Sunday, May 17, 2015

AH -- Morning Walking Again - Arboretum Time

Yesterday was such a success that we are up and out again today.  Yay --- Arboretum walking in the early morning is so fun.  The rain has temporarily stopped and as a result, the garden is fresh and EMPTY.  It feels as though we have it all to ourselves.  How special is this?

The magnolia trees are blooming and they are beautiful this year.  Due to all the rain -- they are loaded with flowers and gorgeous ones at that.  The size of them is incredible.  Just look at it compared to my hand.  Wow.

Shades of green are everywhere and my eyes are darting about trying to take it all in.  It is so peaceful here and I could stay forever -- truly.  The ferns are loving this cooler, wetter weather.

Beauty as far as one can see -- and no people!

As we enter the main lawn -- the misters go on down near the shady area.  It's kind of funny to us that they are still on with all this rain, but the effect is pretty remarkable.  It is as though a fog is rolling towards us.

As we near the shady area, the misters shut off and we are able to wander through the trails.  We come across this wonderful bird who is not the least bit afraid of us.

As we stand there, it shares it's music with us.  What a fun treat and we just listen and enjoy for quite some time.

I am able to get a quick video more for the sound than the actual bird.  Enjoy.

Here come the misters again --- and the fog is rolling around us.

Almost surreal.

Very cool view.

I spot these near the shuttle stop.  Ah, baby pine cones -- how cool.

More eye candy.

Yep, that's MY Mister standing by the naked lady and wandering down a path.  He sticks his tongue out a me cos it's just not possible to photograph him looking at the camera nicely.  Some people.

One last shop for you to enjoy.  The morning dew on the pine needles is gorgeous to me and brings back so many memories of my years in Montana.  Such beauty.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Zoo Time! AND Bishop Arts

Mister and I are enjoying the cool NON-RAINY day.  Ha ha -- well at least it's not supposed to rain until later today.  We are off to the zoo to walk and enjoy.  There is hope to spot Kapenzi, our new baby giraffe, out today.  Mister has also not viewed the dinosaur exhibit yet so -- here we go.

I LOVE walking at the zoo and just enjoying the animals and their behaviors.  It truly lifts the spirit and makes me calm.  They are entertaining as well as educational and I always come away feeling revived.

Mister's favorites are up and moving about.  Yes!

Cheetah on display --- of course it would be beneath his/her dignity to look at us.

Giraffe time.  Is she here?  Is she here?  There IS a small one in the habitat BUT is is not Kapenzi.  This one is about a year old now -- still so very fun to watch.

Look towards the upper section of the picture and you will see a giraffe neck back in the trees.  One of the taller ones has found some good stuff to nibble on during his walk into the habitat.

The younger one (dang, why can't I remember his name) keeps wondering just what is going on and walks over to check it out.

This goes on for quite awhile before the keepers are forced to kind of hurry him along a bit.  Pretty funny to watch.  They wanted to close the tunnel and let people through again.

These creatures are just magnificent to me.

Still trying to feed, but mama keeps moving on.  Pretty sure she is weaning.

Oh look --- one of us is tall enough to enjoy these treats growing at the back of the feeding enclosure.  Trouble is --- the others can't reach and for some reason I don't quite understand, they refuse to stand in the water to get to them.

After a nice morning, we make a stop down in Bishop Arts for lunch and to try out the Bishop Cider Co's sampler.

Lunch is FANTASTIC at Hunky's Old Fashioned Hamburgers.  I wish I could say the same for the cider.  It is just okay for me.  Not wonderful.

What a nice morning with Mister.  We really need to get out and walk more often.

See you soon.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Out Walking

I am home from retreat and venturing out of the house for a walk down to the post office.  While down there, I stop in at Tuesday Morning and spot this wonderful pillow.  Oh yeah.

On the way home, I spot cactus blooming.  We have had so much rain that the plants are absolutely loving life.

Thoughts About Motherhood

I know that it is unusual for me to do a post without pictures but my heart is so full towards my children and I want to share the feeling with everyone.  (I do know that the only people who read these posts are my family but to me -- they are everyone.)

I remember saying that all I wanted was to be a good mom.  To raise all my children to adulthood with all their limbs intact and not addicted to something terrible.  I hoped they would be contributing members of society but that was not required.

To say that they have far surpassed my expectations is to say that I love them.  Neither statement truly embodies the depth of what I feel for all five.  They are amazing - incredible adults in society and parents to my grandchildren in their homes.

I always do things oldest to youngest -- this time I will switch it around.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Peach and Blackberry Update

Things are growing in the yard.  How fun is this?  I so hope it's a good year for the fruit.


And peaches!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Yay! The Birthday Season!

It's the Birthday Season!  You know, that time of year I look forward to ALL YEAR LONG!  Well, I'm not really in that mode yet as it is still only the 20th of April, but Mister walks in with flowers and a card.  To show how truly stumped I am, I ask if they had been on the porch.  Really?  Where did that come from?  He looks at me and hands me the card.  Yay --- It's Birthday Season.  It is starting early since I will be gone over my birthday this year.  Oh how fun is this?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Tea Time for Miss Zyra

It's time for another one of those extra special little girl birthdays.  Zyra is turning 5 and has not received her tea set from me yet.  I was so busy doing quilts last year that this got overlooked.  Her birthday is coming up and it's time to get busy on this.

3/26 - My plan for today is to work on the tea set for Zyra and I get everything set up to paint only to discover that all my paints have totally dried up.  Drat.  I call the shop and order some new ones for Mister to pick up on is way home from work.

4/2 - I am finally getting back to working on this project.  Where has the past week gone?  I bought this tea set greenware OVER 20 years ago.  Two years ago, I took it out to clean while I was working on one for Elena.  I left it sitting on a tray in my studio and somewhere in all that time and various grandchildren visiting, the spout got broke.  About six months ago, we fixed it and today, while I am trying to clean the repaired area, it broke off again, hit the floor, and shattered.  Great!  I call the local ceramic shop to see if they have ANY teapots poured and the owner says yes.  I quickly call DART and take the train up to Spring Valley to just get a teapot.  I don't care if it matches the set.  When I arrive, guess what???  She has the exact same one only with a different lid.  No problem.  I didn't break the lid.  What are the odds?