Thursday, March 29, 2018

Telluride Once Again

21st - I am off bright and early to Telluride.  Good luck is smiling on me as the entire row is available.  Nap time.

I'll see ya later Dallas.

It was not a joke.  I laid down and slept almost all the way to Denver.  As we are preparing to land, the sunrise is just beginning and as we are coming in from the north (I have no idea why), I am able to watch it out my window.  How lovely.

A quick change and and quick flight later --- the scenery changes dramatically and the aircraft is landing in Montrose.

Amanda meets me at the airport and grocery shopping commences.  On the way home, we stop to pick up a lady that needs a ride and discover that she has LOTS of baggage with her.  We are already pretty packed in the car.  In it all goes and we are little sardines for the drive to Placerville.  Oh my.  I so should have taken a picture.

The afternoon event is for Amanda to read a book to Caleb's class.  However, she has to read it in Spanish.  In Caleb's first grade class, the morning is spent with the teacher speaking only English.  The afternoon is Spanish immersion.  The kids are doing great with it and I like the concept.  The only thing is that when either I or Amanda asked a question prior to the presentation, we were answered in Spanish.  I can do some Spanish, but soon a lesson on congelar was given to both of us.  As a result, I know will remember that word.

At any rate, Amanda does great and only mispronounces a few words.  They kids are quick to correct her and I find that comical.  They also have plenty of expressions on their faces indicating that they know exactly what the story is about.  Very cool.  When the story is over -- Caleb gets to tell about about himself -- in Spanish of course.

We run a few errands and then pick Caleb up from school and are off to La Crosse practice.  This is his first year and he is taking a class called Drills and Skills.  No games this season, but lots of skill building.

Once class is over, we are off to the house for the evening so Amanda and Abe can continue to pack for their rafting trip in the Grand Canyon.  Yep, that is why I am here.  Gammy is taking over.

They have an aerial silk in the main room and Raef demonstrates to me how it works.  I've read about these and there are classes in Dallas that use them.  It's interesting to me even though I don't want one hanging in my main room.  I may look into a class, though, as my upper body strength is shot.

22nd - Most of my day is spent being quiet and trying to stay out of the way as Amanda and Trent pack.  Making breakfast, packing lunches, etc. is my contribution and I just work on some blog posts and organizing my own week.

They two of them take off in the afternoon and the boys ride the bus home.  We have to go back into town for Caleb's concert this evening and both boys want to go as well.

We manage to get into town with plenty of time so the boys are able to hang with their friends for a bit before the concert begins.  Okay, let's go.

Yes, of course there is video.  In fact, there are two.

After the concert, it is agreed to get pizza for dinner and we try Brown Dog but the wait is 45 minutes and it is a school night.  The boys are more than happy to go across the street and be served instantly.  Raef has discovered that vanilla creme soda in his root beer is the same taste as a root beer float and shares that information with Ryan.

Smile boys.  Oh, drat.  I should have said -- keep your eyes open.

23rd - The weather has changed and it's a dreary day to start.  They boys are delivered to the bus stop by 7:15 and back to the house I go.  I have some projects to work on today and want to get after them.

Trent comes by with Rupert, the boys dog.  Apparently we are dogsitting until Sunday evening.  I am more than a bit leary of this but he assures me that the dog is very calm and docile.  Rupert goes right to his bed and settles in.  Maybe this won't be so bad.

Ryan has La Crosse this evening and as I am picking him up, I arrive a bit early to take a few pictures.

24th - It is a BEAUTIFUL spring day.  Absolutely gorgeous.  Compare this to the picture from yesterday.

Saturday means relaxing for some.  Ryan is off to ski club but Raef has a hectic schedule of selfie taking planned.

Caleb gets all his school work finished and hangs with Raef for awhile.  A short while, mind you, as Raef really would like to be alone for a bit.

I have to pick up Ryan from ski club in the afternoon and decide to stop and grab some treats.  Root beer and ice cream sounds perfect.  And some popsicles.  And some cookie dough.  And . . .   Hey, Gammy's in town.

Apparently they are a hit.  Ryan has sunburned his face pretty bad on the mountain today but all is well until he goes to bed.  He wakes up with his eyes swollen shut.  I ask if he wore goggles and he didn't.  Argh.  Snow blindness.  Let's cross our fingers that it is a mild case.  Cold compresses, a mask, and pain medication are the first order of business.  Once he is calmed down, some soft music and sleeping on the couch comes next.  Tomorrow should be very interesting and I guess we won't be going swimming.  I'm pretty sure the brothers are going to be disappointed.

25th - Caleb and I have been working on his pineapple presentation all week.  He had to turn it in yesterday, so today he is working off the pictures that I took of it.  The plan is to have it all memorized and we will do that.  We have until I leave on Thursday to get it all in shape.

A quick peek at Ryan's eyes when he wakes up.  He still can't open them, but the swelling has gone down a lot.  When I prop them open, he can see so that is good, but the image vanishes quickly.  The mask stays on today and we are just going to hang around the house.  Movie watching commences.

26th - Ryan is home from school with me today.  The swelling is gone and his vision holds.  Sunglasses is the order of business now.  At all times.  It's  a shame, too, as the day is another beauty.  I would love to be out running around but we need to keep him away from UV rays as much as possible.

In the afternoon, Caleb has La Crosse practice once again.  I drop Ryan off at his dad's to work on a school project and Raef will ride the bus home.  After picking Caleb up from school, I drop him at practice and run an errand to get a pineapple for his presentation on Friday.  Home to make dinner and spend time with Raef and Caleb.

27th - We decide to make an early trip into town before school, so a call is made to Ryan and we grab him on the way.  Breakfast fun.

Today is early release from school and all three ride the bus home.  Upon their arrival, it's cookie time.  Yep, we are really working hard on these cookies.  Slice and bakes.  It's just too hard to do things in someone else's kitchen.  They still taste good though and no one complains even a bit.  However, I do get asked if they can make from scratch this summer at my house.  Absolutely.

Now for some time outside.  Yes, sunglasses are still on, and Ryan did indeed go to school that way.  They are still on and we are hoping that by Thursday he can attempt to remove them.  He's been lucky but I think has definitely learned his lesson.

Dinner out at The Angler. A little bit of time on the pool table and our food is ready.  I am opting for a salad tonight and it tastes yummy.

When we are back home, my memory returns and Grandpa's bag of tricks is opened, bring smiles to everyone.

28th - Wednesday and my last day with the boys.  During La Crosse practice, I run an errand to get my sweetie some truffles and make a pit stop at the waterfalls.  So pretty when frozen, don't you think?

Now, home and time to pack and get the animals all prepared for a trip to Trent's.  Last night together so leftovers and cleaning out the refrigerator.  Fun, fun.  However, that means leftover treats too ---

29th - This is it!  I have to say good-bye to these three.  I am so very sad, but also more than ready to see my sweetie.  Time for a group picture and then race to drop off everything at their dad's before going to school.  Smile everyone..

The rest of the morning is spent cleaning up the house, doing laundry, finishing packing and waiting for my ride to the shuttle. 

I am soon on my way and arrive at the airport with a couple hours to wait.  Until I look at the board.  Even though it shows my flight on time, the incoming plane is delayed an hour.  I'm pretty that means we will be delayed too.  Don't ya think?

United works really hard to get us onto the plane as quick as can be.  We are boarded by 5:13 but there is an electrical problem.  They get that fixed with half an hour and we are on our way, assured that the time will be made up in the air.

There is thick fog around Denver and when we land the pilot announces that the gate is occupied for the next 25 minutes.  Soooo, sitting on the tarmac turns into about 35 minutes and many have missed their connections.  Montrose, you did decent with a bad situation -- Denver, it's a colossal fail. 

I am straight off to catch my flight and get home.  It's been fun but arriving at almost midnight means straight to bed and a relaxing day tomorrow.  See ya next year, Telluride. 

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