Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving Fun

It's a veritable sea of bodies around my house this morning.  Jen's family arrived last night and while quietly setting up to work on breakfast, I can't help but smile at the sight in front of me.  Boys, boys everywhere and a lone girl back in the office.  Yes, I gave them all sheets and blankets or quilts along with offering pillows.  This is what makes them happy.  So be it.

After breakfast, Mister is getting the turkey ready and has Jon helping out.  Usually he loves to be in kitchen but I'm not so sure today.

Throughout the day we have everyone helping at different points of time.  It's kind of a small kitchen but it all works out.  Yes, I notice that Mister is taking pictures and go find a sweater to put on.  Gag.

The flow today consists of food, shower, food -- with each person taking a turn until all 9 of us are clean and ready for the day.  These boys clean up pretty dang well don't they?

It takes a wee bit of transformation in my living room to accommodate large enough tables for everyone, but we do it.  I then set the boys to work setting the table.  Dang, they even did fancy napkins.  Pretty sweet for sure.  I'm really having a busy month so my usual Thanksgiving decorations are missing.  People are here and that's what matters anyway.

Where is Bekah during all of this hustle and bustle?  Well she has been put to work filling out scholarship applications for college next year.  Grandpa's computer is set up and she is cranking them out -- well at least until she does an entire essay and the right as she finishes, the site says she took too much time and closed.  What????  She didn't save and has to start all over again in a word document that she can cut and paste.  I am feeling for her, however, dinner is done and it's time to enjoy each other and some great food.  Get changed Bekah -- we are ready.

After dinner and the dishes are finished - no small feat mind you -- we have several games that we love to play.  One is the Name Game and we played several rounds of it before switching to Charades.  Dang, these grands are good at this game.  I think I only guess it right once and it was the one I put in.  Silly old woman.

After games it is TIME FOR PIE --- woohoo.  All that work yesterday starts to pay off as they swarm around me for their favorite delight.

It makes all kinds of sense to give sugar right at bed time, but hey -- it's a holiday.  The surprising thing is that since no one really slept in, they are actually tired as well and everyone is down with a quiet house before 10 p.m.   Halleluiah.  I am beat.  See ya tomorrow.

Well --- good morning.  I am up early with Mister as he has to go to work and Allison is coming over to sew with me today.  After getting everything set up for her and the two of us being quiet little mice until after 9 (she arrived around 7:30) people start to wake up and I'm off to the kitchen to make a couple of German Pancakes.  It's a first for Jen's family and I think they like them but one is never really sure.  They made a large dent in them though, with only a few pieces remaining.

Family groups come and go the rest of the day as some Black Friday shopping takes place.   At one point, Josh is the only child in the house (well except Bekah who is back on the computer working again) and he actually requests to rake leaves.  Not being one to turn down free labor, I quickly find him a rake and he sets to work.  I don't know if his plan is to jump in the pile when he finishes or something else.  Either way --- rake on little one.

Most of Jen's family leaves for a soccer game in Plano and then will go onto a football game tonight in Mineral Wells and stay there for the night.  Jon and Jacob opt to stay here at the house and get to play some games together while Allison and I finish sewing.  After that, Grandpa gets home from work and takes us all out for burgers.  I have promised the boys that we would make cinnamon rolls tonight so upon our return, we set to work.  It takes us until midnight to have them in the refrigerator rising for a bake first thing in the morning.  I'm beat.  Time for some shut-eye.

When I wake, the first thing I do is take the rolls from the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature before putting them in the oven.  The smell wakes the boys and it doesn't take long for them to be dressed and ready to feast.

I am also using this free labor today to help me get lunch ready for the family as they return from Mineral Wells.  We put a ham in the oven and make homemade macaroni and cheese along with a green bean casserole.  The house smells divine as people return  and once everyone is fed we all pack up to head off to another soccer game.  This time we are ALL going and for some reason we ALL leave to be there when Bekah has to.  Not when the game starts.  Along the way Mister spots an Asian grocery store and we decide to take the boys to another country via a supermarket to kill some time.

We have such a good time and find some fun treats as well.  Perhaps the part that we all stand and stare at the most is the fish department.  It has the usual case of fish available for sale, but in addition there are TANKS of different seafood containing the live animals.  Now, I'm used to seeing live lobsters and occasionally live clams, but THIS?  Oh my gosh.  If you can see the upper tanks behind the counter, you may be able to see eels and other unusual items.  Crazy.

Inside the store there is also a crepe maker and the boys have never had one so we take the time to watch how they are made and treat them to a yummy delight.  I remember that these were my absolute favorite part of the Billings Farmer's Market every year.  Oh so good.

We need to hurry now as the game is about to start.   I have some pictures of it but will add those later as Mister is taking his time developing them.

After the FREEZING game (yes everyone is bundled in quilts and sleeping bags and still freezing and yes, we are in Texas), it's back to the house for leftovers, more games, and a birthday party for Josh.  My gosh -- NINE. Where have the years gone?

He was able to pick out a cake that he wanted and we all gather around to sing and have a treat.  Like there isn't enough food in this house.  Mister and I will be eating leftover all week.  Guaranteed.  It's okay, though, because both of us actually love leftovers.  It's easy, no cooking, and some things just taste better the next day.

Oh yeah -- back to the birthday.  You can see that I am trying to take a picture but am so glad that Mister also had a camera in hand as mine was too late and the candles were blown out by the time I had my act together.  Look at that smile.

Cake and visiting for all.  I think we have a trend going here -- sugar before bed.  Dentists all around the world are shaking their heads.

When the chatter gets going with all these teens in the house (4 of them now as Trace, Bekahs's boyfriend has joined in with us) and I love just sitting back and listening.  At dinner we had talked about the games we were going to play and discovered that Trace was unfamiliar with most of them.  We even mentioned Go Fish and he didn't know about it.  After cake, Bekah takes a few minutes to teach him that beloved game.

It's present time.  Josh's real birthday is later this week and he will have a party with his family and friends then.  This one is just for Gammy and Grandpa.  Well, and to start the birthday season.  Right?  Bow on head - family requirement.  Happy smiles.  That is all that truly matters.

Wow -- another holiday weekend is in the books.  I enjoyed my family around me and love everything, even our tough moments, together.  We learn and grow as a family and I treasure these moments more than I can ever say.  Thanks for spending time with us old people.  Love ya'll.

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