Sunday, September 22, 2013

Back in Wyoming - Fun With Grands - Day 5

It is our last day here as Amanda and Trent are due home this evening.  What shall we do?  First up:  breakfast and each person is able to have whatever they wish.  Ryan choosees blueberry pancakes-- yum.

I ask the boys if they want to do and do something or just hang around the house -- the choice is to hang around for awhile and then go do something.  I am cool with that.  Downtown is always nice and sometimes hard to get.

They ride bikes with friends, play on the trampoline, and generally just relax.  After the past 4 jam-packed days, I think everyone deserves time to just do whatever makes them happy, even if it is absolutely nothing.

It only took a few hours, though, before they were ready to be up and moving.  Mister and Raef had looked up a new park to go to and we had also heard about a Farmer's Market going on today.  First stop: the market where we are treated to watching them roast peppers.  So cool!  I cannot believe that we live in Texas, the roasted pepper mecca, and have never seen it done this way.

So yummy.

The heat coming off the roaster is intense and we make sure everyone, including Caleb stays way back so as  not to get burned.  Ryan is such a great big brother to him.  The peppers are done in almost no time and I am in awe.  Sure beats me holding them over the flame on the stove and turning them one at a time for 5 minutes each.  Ugh.

Soon, the cages are opened and dumped into bins for packing up to sell.  I bet they go fast.

The park that Grandpa and Raef picked out is Martin Luther King Park, dang close to downtown.  We locate a parking place and the entrance is a bridge over a stream/creek that has beautiful trees overhead and presents an awesome beauty that helps me simply slow down and enjoy.

The boys spot the playground and are soon off and running.  Let the games begin.  Raef and Ryan start their "challenge" game while Caleb tries to master a climbing rock that leads to a slide.  I have to force myself to let him try without helping him.

Grandpa has the same worries, but once he reaches the top, he turns and looks through the bars at us proclaiming, "I did it" repeatedly.

He also discovers he can reach the slide up this ladder --- now that is even harder to let him be but he really does NOT want any help.  Grandparents are born worriers I think.

The older boys are busy using each and every piece of equipment and amidst shouts of "take a picture, Gammy", I am running to and fro.

After a snack/water break, Caleb and I walk over towards some stairs back behind Martin Luther King's statue.  Where do they lead?  Ah, down to the creek.  We are quickly joined by everyone else and we take a few minutes to talk about the area.  Ryan really would rather go back to the playground and soon begs Raef to go with him and they are off.

Grandpa and Caleb throw a stick into the water and watch it float away.  This starts a major form of entertainment and we are soon hunting down sticks, pinecones, and anything that will float.

We actually find a very large branch on the ground and with a little work we manage to get it under the fence and into the water.

As it floats away, Caleb is heard saying, "Bye, stick."  Goodness, but is that not super cute?

It is time to head back over to the playground and check on the boys.  We discover that they have created a small pit fort under the climbing rock and are having a great time in there.  That quickly changes when Caleb decides to join them and smashes down their walls while crawling in.  Drat -- little brothers!

Soon, all three are back out and on the slides.  They discover one that has bumps on it and slide down in all manner of positions.  Heading down the slide backwards on his tummy.

It is time to head home for lunch and a nap for our little guy.  Also, Mister has a surprise for the boys and it starts at 1 so they need to really move.

Grandpa is taking the boys bowling.  Here are the pics he takes:

I love these oh so much.  Ryan looks so very serious first aiming the ball and then waiting for the results -- love the hand placement.  Fantastic.

They have a great time and are all excited when they return.  Mister had a pretty dang good game too and claims to have put the rails down each time it was his turn. Hmmmm, can I believe him?

When the boys got home on Friday, we simply forgot about school for a few days and now we have to play catch-up and make sure all the homework is done.  Sucks, but has to happen.  Even Caleb gets into the act by coloring.

We want to end on a high note so decide to take the boys to dinner.  After discovering that the Olive Garden is closed -- ??? -- we drive through downtown again and spot the Twin Dragon.  We ask the boys if they like Chinese and once again Ryan sends us into giggles by answering that he doesn't want to eat Chinese people.  And he is sincere.  He soon agrees though and we get the car parked and race through the rain for the door.  The food is wonderful and the boys declare that it is the "best Chinese food they have ever had" and state that they are going to ask their parents to come here.  Yes!  We succeeded.

Wow -- it is a school night and we need to get people to bed.  Where has this day gone?  While the boys finish preparing for tomorrow, Caleb and I start reading books.

Ryan soon joins us, but it is not long before he is sent for pj's.  He does what is asked but adds my sweater as part of his outfit.  Perfect.

This has been a great few days.  I love this time with my grandsons and will treasure the memories forever.  Caleb and I took a quick selfie --- rarely do that, but am so glad we did.  Truly not sure I want this to end.

Amanda and Trent arrive home safely and the next morning we are delivered back to Denver for our flight home.  Everything works out precisely and we are soon back in Texas.  I can't wait for another opportunity to be with little ones.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Back in Wyoming - Fun With Grands - Day 4

Good morning!  I walked into the living room to discover "cool Grandpa" letting Caleb have breakfast on the coffee table.  Hmmmm.

There is a bit of hustling going on as we need to be at the soccer field in time for Raef's 9:15 game.  We arrive and locate the field only to discover that the game is not until 10:30.  Wonderful.  Mister takes the boys over to the playground to kill some time while I try and figure out how to work out the schedule for the rest of the day as we had planned on being able to go home after the morning game and have lunch.  Now what's a grandma to do?

Soon it is time for the game and we all head back to the field.  Ryan and Caleb settle in to watch Raef play and Grandpa runs to Verizon to try and get my phone fixed (another thing we had planned to do between games -- grrr).  It is a good game and I get to watch Raef score a goal.  Woohoo.  (Ryan, please note that Raef's T-Shirt is tucked in -- the whole team was told to do that.  It didn't stay that way, but at least the ref tried.)

Mister returns sans a fixed phone and a really happy camper.  We hurry to grab some lunch at Subway and then Ryan, Caleb, and I are dropped off while Grandpa takes Raef to his second game.  He gets to watch the game quietly without anyone to keep track of.  I am betting he is enjoying it.

Meanwhile, Ryan's game is about to start.  I have forgotten the rubber band that his mom brings to games to cinch up his shirt in the back.  Who ordered these shirts -- I think they are men's sizes.  Since we are without rubber band, I tell Ryan to tuck his shirt in.  It is incredibly bothersome to him and he is very worried that he looks silly.  I try and explain that this is how all the big boys and men wear them, but I am pretty sure he is not buying it but he leaves it for the first part of the game.  When he takes his first rest, he says that his stomach is hot and so he needs to untuck.  I tell him to go ahead and he goes back out onto the field and within moments he is tucking it back in because it is long enough to be a dress and very hard to run in.  He has a great game and scores several times.

After the game his team is scheduled for their group picture.  Here is the team waiting patiently for their turn in front of the camera.

Mister and Raef are back from the game and the Verizon store.  A new phone is on the way to Dallas for me and it is time for Ryan's second game.  Caleb and I settle in to watch.

Again, it is a great game and Ryan plays beautifully, making several goals.  He reminds me of Matt when he was that age.

We have been away from the house since 8:30 and Caleb has been the absolute best.  He found a Schleich cow at the first game and has been carrying it around every since keeping himself amused.

Our day is almost finished -- the last game comes to a close and we are able to head home.  We made it.  Time to go cook dinner and relax a little.  Four games and pictures -- that's a lot for a couple of old folks.

We let the boys stay up a little and watch a movie.  Ryan doesn't make it and is carried upstairs to bed by Grandpa.  Pretty sure he never woke up.  Time for some shut eye.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Back in Wyoming - Fun With Grands - Day 3

It is a beautiful morning in Wyoming and we are in kid mode this morning.  All the chores have been met including showering all the stinky boys.  The naked dance has been done and we even have some time left over to dance fully dressed.  I love this Wii game -- it makes me wish I owned one.

(Yep Amanda -- this is the "pants" day I told you about.)

Raef and Ryan are off to school and we have another morning to explore Cheyenne with Caleb in tow.  Where should we go?  How about the Capitol Building?

When we arrive, the Alzheimer's Association has a display out front and the first thing Caleb spots is a bench to climb on and then he checks out the flowers before we enter the building.  Stairs!

"Follow me guys."  With grandparents in tow, Caleb leads the way to explore the second floor first.  His little voice echoes all through the building even though he is speaking softly.  We can look right into the Governor's office from the balcony and a nearby bison grabs the attention of our little charge.  He also has quite a time with the bust of Abraham Lincoln.  He just keeps pointing and saying, "big head" over and over.  It makes both of us giggle quite a bit.

What a view from the 3rd floor.  Love it!

I love the way Caleb always knows what is beyond his capability.  Every single set of stairs was walked down until this set.  It is really steep coming back down and he sits down and scoots on his bum the whole way.  Trouble is, then he thought he needed to do that for the last stairway as well.

Several workers came out during our visit to tell us how sweet Caleb's little voice was as it echoed through the halls.  They said it brightened their day.  Even the guest desk attendant had to stop and talk with him.  He was definitely a big hit.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the building and loved the Senate and House chambers.  What I REALLY loved was being able to go and see it all without security and background checks.  Sooooo nice.

Just around the corner from the Capitol is the Wyoming State Museum.  All three of us walk over and are delighted upon arrival.  It only takes Caleb seconds, literally, to find a display that he can enjoy.
They also have a hands on area for children to work puzzles, touch furs, and dress like a pioneer.  What a wonderful place -- and everything is free.

After the museum, we make a very quick stop at St. Mary's Cathedral because if there is a beautiful church and I didn't stop, I would be unhappy.  It does not let us down.  It has beautiful stained glass windows, and incredible arched ceiling, and a magnificent pipe organ.  Wow.  So glad we stopped.

Sadly, our little one is getting hungry (even with his occasional snacks to tide him over) and tired.  It is time to return back to the base for lunch and a nap.

The boys return from school on time today with an extra hoodie in Raef's possession.  Yay!  We settle in on the porch for a fun little visit and shadow play.  I teach them both how to make a bat and yes siree, I am a cool Gammy.  They are thrilled.  The sun is cooperating with us and everything we do is amplified.  Awesome.

Both boys work hard to see what other animals or items they can create and I know this will be one of the first things they show mom when she returns.  I gotta say -- this was pretty fun.

Alas, I have to stop playing and make dinner as tonight is pajama movie night and we are going to see Planes.  Caleb will be ecstatic.

After dinner, everyone (yep, even Grandpa) puts their jammies on and we head over to the base theater.  There is a small line, but within moments we have our popcorn and soda and after much row changing are actually in our seats.  Whew.  I want to take a picture of everyone all ready and excited so I take my  phone out (yes, two other cameras on trip but not at the movies) only to discover that it is broken.  Ugh.  I know this is going to be awful, but I try and put it out of my mine and enjoy the movie.  Movie starts, previews, and soon  PLANES!  Caleb's face is lit up like you cannot believe and I don't have a camera.  Double Ugh.

We get about a minute into the show and it stops -- an announcement is made that there is still a long line outside and so they are going to pause the movie to let the others have a chance to see it.  Wonderful.  I already have a 2 year old that is getting close to bedtime and becoming demanding.  Now i have to contain him in the seats.  Yay.  It is half an hour later by the time it starts and this time is not nearly as exciting.  Drat.  Everyone settles in to watch though and I have to laugh as about 10 minutes in Caleb says to me, " this is just a plane ka-chow."  Even at 2 years he knew what was going to happen.

We have a brief scare after the movie as Ryan goes into panic mode cos he has forgotten his skateboard jacket.  I don't remember seeing it on him, but he is adamant so him and I go back into the theater to look for it.  Nope --- now he is really upset cos someone took his jacket.  Goodness, the highs and lows on this trip.  We get home and he opens his backpack to give me his schoolwork and guess what?  Yep, skateboard jacket.  The relief from him is intense.

Time for bed.  Yep, it is a Friday night, but we have early soccer games and I am beat.