Saturday, March 31, 2018

Dallas Blooms - Part 6

Mister and I are out and about for Week 6 of Dallas Blooms.  It has been such fun to watch the changes around the Arboretum AND time together is always the best.  Come along and see through my eyes the beauty that is this time of year in Texas.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Telluride Once Again

21st - I am off bright and early to Telluride.  Good luck is smiling on me as the entire row is available.  Nap time.

I'll see ya later Dallas.

It was not a joke.  I laid down and slept almost all the way to Denver.  As we are preparing to land, the sunrise is just beginning and as we are coming in from the north (I have no idea why), I am able to watch it out my window.  How lovely.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Dallas Blooms - Part 5 - Mister is alone

While I'm up in Telluride, my sweetie keeps the weekly treks to Dallas Blooms alive.  Here's a bit of what he saw.

The azaleas are out!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Dallas Blooms - Part 4 - Mister's Pics

I snuck a few pics from Mister's computer.  I love to see through his eye.  Enjoy the eye candy.

Dallas Blooms - Part 4

We did it!!  Four weekends in a row.  As soon as I unpacked the car from retreat and fed my belly a bit, we were off to the Arboretum for some late afternoon/evening light photos.  Come along and let your eyes be fed.  It's still gorgeous.

Once again -- before even entering the grounds.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Peach Blossoms, Hawks, and a Haircut

That's kind of a crazy title for a blog post but it sums up the day.  Looking out the window this morning, the peach tree has burst into color.  It is the prettiest it has ever been.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Please Welcome John Paul -- Grandchild #15

It's time to get this done.

Grand #15 has arrived on the scene.  Please join his sisters in a big welcome for John Paul into the world.