Saturday, June 20, 2009


Last Saturday was beautiful as the ride started out with 2000 other close friends. I had hurt my knee in Alaska and so was not able to ride along with Mister and his sister. At the end of the ride I was almost glad as it was about 105 with 80% humidity -- ugh. They were fried. I, on the other hand had thoroughly enjoyed the morning with a nice outdoor cafe breakfast consisting of a fruit plate and watching the downtown come alive. Then off to a really cool farmers market and some fresh pasta and zucchini found their way home with me. It was a nice morning for me -- the others, well after 55 miles they were still smiling so I guess another ride is in the future. I need to get a pair of those wonderful padded pants that they all wear in order to do that many miles and not be in pain. Either that or one of those really soft BIG seats -- man I sound old.

Friday, June 12, 2009

What fun!

Isn't she just a slice heaven here on earth? What a sweetheart. During my monthly trek to the office up north, I was able to spend some incredibly pleasurable time with this doll. She favored me with some of her first smiles and I was ever so thankful. This was her first day in a dress and if nothing, she looked even more feminine. What joy! Her mama and daddy are doing just great too even with all the changes going on around them in their lives right now. Its fun to watch the daily changes and remember back to how nothing ever seemed set in stone back then and how we always had to be fluid and open to changes. Something that gets a little harder with age and I am somehow trying to get a grasp on again. Also, while up there I was treated to time with a grandson that is just oh so fun right now. Everytime I took my camera out, he struck a pose -- too funny -- and they all involved lifting his arms as if he had just finished some gymnastics trick. Even with a stick of candy in one hand and an incredibly sticky face, one arm still had to go up. I loved it. I had front row tickets for a special dance performance by him as well and just had to video it so that i could watch it over and over and over when at home. He is just a joy and each time he comes to me with arms raised to be lifted up, my heart just melts and I could easily run away with him -- with mom and dad in hot pursuit for sure. I think he has their hearts too.

Each trip brings me more time with these little ones and more memories that mean oh so much. They are so full of life and make a person constantly aware that we should enjoy each day to its fullest just as they do. Every little exposure to one of our senses should have the time taken with it to inhale deeply the wonderful aromas, look in detail at the beauty around us, listen closely to the sounds of joy, taste the incredible creations placed before us, and touch, oh yes -- definitely touch to marvel at the wonder of all things. Life is short -- enjoy.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fun With Grands

Spending two and a half days in Denver with three of the grandsons was such a treat. We went to Garden of the Gods where the rarity of all three looking at the camera at once took place. What fun it was. The park was absolutely beautiful and the boys had such fun climbing on the rocks and just being boys. Additional activities included the cliff dwellings, a full day at the childrens museum, and a morning at the acquarium where my new turtle picture was snapped. Every opportunity to create memories with these little ones is grabbed and held onto with fervor as they grow up so fast and then the chances are gone. Watching them interact with one another was a sheer delight and the imaginations ran wild as well as the feet now and then -- all boy. Hopefully another opportunity is just around the corner for treasured memory making.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another Beginning

While in Alaska, we were fortunate enough to hear of the shaky arrival of another granddaughter. She makes nine and we are so pleased to have her join the family. Although her entrance was shaky -- both she and momma are doing fine. She is absolutely beautiful and it was a joy to hold her and get that "new baby" smell fix again. Small pleasures that we take for granted and then they are gone all too soon.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Starting something new is always exciting and yet somehow just a bit intimidating as well. This seems to be a theme right now for us and so why not on this page as well? Picking a starting off point just doesn't seem to be working -- so, May is the starting point as this is the month this blog appears to be ready to go. Its impossible to go back in time and not leave something out, so here's to new beginnings and the wonder of it all.

We have had the wonderful privilege of spending 10 days in British Columbia and Alaska this month. It was so peaceful and beautiful -- just to see the grandeur that nature has to offer is enough to make one painfully aware of our own insignificance in the whole scheme of things. We were truly blessed with unusually wonderful weather and know how lucky we were as a result of it. Glaciers calving, birds calling, sea lions playing, and the simple hospitality of the Alaskan people highlighted so much for us. From watching humpback whales grace us with their majestic tails to flying over the Misty Fjords and witnessing for ourselves the majesty of the earth, we have been fortunate to truly appreciate all that was placed before us. Returning back to reality has been challenging, but it makes us want to plan again for the next opportunity that comes our way.