Saturday, July 12, 2014

Wyoming Grandsons Day 1 & 2

11th -- I am off to the airport for a quick flight to Denver and hopefully a quick turnaround with my 3 grandsons in tow.  I arrive just before Amanda and Trent and am able to watch for them to get off the train and ride up to where I am.  We all head for the gate only to discover that the weather has completely changed and within moments the airport is shut down.  Wonderful.  We are flying Southwest and have to connect in Tulsa and our layover time is less than an hour.  After a few stressful moments, I send Amanda and Trent on their way to Telluride for a meeting they must be at.  We will work it out.

It takes over an hour but our plane finally arrives.  I am still very worried about the connection, but have been assured that I am not the only one.  There are about 30 people on this flight that are also headed to Dallas tonight and they "think" that the plane will be held.  Fingers are crossed.  Off we go to Tulsa.

Caleb is way excited and is so fun to sit with.  He gets a "soda" and is in heaven.  Whenever his ears plug, he says loudly, "I can't hear you.  My ears aren't working."  Then he lets me know when they are working again.  He also loves watching the flaps on the wings and tells me when we are off the ground and when we are back down again.  The older boys are deep into Minecraft.

As we land in Tulsa, they inform us that the plane is indeed being held at the very next gate.  We have been instructed to hurry so we literally walk off one plane and onto another.  Somehow we get seats together --- goodness.  By the time we arrive in Dallas, it is 10:00 at night and we are all exhausted.  Grandpa makes us all a snack and we are off to bed.

12th - I have absolutely no early risers, but Raef certainly wins for sleeping in.  He comes out at around 10:30 a.m.  We have chosen to have a day at home and just relax and play.  The house is rapidly a toy zone and happy children are everywhere.

After lunch we ask if the boys would like to go skating and receive and loud "yes."  Awesome, let's go.  Oh my goodness -- what is up with my hair?  Ugh.  Caleb would really rather be out on the wood floor but this is a better place to learn.  Raef and Ryan are soon out on the floor and doing their best to improve.

In no time, Caleb wants to try it on his own and does quite well.

Then he thinks he is ready for the wood.  I am laughing so hard at this point.

He gives up again and Raef helps out by holding his hand and going back and forth with him while Ryan recovers from a pretty hard fall.

I take Caleb home after a couple of hours so that he can have a nap.  Another hour or so later, the older two are ready to go as well.  Fortunate since the rink is closing.

Once dinner is over --- a pirate movie is requested and the three of them snuggle in on the futon in the office.  Too cute.  It's been a fun day.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lonestar Park

We are off to Lonestar Park today for some horse racing!  So fun.  We have no intention of betting on anything, but want to watch and enjoy.  After finding a spot along the winner's circle, a bugler announces that the horses are on their way out.  How fun.

And here come the horses.  It is fun to look at the sheet and see if we can pick the winner without having the pressure of losing money.

I like this one!

Darkness falls as we watch the races and we move around to the introduction circle to watch things from there for awhile.  It is a chance to sit down as I find a couple of chairs and move them up to the fence.  Yes!

I am a happy camper as I sit and watch.  Mister thinks he needs to take a picture of me and since I am hot and look oh so wonderful, I agree to my foot.  Don't I look amazing?

For the last race, we go back out to the track and watch as they run on the turf.  I can't decide if it is more fun to watch the horses or the staff try and get the post out of the way before the race gets back around to them.  They make, but just barely.

Our night ends with a concert by Justin Moore.  Wow --- all of this for my measly $5.00 each.  What a fun day.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

I love this  holiday.  I plan to enjoy the day by doing some quilting, grilling dinner, and hopefully capping off the night with the fireworks display at Fair Park.  Be safe all and remember the reason we are celebrating.

We are off to Fair Park via the DART for some firework fun.  Come join us!

Don't the fairgrounds look wonderful!  Ah, love this place.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Reward for Packing up Calais

I spent the morning helping Benjamin pack up Calais and while it is sad to see it move to the Hill Country, I am also excited for him.  My take from the morning --- well, the opened bottles from last night, lol.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Jimmy's Wine Tasting

Yay!  Wine tastings at Jimmy's are always one of my favorite things to do.  Tonight we are being treated to some wonder Rose's as well as a delicious antipasti buffet.

I will never forget the first time I came into this "back room" -- oh how shocked I was.  Now, it just makes me smile each time.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lunch With Bob - Mister's Nephew

Mister's nephew, Bob, is meeting us for lunch today and to check out the shops in the area.  We don't spend near enough time with him and are loving this opportunity.  After lunch, an art gallery fits the bill.

Monday, June 30, 2014

June Quilt Update

Previous 2014 posts:  First of year quilt update  (There are individual class posts for 4 Bonnie Hunter classes as well if you click on Feeling Crafty label and go to older posts.)
                         End of January quilt update
                         February quilt update
                         March Quilt Update
                         April Quilt Update
                         May Quilt Update


Roll Quilt - yes
CS quilts - borders on and backs made - yes
UFO - Estate Sale blocks - yes - Gratitude quilt - just needs handwork on binding and threads worked in
BOM blocks - yes
Mark and Quilt Applique quilt - hahahahaha -- didn't even take it out of the tub
Finish Scrappy Bargello top - came close to center top but this is a no
Bind DN quilt for new baby - yes

It is a new month and I have lots of wonderful things happening.  My new granddaughter will make an appearance this month and since school is out -- our time with grandchildren starts.  I am so excited and hope that this year we will accomplish the goal of having all 12 current grands come and visit.  So far --- Malea and Elena are checked off the list but we are hoping for them again before the year is over.  Since there will be lots of visits -- I have given myself an easier goal list this month.  Perhaps I can achieve it?  We'll see.   Let's get started.

1st - With a new baby's arrival getting closer and closer, I think it is time to finish her quilt.  I love the fabric I found a couple of days ago and think the pink stars will just add that little bit extra that says "girl".  I get the binding nade and since I still have a few scraps laying around, I make a quick label as well plus get the binding attached.  Woohoo -- the end is in sight.  I also complete all three BOM blocks and worked on CS final row.  As I am adding the last few blocks, I notice that I have a block turned the wrong way - grrr.  Thankfully it is on the last row so out comes the seam ripper and in no time, my second top is truly ready for borders.