Thursday, September 19, 2013

Back In Wyoming - Fun With Grands - Day 2

We are up and moving.  There is breakfast to make, lunches to pack, backpacks to ready, and boys to get out the door by 7:30 to catch their bus.  We manage to make it all happen and then I get some pancakes made for Grandpa and Caleb.  Caleb gobbles his down first and has to wait while Grandpa finishes his in order to go downstairs and play trains.  He stands beside Mister saying, "Eat Grandpa, eat."  I cannot help but laugh as he does it so sweetly and in a very soft voice, pointing the whole time.

After breakfast is finished, the dishes done, beds made, trains played with and everyone dressed, we head into town for the morning.  We have been to Cheyenne many times, but have never truly played tourist.  Today we are going to take a trolley ride that includes a narration of the history of the area.  Fun.

Once the tickets are purchased, we walk down the street to board the trolley.  Along the way we come upon a lady with a cocker spaniel puppy.  Caleb is all smiles and wants to check it out but is a bit hesitant until I sit down and help.

Minutes later, he climbs up into the trolley, heads straight to the back and chooses his seat.

As we travel along, he is such an angel.  He discovers that he can see the road going by and watches for awhile before deciding that he needs to sit with Grandpa.  We have snacks at regular intervals and he makes the entire 90 minute tour without any troubles.

One of the funniest moment occurred when the trolley stopped at a light and Caleb yelled, "Donuts."  Apparently we were right by the donut shop dad takes him to on Saturday mornings.  The rest of the guests on the trolley got a good chuckle out of that one.

Also pretty good as we stop at the train and he says bye over and over to the driver even though we are getting right back on.

The train is a Big Boy Steam Engine.  Old Number 4004 is one of the world's largest steam powered locomotives and one of only 8 remaining on display in the United States.  Cheyenne is lucky to have this beautiful specimen and both Mister and Caleb are fascinated. I am pretty sure that both of them would like to climb aboard and really check it out.

Our stop there is short and it is soon time to get back on the trolley and finish our tour.  Caelb loved the train so much and told the driver when we returned that he had been to the train -- over and over again.  Incredibly cute.  Just before we reboarded the trolley, Mister had Caleb and I sit for a picture.  I told him to look at Grandpa -- I think he thought that I had asked where Grandpa was.

We return to the depot and decide to walk around downtown a bit and check out some of the shops.  It will be good to let the little man stretch his legs a bit after sitting so still like he did.  What a champ.  

We stopped in at a quilt shop and Caleb found a play area with planes.  Is this a good day or what?  I get to look around awhile and check out the fabrics while Mister looks at the vintage machines.  Such Fun.  It's been a great morning, but time to return home for lunch and a nap.  

I fall asleep on the front deck about 1/2 an hour before the boys are due home on the school bus.  I wake at 4:00 and go into the house to see Grandpa getting Caleb a snack since he had just waken from his nap.  I inquire as to where the boys are and he says they were not home yet.  I am very confused since they are quite late and decide to walk over to the neighbors to make sure they aren't there.  I find Ryan sitting at the bus stop upset because he can't find Raef.  Raef has missed the bus and as I wonder how to go about locating him and the neighbor calls the school for me to see what they can do, another bus drives up and drops off Raef -- their only remaining passenger.  He explains that he had been searching for his hoodie and missed the bus.  He never did find the hoodie and was put on another bus.  He shares how he has been all over the city before being dropped off.  He handles it all well, but is pretty upset over the hoodie.  I tell him that it will be okay -- he can look for it again tomorrow.

We ask the boys if they would like to go to a park and they jump at the chance.  We had seen several good ones on our journey this morning and within moments we are loaded up and heading back into town for some play time.

The boys hit the ground running when we arrive and are soon trying to "beat" every piece of equipment there.

I love that Caleb challenges himself but doesn't try to do everything the older boys do and he does things at a level he is comfortable with.  He is such a smart little guy.  But, IF he thinks he can do it -- there is no stopping him and sometimes Grandpa and I are not so comfortable with it.

He spots the lake nearby and asks if we can go over there, so off the two of us go.

What little boy can resist the chance to throw rocks in the water?  Certainly not this one.  We stay for a short time and as we are walking back to join the others, he trips and scrapes his palms.  I wipe them off, kiss them, anything to make him stop crying, all to no avail.  When we arrive back -- he shows them to Grandpa and then is perfectly fine.  Ugh.  I think I am a bit jealous.  (He is crying in the picture below as we walk)

I see the boys near a piece of equipment that they don't know how to use so I go running over and demonstrate (thankfully, Mister did not catch that on camera) and soon they are giving it their best efforts as well.

We switch to another park close by (due to a much needed restroom break) and start this process all over again.

This area has rocks to climb -- who needs equipment that costs thousands of dollars?  We've got a rock wall.

I love it when I catch Mister at work with the camera and always wonder what he sees.  Well this is it.  No fear Caleb climbing the stairs to the high slide.

Raef flies off the end of the slide as he comes down backwards on his back.

We are near the train and Caleb wants to check it out again.  I take him but have a bit of trouble keeping up.  He is on the move.  Grandpa and the boys join us shortly and the fascination with this train continues.  Ah boys - big and small.

The day is getting late and our tummies are grumbling.  Off to Chili's we go.  There is a chili coloring contest going on and the boys get their sheets and start creating.

Everyone orders and they deliver my salad first.  Caleb wants some so I tell him that I will share.  Each time I take a bite he moves the dish closer to him and pretty soon he is bending over it trying to shield it from my fork.  Way too funny.  He also grabs my lemons and starts chewing on them, making such funny faces afterwards as expected.

After dinner, dessert is required.  Well of course it is when grandparents are around.  We drive across the street to Culvers and everyone is soon enjoying their own creamy custard although Caleb is a bit worried about how quickly Grandpa is eating his.

We look out the window and spot a beautiful full moon. Ryan says, "It can't be a full moon because it is not time yet.  Something is wrong."  Grandpa says, "When should there be a full moon?"  Ryan's answer is, "In the middle of the night."  Okaaaay.  Soon it is time to return to the house for homework and bed.  It has been a great day.

As we are coming back onto base Ryan asks us if we have to salute.  We explain that we are not in the military and so it is not required.  His response is, "So since you are not in the military, you are innocent and that is why you don't have to salute."   Yep -- great response.  Gotta love their perspectives.

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