Saturday, December 26, 2020

Waterfowl Sunset

 Mister suggested a run down to the lake for a few minutes of wonder.  It's our own On Golden Pond.  The sights, sounds, and sheer beauty of it fascinate both of us.  Tonight is absolutely gorgeous here in Texas and although I have a jacket on, it's not uncomfortable at all.  Enjoy the pictures just as I took them -- they haven't even really been edited -- and in the order they were taken.  Relax in the peace and at the end of this post there is a video to thoroughly enjoy.

When we arrive, I just barely catch the last remnants of the sun.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas to All!!!

 Merry Christmas!!!  Mister and I have joked for a couple weeks now that we will get up Christmas morning and look at the oven and the television and tell each other Merry Christmas.  We followed through with lots of oooohhs and aaaaaahhs.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

First Attempt at Homemade Ginger Beer (Ale)

 13th -  Soooo - Mister has decided to take on a new project this month.  I absolutely love Ginger Beer and Moscow Mules.  I don't love the prices associated with either so we are going to attempt our own rendition of Ginger Beer.  Since we are calling this the "first attempt," I'm assuming there will be a second attempt as we work through the kinks.  

At any rate, today we begin.  We have some quart jars cleaned and ready for use.  Mister found his fermentation tops (used when he makes kimchi) and thinks they may be helpful.  From there ---- the Ginger begins to be culled.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas Day Tripping Around the Metroplex

 Good Morning!!

Mister and I are out of the house for the day.  As we leave the house, the radio is talking about all the fog in the city and we haven't seen any at home.  In fact, the sun is shining.  However, as we near downtown, the buildings are engulfed in clouds and it is rather thick all around us.  No sun.

Monday, December 21, 2020

A Christmas Star

 Joining up with the rest of humanity --- all watching the Christmas Star come to fruition in 2020 as a last breath of hope for this year.  Yep, that's us.  Nearby Flag Pole Hill is the highest area we can think of without driving forever.  We'll give it a shot.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Early Christmas in Abilene

 Abilene is the destination for today.  Jen's family is heading north for Christmas and we are going to go and deliver their gifts ahead of that.  Last year was quilts so this year we're going with games and electronic stuff.  Cuddle up in last years gift and play this years.  Win, win, right?

When we walk in the door, the first thing that happens is the boys are eager to share one of their gifts.  I get it.  This is truly funny and definitely worth passing on as the creativity used to sell a rather simple product fascinates me.  Just read and giggle.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Temperatures Drop --- Basil Pesto is Made

 The temperatures are dropping in Dallas and Mister's basil plants are enormous.  Now what?  We start by cutting them down and placing as many in the kitchen window as we can to use daily.  The rest goes into two batches of pesto -- one for the freezer and one for dinner.

We thought we'd share our process with y'all - 

To start, you need about 2 cups of basil leaves, 1/4 cup of pine nuts, 2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil (divided) and 2 cloves of garlic.