Saturday, June 17, 2023

Road Trip Time - Bigfork Days 6-7 Rhiana's Visit Begins

 There are days when I feel so blessed.  Today is one of those.  Most of the day was just spent waiting for littles to arrive.  Rhiana and her family are driving up to this area for a soccer tournament this weekend and I'm super excited.  Time with family means the world to me and the more the merrier --- at all times.  I hope I never reach the point where I can't handle it, for that would truly make me so sad.

We have other visitors in the morning - 

Rhiana's family arrive in the evening and the house is full of activity and fun.

Malea and Elena go for a walk with Grandpa and check out the lake.  Malea even manages to get into that ice cold water.

Meanwhile, Isla is making herself acquainted with the house.

Getting everyone settled in takes some time.

When Grandpa returns, Mariel has him watching her run up and down the driveway.

Over and over again.

I'm still having a great time with Isla --- it's so nice that she's not afraid of me anymore.

Now that Mariel is back in the house -- she has some LEGOs to build with.  What will she make?

It's early to bed, though, for this one has a game at 8 a.m. in Kalispell.  We'll all be on the road bright and early.

Wrapped in my quilt -- what could be better?

After a good nights sleep, we are ready to roll.  Well, most of us anyway.  It's a cold, rainy day and we've spent the morning making sure everyone stays warm.  This wasn't planned for, so long sleeve shirts, jackets, leggings, warm socks, etc. have come from Grandpa, Gigi, and me.  We have also found hats, gloves, and umbrellas.  Yep, quite the scavenger hunt today.

Game one gets underway at 8 a.m. and Grandpa and I are just a bit late, but not too bad.  Thankfully, we were able to park very close.  We are bundled up and have found more umbrellas for all.  Time to watch some soccer.  Malea plays goalie.

A save!

Videos of saves - I am hoping to create a reel at some point.

With a win under their belt, we move onto the next game at 12:30.  We have a couple hours to kill.

Now THAT'S a smile.  She did soooo good.

After a bit of debate and some wrong Google info, we decide on Bojangles Diner and, although we have a bit of a rough start, it works out great.  Two tables in the back corner and we are set.

With a bit of time still, a stop at Farmer's Market happens.

Mariel is running along and I catch her in mid-air.  So fun.

Time for game 2 - get it Malea!  Hahaha, it's just warm up.

However, here are a few short videos.

The weather is much better this afternoon, enough that a trip for treats during half time happened.

An acai bowl and sooooo yummy.

Oh, the faces we see.

Grandpa and Mariel are virtually inseparable.

This game didn't go quite as well, but they have a third game tomorrow and depending on how it goes, they may make it further in the tourney.  Time will tell.

We have a bit of time once we get home from the games.  Malea talks Grandpa into an actual swim this time.

She went in and Grandpa has a video of her saying, "OMG, that's so cold."  Back to shallower water.

I worked the past couple of days to prepare for a family BBQ this afternoon and it's time to let the fun begin.  It will be nice for Rhiana and her family to spend time with those she doesn't see very often.  Here come the cousins.  Jill is hosting at her home and I'm super thankful for a place for all the kids to play and plenty of room for adults to chat.

Mariel fell in love with this swing.

Greyson getting in on some water fun.

Scenes around the gathering.  I'm just popping pictures here and there - no posing.

Isla and Avrielle - about 6 months apart.

Scarlet and Malea hit it off grand.

Time to feed the crew.

Keeping this one occupied so Mom can eat.

Yep, even dessert.  Everything came together well today.

Loving the chance to chat and enjoy each other.

Gam and Avrielle

Ahhh - Great-nephew and great-niece ---- I don't get to see Wyatt and Scarlet enough.

Out to the front yard for more fun.

Uncle and Avrielle - 

Trying a Strider - (she has one waiting at home)

Brock brings out the little car and before we know it, Greyson is driving Mariel all over the place.  They are also about 6 months apart.

Worried big sis.

Attention diverted and something else to do.

Silly Grandpa --- having fun with the kids.

Greyson, trying to mimic

A little help from Uncle and he's soon rocking the look as well.

No one is immune.  Elena even gives it a go.

Meanwhile, the car is still going.

Teaching - to carry the fun onto another generation.

Oops - not that way please.


So, so fun to watch the shenanigans.

Greyson finally stopped and Mariel instantly moved into place and took off.  She's got this.

This is just too cute.  Now, they have a caravan.

Watching kids is always fabulous entertainment.

It's been such a fun day, but time to call it done.  We clean up and head back to the house for some rest.

I'm beat and hitting that proverbial wall tonight.  Off to bed for me and I don't think others were terribly far behind.  See ya tomorrow.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Road Trip Time - Travel to Bigfork - Days 1-5

After a luscious breakfast with Rhiana and her family, we are on the road once again.  This time our destination is Woods Bay (Bigfork), MT and my mother's home.  We have a beautiful drive that is dotted with rain showers here and there, but, overall, very pleasant.  A quick drive through Townsend just to say we did and back to driving.

Helena has a brewery in the gulch that overlooks the city - so another quick stop to stretch the legs, get some fresh air and then continue on.

The weather is looking a  bit problematic ahead.

Crossing McDonald pass is almost like crossing a river.  There are police with lights flashing to warn as we round the corner.  So much rain has caused the road to begin to wash out.  It's still passable, but one never knows how long it will last.

The Avon cut-off has been used for many years and this time is no different.  What is different is that Mister spots a quilt shop sign.  I'm in shock.  There can't possibly be much of a quilt shop here.  Well, I was wrong and here is the Birdseye Mercantile LINK to see all that I found.

Finally, we are hungry and stop in Condon at the Hungry Bear Bar and Grill for some food.  We both order the prime rib special and it's decent enough until we get the bill.  Silly us, we should have asked the special price.  Wow --- Montana prices are in full steam ahead up here.

Mom's house is found by 7:30 in the evening and our travel day comes to an end.  We are greeted by beautiful peonies outside and I haven't seen them for years as we are not usually here in June.  Time for a visit and some sleep.

11th - Good Morning!!  It's a beautiful day int he Flathead Valley and we spend most of it getting caught up with Mom and then make plans for the afternoon out at Swan River and The Perch.  These are the moments when I know my sweet man loves the place I'm from as much as I do.

It's a chance for some family time and enjoying the sunshine all at once.  Mom came out with us and we are just loving the music and conversation.  The Perch will be having Sundays at the River four times this year and we managed to hit the opening one.  There will be others in July, August, and September.

A group of locals who have gotten together and formed a band.  

Making memories when I can.

We have such a nice time at the river and then go home to make dinner.  While in process, the power goes out and we have dinner by lantern.

12th -  Remember the peonies I mentioned earlier --- see how gorgeous.

Mom and I spent the morning in town.  She had two doctor's appointments and then we did some Costco shopping, all while Mister worked.  Poor guy.  Retirement can't come soon enough.

When he finishes with work, Mister and I take a walk down to the lake to stretch our legs and get some fresh air.  How can you not walk while up here?

Wildflowers along the way

13th - It's a pedicure day!!  Other than that, pretty calm.  

14th - Jill and Brock are back in town and come down for the evening.  Brock has a job in Yellow Bay so drops Jill and the kids off for some fun and dinner with us.  


We put a movie in for Greyson.  The Lorax has us both watching and I get such a kick out of him.  Every so often he would turn around and find me still there, exclaim "Auntie", and give me a hug.  This went on for some time and made me giggle each and every one of them.

At one point he spotted Mister and exclaimed, "You're still here, Uncle!"  He ran to him and watched the movie with him for a bit as well.

It was a great night.  Loved the time with all.

15th - Mom asked me if I had any gifts in my bag of tricks.  I searched through and found that I had enough supplies to make a bag for her friend, Candy.  Today is sew day.

Tonight is the grand opening for a local place.  We walked down to join the celebration and are so glad this place is an option right now.  Welcome to MacKenzie River Pizza Co.  Love having you in Woods Bay.

That brings us to the end of the first week.  We are simply loving being back here in the place I love so much.  See ya next week.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Road Trip Time - Billings 2nd Half

 We've hit the beginning of our second week of travel.  This morning we are making the house switch in Billings and Mister had moved his office during lunch.  He's such a trooper and I appreciate that so much.  As soon as he is set up, Mariel is right there to watch over the entire process and hang out with Grandpa. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Road Trip Time - Colorado to Billings 1st Half

 It's a gorgeous day in Ridgway, CO.  A peek around us as we hit the road.  It's going to be a beautiful drive and I'm looking forward to all the eye candy.  Our destination today is Billings, MT and my son's house.  Time to drive.