Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Day in the Kitchen - with Brown and Serve Roll recipe.

I have an entire day in the kitchen planned and a TON of things to accomplish as well.  I remember the last time I made ChexMix thatI managed to get so very much done during the 15 minute intervals that I decided to log it this time.  Mainly to prove to myself that I waste a ton of time each day and secondly to prove to those who say they don't have enough time to do homemade things --- yep you do.  Honest.  I am up to the challenge.

It is 8:00 a.m. and after starting the laundry and straightening a couple of rooms, I am prepping 2 batches of ChexMix.  Mister would say I have my mise en place finished.  Each batch is in a large bowl with a small bowl nearby containing the spices.  I have the butter and worcestershire on the cupboard near the stove.  The butter for the first batch goes into the oven for a melt.

As soon as it has melted, I add the worcestershire and seasonings to the butter and stir it all in.  Then the cereal/nut/pretzel/bagel chip mixture is added as well.

Into the oven it goes for the first 15 minute interval.  It is 8:30.

During the first interval, bacon goes into the microwave to cook.  I am doing quite a bit and it takes forever for the thick pieces to cook.

I open the cans of pears (Oh how I miss the days of home canned pears which this recipe was developed for.) so that the juice can drain off.

Next comes an onion and it is chopped up for the stuffing we will make tomorrow.  Fifteen minutes are up and it is time to stir the ChexMix.  Onto the second 15 minute interval ---

The celery gets chopped and added to the onion.  Into the fridge the container goes.

The sweet potatoes are washed and put into a kettle to boil.  Yes, they had more water over them before I turned on the stove.

The bacon finishes up and now I have to clean the microwave, turntable, and while I'm at it, might as well clear the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen so that I can start the rolls shortly.  The mixer is set up and the buzzer tells me that the second interval is over.

After stirring once again, I crumble the bacon and put it in a container for tomorrow's Snappy Green Beans.  Oh my, it is one of my all-time favorite recipes from my childhood.

Oops --- gotta run and switch out laundry.  Be right back.

Now it's time to get this dough started for my rolls.  I am going to try a Brown and Serve dough for the first time.  Our oven time will be hard to come by tomorrow and I'm a sucker for a roll fresh from the oven for dinner.  I put 2 1/2 tsp. dry yeast into the mixing bowl so that it can warm a bit while I gather the rest of the ingredients - 3/4 c lukewarm milk (scalded, then cooled), 1/4 c sugar, 2 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 c shortening, and 2  1/2 cups flour.  Within a few minutes, it is ready to have 3/4 c (115 degrees) warm water added.  Mix it well and let sit for a few minutes.  Time to stir the ChexMix.  Onto interval four.

I switch to a mixing hook and the ingredients above are added.

Beat until smooth.

Add another 2 cups of flour until dough forms a soft ball.  (I made the switch back to the dough hook here.)

Now the recipe, at this point, says to turn out onto a floured board and knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes.  I choose to just keep kneading with the machine and set it to mix for 5 minutes.

Transfer the dough to a greased pan and turn greased side up.

Cover; let rise in warm place until double, about 1 1/2 hours.  I LOVE to use the microwave for this, especially when my oven is on as it sits over the stove and the heat rises towards it.  NO, I do not turn the microwave on.  Silly people.

My 15 minutes are once again up and this time it is finished and ready to be cooled on paper towels.

That's one batch and after getting the second one into the oven, I take a look at the kitchen and decide that the dishes from 2 batches of ChexMix and the dough should probably get cleaned up before I move on.  Time for some dish washing --- yes, by hand.  I'm a freak over my stainless bowls and my knives so why not just wash everything else at the same time?

I fill two pie pans with crusts and set them aside (covered) until I am ready for them.  Yes, again I am cheating with the pie crust but there are only so many hours in this day and I need to have three pies finished along with everything else.  I DO have an amazing Never-Fail Pie Crust recipe that has been in my possession for over 40 years.

Last up for this session is to bag the 1st batch of ChexMix into a gallon Ziploc bag.  Stir time.

The timer is set again and I dry and put away all the dishes just washed.  The laundry needs to be switched out again so one load is folded and another needs to be put in the dryer.  Wait a minute -- What the What??  I never turned the washer on.  Oh goodness girl.  Start up the machine.

Mister has requested an apple pie for Thanksgiving and wishes it to have a crumble topping.  I put the three ingredients - butter, flour, brown sugar - into a bowl and let them sit for a minute so that the butter is a wee bit warmer to work with.  A quick trip to the closet yields a glove so that the crumble doesn't get into my fingernails, but it's not quite warm enough yet.  Either that or my grip has gotten VERY weak.   BUZZ --- time to stir.

Round three of batch two starts with a small break and a chat with Allison about my wonderful Razzle Dazzle top that she is quilting for me as a Christmas present.  Oooooh.  I can't wait.  After I get back to the kitchen, I pull out the green beans, wash them, and julienne (french style) 1/3 of the bag.

The crumble topping is now ready as well and I get it ready in no time.  Into the fridge it goes until I need it as I don't want the butter to melt and this kitchen is dang warm.  The last stir for the second batch and I am taking a break to sit down and have a snack as well as to check in with my group to make sure I am not needed for anything.

I hear the timer go off and am back to the kitchen.  This batch is put out to cool and the third batch is mixed up and in the oven.  I have 15 minutes and a lot to do still.  This session is devoted to the apple pie as my oven will be available shortly.  First, the sweet potatoes are finished so I drain them and outside to the back porch they go.  It's plenty chilly out and they will keep just fine there until I need to slice them tomorrow.

Now for my apples.  I pare and slice 6 apples in varying degrees of tartness.   Fresh nutmeg is grated and BUZZ.  What?  Where did that 15 minutes go?

ChexMix is stirred and I'm back to the pie.

Combine sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and flour

Add to the apples

And mix it in well.

Pour into the prepared pie shell

Cover with the crumble topping made earlier.

I also manage to get another onion chopped for the green beans tomorrow before Ding, Ding.  Stir, stir, stir.  Round three of batch three finds me checking on the roll dough.  Oh yeah -- it looks great.

It's time to punch it down and then divide into  24 equal pieces.

Now the way I do this is to twist the dough in half, giving me two equal pieces.  I then take one of the halves and split it in half again.  From each of those halves, I tear into half again and then into thirds.  At least I think that is right.  When writing, it never seems to make sense but when I am doing it, it's obvious to me.

At any rate -- I wound up with 24 little balls which I placed onto a cookie sheet (I used a stone jelly roll pan) that has been sprinkled with cornmeal as a non-stick agent.  Cover and let rise again.

Wow, I just finished and I have buzzers going off everywhere.  A quick stir and I move into the laundry room.  Nothing to fold since my screw-up earlier, but I am able to get another load washing as this one dries.  Now, back to the beans and I get another 1/3 cut.  Man do these eat up the time but I love them this way.

I bag up the second batch of ChexMix and am out of time again.  That's it - out goes the last batch onto the paper towel and I reset the temperature on the oven for the pie.  While it is preheating, I tackle the rest of the beans.  Woohoo -- a full gallon has been cut and is ready for tomorrow.

The French Apple pie goes into the oven and I have a 50 minute interval this time.

First things first. With one pie in the oven, I'd best prepare another one so that it is ready when the oven is.  The second pie is a Pear-Lemon pie which my daughter, Jennifer, and I have worked very hard on the recipe for over the years.  Obviously it needs lemon so I start with zesting and juicing.

Gathering all the ingredients and beating the eggs is next.

It's time to cook.  Yes, the filling is a cooked one - almost like a lemon filling for a meringue pie, only not quite the same.  All the ingredients go into the saucepan together and are combined and cooked until thickened.

Add cut up pears.

Fill the reserved pie shell (I screwed up here as I should have used the smaller pie pan - oh well)

Cover with the top crust and put in some slices.  Sprinkle some raw sugar over the top.  Now it has to wait for the apple pie to finish.

The dryer is finished so I fold another load of laundry and the last one is moved to the dryer.  I have also, once again, lost the kitchen to a mountain of dishes so I take the time to get it cleaned up and everything washed and put away again.

I had simply set the timer on the apple pie and forgot to peek at it so when the timer goes off, I discover that my pie has gotten a bit too dark.  Drat.

This time I have 40 minutes and start out by bagging the last batch of ChexMix up and putting it away.  The kids will love this treat at the games this weekend.

The remaining time while the pie bakes is used making a pumpkin pie, finishing the laundry and putting it all away, and totally cleaning up the kitchen.  I quit taking pictures for some reason but will let you know how to finish the rolls.  The pumpkin pie goes in the oven at 1:50.  That means I have been going strong now for almost 6 hours.  I'm beat and perhaps that is why the camera went into hiding.

Mister gets home while the pumpkin pie is baking and takes over with cleaning the bathrooms, etc. while I set up beds and dining areas.  The house will fill up tonight.

When the pie is finished at 3:30 --- yes it took FOREVER to bake -- the rolls go in.  I put them into a 275 degree oven and bake for 20-30 minutes (do NOT allow them to brown.)  Remove them from the pan and cool at room temperature.  I then took them out to the studio where it is nice and cool for the evening.  That's it.  I'm done.  I'm ordering a pizza for dinner as there is no way I want to cook anymore today.

OH --- on the rolls --- if you are not using them right away, they can be frozen.  If just cooled like mine, you can then bake them at 400 degrees for 7-8 minutes.  They will brown up lovely and taste divine.  Perfect.

Now -- I don't want anyone to say they don't have time to do things.  FIFTEEN minutes can do a whole heck of a lot.  THIRTY minutes is plenty to give your family a treat now and then.

Love ya'll


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