Sunday, October 11, 2015

Five Years Married

Happy Anniversary to us.  Five Years!!!  Wow -- where has the time gone?  We have opted for just a short little jaunt this year.  A couple of days to ourselves.  What more do we really need?  Nothing, honest.

Mister is taking me to Oklahoma this weekend to visit where he went to college and see the area.  It's all new to me so let's get going.  He wants to take it casually so we get a VERY early start.  The moon is just setting and the sun has not yet shown it's beauty but we are on the road.  Ah, here comes the sunrise.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Birthday Breakfast with Bob

Happy Birthday to my nephew Bob.  He has left those teen years behind and moved onto being a 20-something.  Congratulations.

A wonderful morning at Cafe Brazil.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Welcome Home from Mister

After being gone for 12 days, these gorgeous welcome home flowers greet me today.  Lovely, simply lovely.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Telluride Time - Last Five Days

9/7  Today is clean up the house day.  Amanda and Trent are returning tonight and I want it perfect for them.  We all pitch in and even get all the laundry finished.  There is time for an afternoon walk to the waterfall which is great fun, especially after seeing the bear yesterday.

Soon, though, everyone relaxes and enjoys the walk.

Caleb treats us to the usual and drops his pants to pee.  This kid seriously doesn't give  a rip who is around.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Telluride Time - First Seven Days

8/31  Up, up, and away.  Look out Telluride -- here I come.  It's a direct flight to Montrose where we land and use stairs and a ramp to deplane.  Then a small walk into the airport.  I haven't done that in awhile.  I am picked up at the airport by a shuttle as there is a crisis at the dental office and my daughter can't make the trip.  No problem.  My only worry is if he will stop at the quilt shop so I can pick up the Row by Rows that people want.  He obliges me and $100.00 later, we are on our way to Telluride.  Fantastic driver.  When I get to town, I have some time to kill before Amanda is free so I wander the streets.  First thing I spot in a window:  this sweet little Featherweight.  Yes, I asked.  No, she is not for sale.