their respective fields -- well, my heart is full.  I am so glad I am here -- this is truly something I would not have wanted to miss.

Introducing the new captain.

It has been a whirlwind weekend with flights all directions, hotels, car rentals, and all the logistics that go along with traveling like that.  I am glad it is behind me, BUT oh so glad I was a part of it.  Congrats again to both of my wonderful sons.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Boys are Graduating: First Up - Louis

It is the time of year when graduations take center stage and in our family, we are no different.  I have two son-in-laws graduating within days of each other.  First up is Louis, who has completed his BS in Business at Colorado State University.  Yep, seemed kinda odd to me too, since he lives in South Dakota, but apparently one can do amazing things with online education.  I wonder if I should go back to school too.  Hmmm.

I fly into Denver, rent a car, and drive to Fort Collins for the day's event.  After locating the family, Jen, the kids (minus Jared and Bekah who stayed home with Aunt Rhiana to prepare for a dance recital), and I wander around while Louis attends a "meet and greet."  We grab a bite to eat before it is time to return to the campus.  After climbing way, way up in the hall, seats are located and we settle in.  Just in time as the procession starts.

This is where the "Find Louis" games starts.  He is indeed in the picture.

And that is about all I saw of the graduation.  Josh has already had enough and I take him down to the room that has been set aside for children.  It has many activities and after only a few minutes, Jon and Jake join me as well, leaving Jen to enjoy her husband's moment in peace.

The boys get busy creating things and soon a gentleman comes in to do balloon animals.  He is quite good and all three manage to capture one as a take away souvenir.  Ha ha.

After graduation, we have a few minutes and then they all need to leave and hopefully get back to Rapid City tonight so that Louis can fly to Cleveland as well and Jen can have everyone ready for the dance recital.  Wow, and I thought I was on the go.

I drive back to Denver, grab a hotel room that Mister has booked and crash for the night.  Tomorrow I am on my way to Cleveland and graduation number two.  Goodness.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Buttars Visit

We have company!  Amanda and Trent are in town from Ohio and are spending a couple of days with us before leaving their children in our care while they search for a home in Las Vegas.  Trent is graduating this month and the Air Force is sending him there for additional training.  We, in the meantime, get to have our grandsons all to ourselves.  Yay!

Mister and I take a moment to give Trent his new watch as a gift for all the hard work he has done in school.  We are so impressed and want him to know that.

In no time at all, the boys have discovered the toy cabinet and we are soon busily building away.  It is smiles all around and the den floor is soon covered with bright colors.

First thing the next morning, the sound of marbles making their way through the maze can be heard throughout the house as we get breakfast ready,

Well, in all fairness I guess there is also the sound of cars on the racetrack.

Breakfast on the high table.  The boys think this is so much fun but it certainly doesn't encourage sitting still.  We are all showered, dressed and ready for the day.

The Dallas City Arts Festival is currently running and both Amanda and I would like to check it out.  This is the first time the festival has been indoors and I am not crazy about it but such is life.  It seems to have lost that "festival" atmosphere.  One of the booths that catch the boys eyes is that of a didgeridoo maker.  He was kind enough to show the boys exactly how it worked and their excitement was equal to mine.  This wonderful instrument from Australia adds to my desire to go there.  Perhaps we will make it down under in the next few years.  Once we finished with the booths, it was time to let off some steam outdoors and the paths on the ponds are the perfect solution.  First things first, let the turtle hunt begin.  Can we spot one?

Ah yes, who can get wet first?  Love, love, love the Texas Star in the background.  What an icon.

The rest of the day is spent relaxing and visiting a bit.  Naps are taken and a nice dinner out ends the day.  Tomorrow we are off to the Fort Worth for some fun.  Bed time.

We are up and moving!  Let's go to Cowboy Town.  First stop is the Water Gardens.  I absolutely love this place.  Yes, me and fountains, but these are just oh so awesome.  The only thing that takes away from it even a little is my old lady fear that one of the precious grandsons will fall in.  I feel like my hands are always ready to catch one.

Aha, a climbing wall.  Two little boys scurry up the back trail while Dad makes the climb.  They are now Kings of the Mountain.

Next feature is a water wall near the serenity pool.  Little hands are wet in no time and before I can blink they are on the run around the pool.  Yes, I did say serenity, but fortunately we are the only people here at the moment.

From the Gardens, we head down to the Stockyards.  It's time for some history and fun.  As we arrive, we discover that it is truly an eventful day as it is Frontier Forts Days and the place is hopping with activity.  Good timing on our part.  First up, a military parade catches our eye and we stop to watch.

What is a frontier event without horses?  Ryan spots one, wants to check it out, and within moments Mom and the horse are really enjoying each other.

She certainly had her face cleaned well.  We move along to the area where the encampments are and go from station to station learning about early military life here.  Ry-guy thinks life is pretty easy.

We have jail time and of course we need balloons.

A cannon goes off and I literally jump a foot.  Oh my goodness -- heart attack in the process.  I had no idea the dang things were real.  We check the schedule and make sure we are prepared for the next one and grab a picture.  Funny thing is -- the cattle don't even move.  Only the old ladies.

It's time for the maze and the boys are off and running with Mom along.  As they reach lookouts, you can see them pop up and attempt to figure out where they need to go to find the exit.

It's time for the main event.  Don't get too excited here -- but it is the longhorn cattle drive.  The best part about this is seeing the longhorns, but seriously -- they know the route by heart and its a pretty calm cattle drive.

Some of the horns are so very long though -- it gives me a headache just watching them hold their heads up.

Well, naturally, we need to sit on one.

It was a great day in Fort Worth but it is definitely time for little ones to get some rest and us to get dinner plans finished.

This is what I wake up to the next morning -  the boys have pushed aside all the colorful toys and are contentedly playing with cardboard boxes.  I remember my own children doing this when they were small and I wondered why I had spent so much money on store-bought toys.  I am wondering it again.

Today's adventure is the Dallas World Aquarium.  I LOVE this place and cannot wait to share it with the boys.  After our trips to the zoo in Ohio, I know their love for animals first hand.  Hopefully they will enjoy this day.  We start out letting the boys hand feed blueberries to the birds -- this always makes me smile so I know they will get a kick out of it.

Ah, turtles.  My favorites.  I'm a pretty big fan of the rays too.

We have a great time there and soon it is time to head back to the house.  The boys need rest and their parents need to get ready for tomorrow.  Trent and Amanda are leaving for Vegas in the morning and we will have these cuties all to ourselves for a few days.  I am looking forward to it.

Mister is up and off to the airport early, while I settle in with the boys.  Today will be another busy day.  It starts out with stories and playing in the backyard with whatever toys nature has provided.  Then, we are off to the Dallas Zoo for a few more animals.  We are going to take the DART rail down and I cannot even tell you how much I love this picture.

Boys waiting for the train --- it is oh so hard to stay back from the edge.

A stop to check out the tortoises and I am happy.  Gotta keep Gammy happy too ya know.

We head over to the Children's Zoo and soon the boys are busy in the underground, popping up now and then to find Gammy.  I love that the mongoose nearby really doesn't even care that they are there.  It's a great way to get a really close view of these animals.

If at the Children's Zoo, one absolutely must feed the birds.  We all know that this is one of my favorite activities at the zoo.  The boys are very serious about this and hold oh so still as they birds come to sample what they have to offer.

We stop in at the education center and they just happen to have a turtle out today for interaction with the kids.  What a treat!

A stop at the petting zoo leaves the goats content and little boys with big smiles.

It is time to get back on the train and head home.  This has been a fun day!

It was a fund day, but time to head home and rest up.  We have certainly been on the go this week. After a rest, we head to the playground to let off some steam.

Wow, after the last couple of days, we are staying home today.  Let's see what we can find to do here and still keep wiggly little boys happy.  We start out the afternoon with fresh smoothies.  Yep -- that is certainly a good start.  Yum!

Mister has a few projects to work on around the house and is hoping to get some help from the four little hands that need something to do.  We have a new Japanese Maple that needs to be planted -- let's get busy.

First up, Dig!

Second - plant.

Third - fill and water.  I cannot wait to watch this sweet little baby grow.  The yard is starting to get into shape.

I said we were going to stay home today, but we decide to run down to the Dallas Museum of Art and let the boys have an afternoon activity.

We stop in at the Children's area and they are able to make projects with the day's supplies.  I love watching their creative minds at work and once they finish, they add what they have made to the wall of fame.

We then go to the hands on learning areas and the boys are busy for quite awhile.  (Mister took the following video while the boys were building with simple cardboard boxes.  It was too big so I had to split it -- just play one then the other.)

When everyone tired of being inside, we went out back to the garden and checked out the sculptures and fountains, yay!  Who can resist playing in water when you are in Texas?

LOVE this smile!

We decided to ride the trolley since we were in the area and were lucky enough to have "Rosie" running today.  She was built in 1909 and is as beautiful today as she was then.  Everyone climbs into a soft seat and gets comfortable.

Before we can leave though, the conductor calls the boys up front to push the foot pedal for the bell that announces we are on our way.

A tour of the city and we enjoy every minute of it.  Once the ride is finished, we stop uptown at Texas Land and Cattle for dinner as Raef has requested steak for dinner.  At first they are very angry with us as we order them a meal to split but it goes away as they eat.  I think we have forgotten to feed these little boys as they are truly hungry.  It is a good time and after dinner, we are on our way home.

The next morning, we make another trip over to a playground and look at the picture we manage to snap:  Pure Joy!

Trent and Amanda are back and we are going to visit the new Cowboy Stadium today.  Since I have already had the tour, Mister and Trent take Raef inside while Amanda and I hang out in the parking lot.  They are able to tour the whole stadium, although Mister says the tour is slightly different than ours was and then Trent and Raef get to go out on the field for some practice.   Trent later says that this was such a special experience for him and Raef --- oh and the cheerleader locker room wasn't too bad either - not pictured.

I am so glad we had this time this week with these wonderful boys and their parents.  What a treat!

Update:  The following morning, I was off to Colorado to start the graduations and Mister took Amanda and Trent to the airport only to have their flight cancel.  They go back to the house for more time together before they can get a flight out, making it a very tight time for them to get ready for graduation.  Busy, busy, busy.