Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ennis Bluebonnet Trails - LOVE

A couple of years ago Mister and I were able to go down to Ennis and view the bluebonnets.  I have been following their bloom this year and want to drive down again.  They will probably peak within the week but I also don't want to deal with all the traffic when they do.  As a result, we are off first thing this morning -- look out Ennis -- cameras on the way.

As we start down the trail that the internet has informed us is the "best for today", Mister stops at the first grouping he sees and starts in.  Meanwhile, I shoot him.

There is not much to say here --- just enjoy the pictures and know that we truly loved our morning full of blue.  The wildflowers in Texas truly are amazing.

She is really watching Mister!

Standing out in the crowd.

Incredible country road.

Let's add some Indian Paintbrush.

Nope -- no smell whatsoever.

Love this area near the pond.

Peeling paint and bluebonnets.  Love it.

What a great morning for eye candy.  My soul is fed today.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Another Teenage Grandchild - Happy Birthday Jon!

I have a 13 year old grandson to go with his almost 15 year old sister.  Where on earth is time going?  I think I am actually getting old.  I am not going to be able to deny it much longer.

We are on our way down to Temple for the afternoon/evening.  It's been awhile since we have made the trip and we won't be making it many more times either.  Louis has received his new orders and they will be moving to Abilene in July.  I guess we will teach our car a new route.  AND we will have the opportunity to explore a new section of Texas.  (I know, I know -- never start a sentence with "and."

When we arrive at the house, Jen, Bekah, and Jacob are off doing "stuff" and Jon is nowhere to be seen.  We are treated to time with Josh, Jared, and Louis so we fill it with conversation and fun.  We haven't just visited with Louis in quite some time and so it is nice to get filled in on all the Air Force comings and goings.  He is also working on the floors of the house so that they can list it so he and Mister talk about that as well.

Once Jen is back home, we talk for a short time, discover that Jon really was here all along, finally wish him a happy birthday, and then it is time to start dinner.  Jon has requested Maul Dasha (click here for the link) and Josh wants to help so after he cuts strawberries for us -- he is given a lesson on cracking eggs.  Such a fun age.

Not only is dinner filled with strawberries, but Jon has also asked for his birthday cake to be "strawberry shortcake" so we cut a LOT of strawberries.

After dinner, an intense match/fire hunt to light candles, and Jacob blowing them out before Jon is able to, we are treated to wonderful shortcakes.  I have not had one of these in a very long time.  Yum.

It's time for gifts and Jon has opted to cash out from his parents as he is saving like a madman to get his own laptop.  I admire that and hope he is able to save enough to do so quickly.  I, on the other hand, do not cash him out.  As Mister and I had made his quilt over the last two months, I am very excited to give it to him.

The smiles are nice to see and my hopes are that he will love this as much as I do.

And this -- this is why I am doing what I am.  This look means more to me than anything else.

His final gift:  The cash out from Mom and Dad.  That's a cool smile too!  I am so glad we are here to spend this time with family.  I love birthdays -- as long as they aren't mine, lol.

Maul Dasha -- Old German Recipe from MY Grandma

We are down in Temple for our grandson's birthday and he has requested Maul Dasha for his birthday meal.  I have not made it for awhile, but it is a very old family recipe and one I learned hand's on with my grandma.  It is very heartwarming to me that Jen has also continued to make it and that her son loves it as much as she does.  It will last for another generation at least.

Maul Dasha is a dumpling covered with cream and butter.  Yep, that's right -- good and healthy for you!  My grandmother explained that when she was growing up her mother would put meats or cottage cheese in them but her favorites were the strawberry ones.  I have had peach ones as well, but not the other types.  As a little girl, this was the BEST meal ever -- strawberries for dinner!

Let's get started:  (And remember that this is from my grandmother's memory -- she never wrote anything down so we just eyeball most things)  Put on a big pot of water to boil - adding just a bit of salt to the water.

First we cut up strawberries (either fresh or frozen) and sprinkle them with a little bit of sugar - depending on how sweet they already are - and then add some flour to thicken it up a little -- start with a small amount and stir it in -- you don't want a paste.

We are doing a double batch here so keep that in mind as you read and look at the photos.  The next step is:

In a large bowl, combine 3 cups of flour, 3 eggs, and about 2/3 cup of water.  You are making a noodle dough and want it workable but not too wet.  (I only have the flour amount because I made my grandmother stop and let me measure what was in her hand.  She would just say, "4-5 handfuls".  My hands weren't the same size as hers and being a numbers person, well it wouldn't work for me that way -- so each handful of hers was put into measuring cups until I had an amount I could write down.)

Mix it all together by hand to get a dough that is firm enough to roll out.

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and roll to 1/8" thick.  Then cut into squares that are about 4"x4".  The odds and ends at the edges are okay -- they will still be used, just set them aside.

Now, take a spoonful of the strawberry mixture and place it on one of the squares of dough.

Next, you bring up the sides and seal by pinching them closed until you have a little packet.  Be sure they are closed well, otherwise they will open and either the strawberries will leak out or water will get in and well, those ones just don't taste as good.

Drop the little packet into the boiling water and continue the process until all your squares are used up.  Any odd shaped pieces go into the water as well and if truth be told -- are my favorite part now that I am older.  The plain noodles are wonderful with salt and pepper.  Yum.

While they cook -- brown some butter and heat some cream.  (Yep, again no set amounts) About 15 minutes after the last dumpling is added to the water, remove and place the dumplings/noodles in a serving bowl.  Pour the hot cream over.  Drizzle with browned butter and serve.

We usually serve either a sausage or a hamburger patty on the side.  Anything goes.  Drizzle a little cream over the ones on your plate and you are ready to go.  Oh, my -- this is soooo good.  AND such a great memory of my youth.  Yep, fruit for dinner.  Woohoo.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Baby Peaches!! Oh, and More Signs of Spring in the Yard

Oh goodness! Lookie, lookie -- we have baby peaches on the tree.  The bees were very busy during its blossoming time and the results are evident.  I am so excited.

While I have the camera in the yard, I thought I would show a few more signs of spring:


Japanese Maple and Ajuga just starting to show their colors.  The yard is going to look awesome soon.

Deep Ellum Art Festival

I'm not sure where we found the energy to do this, but after dropping Cass and Scott off at the airport, we zipped down to Deep Ellum for the art festival.  I LOVE these events.  The whole atmosphere makes me feel alive and my eyes dart all directions at once, trying to take everything in and make memories.  No purchases are made, but the art is wonderful, the music is incredible, and the food?  Well, let's just say that Monkey King did not disappoint.  We enjoyed our cups of noodle soup on the rooftop surrounded by all the sights and sounds of a festival.  Now -- it is time to go home and rest.

Cass and Scott in Dallas - Saying Good-Bye for Awhile

Ah -- a sad but fun day.  It is always hard to say good-bye, but it seems even harder when distance is involved.  I became pretty used to having Cass and Scott around and now it seems a little lonely around the house.  However, today they are back!  We picked them up last night at the airport and after a good night's sleep -- they are off and running to get everything organized and move their belongings up to Utah.

After a full day, we met back together for dinner at Babe's.  Scott's father, P.A., and his brother, Alan, are also in town to help.  The time at dinner is nice and full of conversation and a little dancing?  I don't know how it all happened, but the owner pulled me aside to do the hokey pokey with him.  The funny part is that we had just told P.A. and Alan about how they do this here and then dang, here I am.

Thanks to the waitress, we have a shot of everyone together.

After dinner, I am off to the house to rest.  It's one of those hip days.  Mister goes along with everyone to start loading the truck.  Yes, it is 10:00 at night.  They arrive back at the house around 2:00 a.m. and still have to load the trailer and the Landcruiser.  Then, P.A. and Alan are off to drive the truck to Utah and the four of us crash for some much needed sleep.

It is all quiet at the house in the morning but I am up around 8 and quietly sitting in the living room crocheting when Cass lets me know that the flights are closing up and they are going to try an earlier flight.  Well, alrighty then.  Everyone moves quick (I go and wake Mister to see if he wants to go along and he does) and we leave for the airport 20 minutes later.  A quick good-bye out front and I ask Mister to take a picture of Cass and I.  I don't have many of me with my girls and she has a baby bump -- I definitely need this one.  Be safe you guys and we will miss you tons.  Please come and visit often.