Saturday, September 21, 2013

Back in Wyoming - Fun With Grands - Day 4

Good morning!  I walked into the living room to discover "cool Grandpa" letting Caleb have breakfast on the coffee table.  Hmmmm.

There is a bit of hustling going on as we need to be at the soccer field in time for Raef's 9:15 game.  We arrive and locate the field only to discover that the game is not until 10:30.  Wonderful.  Mister takes the boys over to the playground to kill some time while I try and figure out how to work out the schedule for the rest of the day as we had planned on being able to go home after the morning game and have lunch.  Now what's a grandma to do?

Soon it is time for the game and we all head back to the field.  Ryan and Caleb settle in to watch Raef play and Grandpa runs to Verizon to try and get my phone fixed (another thing we had planned to do between games -- grrr).  It is a good game and I get to watch Raef score a goal.  Woohoo.  (Ryan, please note that Raef's T-Shirt is tucked in -- the whole team was told to do that.  It didn't stay that way, but at least the ref tried.)

Mister returns sans a fixed phone and a really happy camper.  We hurry to grab some lunch at Subway and then Ryan, Caleb, and I are dropped off while Grandpa takes Raef to his second game.  He gets to watch the game quietly without anyone to keep track of.  I am betting he is enjoying it.

Meanwhile, Ryan's game is about to start.  I have forgotten the rubber band that his mom brings to games to cinch up his shirt in the back.  Who ordered these shirts -- I think they are men's sizes.  Since we are without rubber band, I tell Ryan to tuck his shirt in.  It is incredibly bothersome to him and he is very worried that he looks silly.  I try and explain that this is how all the big boys and men wear them, but I am pretty sure he is not buying it but he leaves it for the first part of the game.  When he takes his first rest, he says that his stomach is hot and so he needs to untuck.  I tell him to go ahead and he goes back out onto the field and within moments he is tucking it back in because it is long enough to be a dress and very hard to run in.  He has a great game and scores several times.

After the game his team is scheduled for their group picture.  Here is the team waiting patiently for their turn in front of the camera.

Mister and Raef are back from the game and the Verizon store.  A new phone is on the way to Dallas for me and it is time for Ryan's second game.  Caleb and I settle in to watch.

Again, it is a great game and Ryan plays beautifully, making several goals.  He reminds me of Matt when he was that age.

We have been away from the house since 8:30 and Caleb has been the absolute best.  He found a Schleich cow at the first game and has been carrying it around every since keeping himself amused.

Our day is almost finished -- the last game comes to a close and we are able to head home.  We made it.  Time to go cook dinner and relax a little.  Four games and pictures -- that's a lot for a couple of old folks.

We let the boys stay up a little and watch a movie.  Ryan doesn't make it and is carried upstairs to bed by Grandpa.  Pretty sure he never woke up.  Time for some shut eye.

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