Tuesday, December 13, 2016

OMG --- Vivid Autumn Beauty

Each day that the sun peeks out offers me a chance to truly embrace the beauty that is around me.  The cooler, rainy days are certainly helping the trees to give every last drop of color to us this year.  So absolutely gorgeous.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Decorating is Happening - A Peek

Just a little peek of what is happening at our home

Sunshine in Autumn

With all the dreary days of late, we finally have some sunshine and a chance to photograph the beautiful color surrounding our home.  Love, love, love this time of year.  These are the colors that make my heart happy.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

A First Time for Everything

I can hear Mister out in the kitchen concocting something so I'm off for a peek.  He is making us martinis.  I've never had a traditional martini and thus, a new experience will happen.  Oh -- yes, I like them and this is only a prep picture -- there wasn't any ice in them when they were made.  Mister was just chillin' the glasses.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thanksgiving Sunday

Our house empties out at 7:00 a.m.   Completely.  Even Mister and I walk out the door and down to the coffee shop.  As we enjoy our drinks, we are taking some quiet time to just sit and work a crossword puzzle.  Three hours later, we start the walk back home and while I work on the blog for a bit, we enjoy the first eggnog of the season.  Yum.

Around 4, Mister asks if I would like to go and get a beer from the Black Friday treats at Lakewood Growler.  He certainly doesn't have to ask twice.  We grab dinner from leftovers, eat, and head out.  What a great day together and we really didn't do much at all.  Recovery days are so nice.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving Fun

It's a veritable sea of bodies around my house this morning.  Jen's family arrived last night and while quietly setting up to work on breakfast, I can't help but smile at the sight in front of me.  Boys, boys everywhere and a lone girl back in the office.  Yes, I gave them all sheets and blankets or quilts along with offering pillows.  This is what makes them happy.  So be it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Day in the Kitchen - with Brown and Serve Roll recipe.

I have an entire day in the kitchen planned and a TON of things to accomplish as well.  I remember the last time I made ChexMix thatI managed to get so very much done during the 15 minute intervals that I decided to log it this time.  Mainly to prove to myself that I waste a ton of time each day and secondly to prove to those who say they don't have enough time to do homemade things --- yep you do.  Honest.  I am up to the challenge.

It is 8:00 a.m. and after starting the laundry and straightening a couple of rooms, I am prepping 2 batches of ChexMix.  Mister would say I have my mise en place finished.  Each batch is in a large bowl with a small bowl nearby containing the spices.  I have the butter and worcestershire on the cupboard near the stove.  The butter for the first batch goes into the oven for a melt.

As soon as it has melted, I add the worcestershire and seasonings to the butter and stir it all in.  Then the cereal/nut/pretzel/bagel chip mixture is added as well.

Into the oven it goes for the first 15 minute interval.  It is 8:30.