Saturday, November 12, 2016

Fall Break - Day Four

Good morning.  Mister is already up and off to get a cinnamon roll downstairs.  Well, at least that is my thought as I get into the shower.  It turns out that he was cleaning out the car and loading his suitcase instead.  Once I am ready to go, it's off for those treats and a little breakfast downstairs.  We are not at all sure just what the plan is for today except to continue east and wander through areas we have not yet explored.  After leaving Snyder, we come to Roby, TX which is not a stopping spot for us but we are reading the history of it as we drive through.  It's a crazy story and one you will certainly enjoy.  Here is a link to the Texas Monthly article we read.

Shortly after Roby, we make a decision to go further  north in order to avoid driving a road already travelled.  You can read about the previous trip in this Texas Day Tripping post.  Anson, TX gives a moment to stretch our legs a bit with a stop for a little antiquing.  You can read about that by clicking on this Antiquing Post.

Since we have rerouted, our next is Stamford, TX where we are greeted by some interesting sculptures/art pieces.  Spidercar?

Pickup Bed Gravestones?

Moving right along, we spot a very unique church and want to take a closer look.  Locating the parking lot, I try EVERY door in the place, but no luck.  Drat.  What is it with American churches?  If you go to Europe or South America, all churches are kept open so that people can come and go to worship.  Mister and I adore beautiful churches and are frequently disappointed here in the states with our inability to see the inside of them.  We have to settle for exterior beauty and we do indeed find it.  Check out these sections on the four corners of the building.  The intricate carving here is absolutely spectacular.  I don't think we've seen anything like it at all.

I do get a giggle as we drive away and I notice the sign out front.  Just where are they sending the people who are looking for the Sanctuary?  All the doors are on the other side.

Across the street from the church is a large abandoned building that we are searching and searching for some information on.  It looks like it could have been a hotel or a school or a hospital but we just aren't sure.  It would indeed be fun to learn the history of it.  (Upon arrival back home, we did discover that it was indeed two of those things.  A hotel and a hospital.)

A quick drive through downtown shows us the courthouse (in the middle of a split road so no square around it which is not unique in Texas but is uncommon) and the old opera house along with an interesting and seemingly dying main street section.  I'll leave it up to you though -- do you think this place is still in business?

A quick camera stop in Haskell for a courthouse shot.  I think the gazebo is pretty cool and can imagine a band playing in it with a celebration on the lawn.  I know -- overactive imagination.

Next up is Throckmorton (really?) and their courthouse stands in the face of all those who say what can and cannot be done by government on their property.  A cross on the top and the ten commandments still stand out front.  I sure hope this post doesn't change that as it is a nice change of pace.

As we drive around the corner, there is a metal longhorn across the street from the courthouse.

Now, this is a sculpture or piece of art I can get on board with.  I guess I'm just not a modern/abstract kind of gal.

A little further down the road we spot another large longhorn sculpture.  Is this a theme in the area?

My tummy is starting to let me know that food would be nice which makes us both turn our attention to finding a lunch spot.  As we arrive in Newcastle, Mister locates the Hole In The Wall cafe.

Now, I have to tell you that there are just times when all the elements align perfectly and a gem is located.  This has happened today.   We are shown to a seat in a booth by an older man, which we later discover is the owner of the place.  He settles us in, takes our order, and then sits himself back down at a table to watch a college football game.  With the amount of OU paraphernalia all around the restaurant, I am betting he is a big fan and they are playing.

Pictures adorn the walls EVERYWHERE with the year they were taken.  One would think that the first thing I would see is the flyer pinned up next to me, but no.  It takes me awhile to figure these dang pictures out.  You see, each one is of a person with their hunting success and listed as "class of".  Once I spot the flyer, then it all makes sense to me.

Our food is delivered and it looks wonderful.  Guess what?  The chips are homemade and super crisp and yummy.  Oh my goodness.  I am in heaven and everything tastes incredible.  This is just so good that even I can overlook the fact that the owner is smoking in here.  At least he is across the room from us.  What a great little spot Mister has found.

My tummy is full, I have been entertained and as we leave I spot this sign on the wall which leaves me with a smile as well.

As we continue around Newcastle, a prime picture moment comes across our path as  Mister spots the old farm supply store.  I LOVE when towns keep their old buildings and they are still in use.  On the road again ---- and Graham is coming up.  We are going to stop and check out the town square for a few minutes.  Come on along.

Mister lets me out as I spot a quilt shop and the hours say it is going to close at 3.  It is 5 minutes til so perhaps I can get a peek.  As he drives away, a gentleman inside locks the door and walks away as I try the door.  He hears me as I see him pause but continues towards the back.  Oh dang.  I guess I won't get to check out Frances Fabrics after all.  Now where did Mister go?  I just start roaming down the street looking for him.  Apparently he has found me though.

I've read that the post office here has a museum and art center in it so I make a beeline for it.  The sign says open and I waltz right up the steps.  Is it open? Oh heck no.  Signs are not to be trusted.

On the grounds of the post office there are several sculptures that catch my eye next.  It is a camping scene from the old west and I do love the detail that is is shown here.  It makes me think I would have absolutely adored the museum inside, but, alas, it is not meant to be today.  Moving on.

Beside the courthouse is an arch that is part of the original courthouse which was destroyed in a fire.  That sure seems to happen A LOT to the older buildings.

And of course the main attraction in this large square is the courthouse itself.

On the one side there is a large Veterans Memorial to pay tribute to those from Young County.

The building also has some really nice reliefs in the stonework on the courthouse itself.  There are several around the building and each one is different from the rest.

It's time to point this car home.  It has been a great trip and I've enjoyed each and every minute alone with my sweet Mister.  As we go through Jacksboro, one last courthouse picture is taken and this trip is a wrap.  Thanks for coming along with us on our journey.  Stay tuned as we have a few more trips planned for this winter.

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