Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Up To Montana for Fun

I looked at Mister yesterday and asked if he wanted to do a quick trip up to Montana to say howdy and spend some time with the grands.  He looked at me like I was crazy but agreed to hop a couple flights.

We are lucky at the airport and make both flights without a hitch.  Yay!  The only trouble is that we arrive very late - it is almost midnight and lucky Matt gets to pick us up.  Sorry Son.  As soon as we arrive at his home, it is bedtime as Matt has to work in the morning and we want to spend as much time playing tomorrow as we possibly can.  We are only here for 55 hours or so.  Night.

I can hear little people approaching the bedroom and in no time we have Hyrum and Zyra climbing in bed with us to tell stories, wrestle, and giggle as Gammy tickles them to pieces.  What a beautiful start to our day.

It is amazing to me how much they have to say.  As they get older, I enjoy hearing their take on different things that happen.  One thing we have learned is that they spare no one when sharing things --- we need to always remember that as I am sure they share things about us as well.  This morning is all about school, the garden, Fiona, and of course, Mario and Luigi.

Unfortunately, it doesn't last long as today is a school day and Hyrum needs to get going so lets get them both fed and then we can walk our grandson to the bus stop.    He has come such a long way in the past couple weeks considering he did not wish to go to school the first day and was bummed with mom for leaving him there.  On the way to the bus stop, I asked Hyrum if he liked riding the bus.  He said that he did and then explained about the stickers at school.  You see, if you ride the bus you get either a green or blue sticker but if you are getting picked up, it is a pink sticker that graces your shirt.  He had to have one the first day and if he rides the bus he doesn't get a pink sticker.  Oh goodness -- way too funny, but his school might need to rethink those colors so that color-conscious little boys won't be difficult on days when mom HAS to pick them up.  I am still giggling about that one.

Once we return from the bus stop, Becca needs to run some errands and we offer to stay and play with Zyra for awhile.  Once she is dressed, we find her bike and take off for the coffee stand down the street.  She is very uneasy with her bike when we start out and is basically just standing and walking with is.  Grandpa and I keep encouraging her to sit down and walk her feet quickly to get it rolling.  Since it is a Strider bike, there are not any pedals and she is learning balance.  We are amazed at how she laughs and giggles as she starts to understand and gets the bike going faster and faster.  By the time we are on our way back to the house, she has it figured out and the smiles are non-stop.  Oh, by the way --- it is a glorious fall day in Montana.  I do so love the fall -- my favorite season by far.

Once we return to the house, it's back into cooler clothes for the day.  I find a puzzle to work on and we sit down together to get it done.  She is really getting good and locating the right piece, but it is still a two-person activity.

When Becca returns, Zyra and Grandpa go out to the garden to get some fresh tomatoes for lunch.  I get busy talking with Becca about the fantastic job she has done on her kitchen and forget to get a picture of the actual picking -- drat, but here is the end result:

Now, of course there has to be Grandpa cuddle time as well.  Oh, and a game to play on the DS.

Rhiana has called and asked if I will meet her for a pedicure during her lunch hour.  I have never had a pedicure from anyone other than Mister so am a little nervous about it, but agree to go along.

Mister and I go back out to the garden while Becca is making lunch and fill several bowls with broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, and green beans.  What a feast.  I miss having a garden so very much.  I need to figure that out this next year and perhaps get some raised beds put in.

Matt is home for lunch so we spend some time with him before heading in to meet Elena.  After borrowing Becca's car, Mister and Zyra ride along to drop me off and they plan to go and have ice cream while they wait.  Here goes nothing.

I actually LOVE it.  Everything feels so nice - from the massaging chair, to the foot soak, to the heel scrubbings, to the lotions, to the polishing of my toenails.  Awesome.

It gives Rhiana and I some good one on one time to visit and catch up a little.  To me this is the best part of the whole thing.  I so treasure my time with my girls and if I have to try new things to have it -- so be it.

AND my feet look oh so pretty.  Now that's a good time in my book.  Now, now -- no family comments about the size of my toes please.

Mister arrives to pick me up and it turns out that they never made it to ice cream.  Zyra fell asleep the minute he dropped me off and he has been driving around letting her sleep.  What a great Grandpa.  We say good-bye to Rhiana until this evening and head off to Riverfront Park for a little walk along the lake.

When we arrive, Zyra spots some really large dragonflies and sets about to catch one.  She so loves bugs.  It proves to be difficult for they do not wish to be caught and we soon have to change her focus so that she doesn't become too upset.  Pretty funny actually and very cute to watch.  We start walking down the path towards the bridge at the east edge of the lake and Wow -- it looks so peaceful and beautiful here.  I cannot resist snapping a picture -- this brings back many memories to me of when my children were younger.

As we walk along, we have to be alert to new bug opportunities and they do manage to present themselves often.  She chases down grasshoppers and finds an ant to carry on her finger for awhile but wants to go back to the dragonflies and try again to catch one.

As Gammy though -- I am always way more on the lookout for great photo shots.  We get a few of those as well.  What a sweetheart!

She is ready to leave the park and we make one last stop before going home.  The ice cream, of course.  Once we arrive at DQ, she decides that she wants an Arctic Chiller instead of ice cream.  Okay.  I then get a glass of water to go with my treat and she decides she needs to have a drink of it and then a sip of her chiller and then repeat the process.  Very cute.  She drinks about half of her treat and is then finished and saves the rest for Hyrum as he should be home from school now.  We need to get going.

Once back at the house, it is time to go with Becca to register Zyra for a dance class.  We all get back into the car for a drive up to the Heights.  Rainbow Dance is the destination and once we arrive, Zyra simply charms everyone to death.  She is outfitted with new dance clothes and ballet shoes with which she stands in front of the mirrors and twirls with delight.  She is ready!

Nancy Hernandez, the owner and an old acquaintance, is going to be Zyra's teacher.  She is present and after visiting for a few minutes about old times, she offers to take us on a tour of the costume rooms.  Oh my.

One could get lost in them.  It is a great concept though and certainly reduces the stuff one needs to get rid of in their own home.  I remember us having soooo many costumes to try and sell.

We wander around while Nancy shares many stories and then return to the studio.

Zyra is going to love it here.  I just know it.  We make one more stop at Target (picture above Hyrum just watching the cafe) to grab another dance outfit and some tights.  Zyra is set.

Becca then drops us off at Rhiana's as we are spending the evening with her and the girls.  They have had a busy day already and after some dinner, it is bath time.  Mister and I pitch in and help out while Rhiana cooks us a wonderful dinner.  Malea heads to bed and Elena and I get a chance at a couple of games of Fish in which she, once again, wins handily.  Someday I will figure out how she does it.

Once the girls are down, we have a fantastic dinner with Rhiana and the chance to visit a little more.  What a pleasant evening but it is time to head back to Matt's for the night as we will be back here bright and early for our day with the girls.  Borrowing Rhiana's car, we head back across town and since I'm beat, I know I will sleep good tonight.

It is another beautiful day -- Wow.  I love it.  A little chill in the air first thing and then it warms up to a comfortable temperature.  Perfect.  We arrive at Rhiana's before 7 and she is off to work.  The girls start waking up and we get breakfast done and then head out for our adventure today.  We are going to take the Met Bus to Zoo Montana.  Here we go.

Once everyone is out of the house and we have walked a block away, I realize that I don't have my notes for the bus.  Mister goes back to the house to look for them and I get the girls and start walking the opposite direction.  I think I remember.  Ugh.  We meet up with an unsuccessful Mister and walk to where I think we can catch the bus.  After waiting for about 10 minutes, I give up thinking that there is no way to make the connection for the second bus and decide to call Rhiana and ask her to come and pick us up.  I no sooner get off the line with her and the bus shows up.  Figures.  We board the bus, take seats and call her again to let her know she can turn around and go back to work.  A statement I used to say to my kids years ago comes back to haunt me:  "Your lack of organization does not constitute an emergency on my part."  Drat -- perhaps age really is catching up with me and life is going full circle.

Elena is so excited to be riding the bus and has to count the other riders as they come and go.  She loves watching out the windows and is very patient.  We talk about how it is 2 buses to the zoo here just like it was 2 trains to the zoo in Dallas.

She then remembers that it was also 2 planes to get to Gammy's house.  Awesome!

We make our connection and as we walk up to the entrance gates, the welcoming committee is out in full color.  What fun to start the visit.

Once inside, first stop is a bathroom break and then we are off to the Children's Zoo, which is really reminiscent of a farm petting zoo.  It is complete with chickens, turkeys, goats, sheep, horses, etc.  The best part for me was watching the turkey strut his stuff and start gobbling.  I thought it was super funny -- again showing my age I think.

As we leave the children's area, our next sight is a fish pond full of koi.  The sunlight is shining on them and it is actually quite lovely.  While Mister goes to purchase some fish food for the girls to throw, I try and get a picture that shows off the colors.

I turn around to watch Mister and he is getting food with a little help from the roaming peacocks.  One of them walked right up to Malea, checked her out and continued on its way.

Within moments, Elena has fish food and is doling it out one piece at a time and then watching to see which fish actually eats it.  Malea wants a good look as well so the 3 of us patiently throw one piece at a time to the fish -- all under Elena's direction of course.

Around the next corner, we come across the white wolves.  They are out and watching us as we walk along.  When we let Malea out of the stroller to walk for awhile, they perk right up and start watching her.  Ah - I think she is prey to them.

We continue our walk and spend time with the tiger, red panda, bighorn sheep, grizzly bear, and the river otters.  At this point Elena is starting to wear out and has her sights set on the playground.  We have to encourage her to finish seeing the animals.  She finds a bench and sits down to check out the map while saying, "Sit down Gammy.  Show me where we are going."

We make a quick stop with the beaver, waterfowl, and the bald eagles when we discover that Malea has fallen asleep as well.  Onto the playground.  Mister takes Elena to play while I call Rhiana and let her know we are done so that she can pick us up as it is several hours before another bus comes out our way.  She is soon there and drops us off at home for lunch and naps - for EVERYONE -- even Mister and I crash on the sofa.  Yay.

When we are all awake again, I take Elena out to the backyard to play and Mister and Malea join us.  Within moments, Malea does a face plant on the cement that leaves a horrendous mark.  Are you kidding me?  We were so close to completing the babysitting day without mishap.  Once the tears stop, Mister has a washcloth with ice in it that we are trying to put on her forehead and Elena wants to help.  As she is dabbing at the sore areas, I hear her say, "Poor Malea.  I loved her.  She was such a good sister."  I have to try and keep a straight face as I remind Elena that Malea is not dead, just hurt.  What is that?

We grab the chalk and are all three soon busy making rainbows on the patio.  Well, and playing tic tac toe of course.  It takes several attempts before I give in and ask Grandpa the order of the colors.  He tells me roygbv.  Now I have to figure out if the work from the inside out or vice versa.  Talk about a brain fart.  After staring at both of them for awhile, we conclude that the smaller one is correct.

3D glasses become a necessity for viewing the rainbows as well as a fashionable accessory.  Malea tries to wear one of the tracing patterns as a hat.  These are quite the dress up girls here.

When the chalk has run it's course, we find some bikes in the shed and decide to go for a walk around the block until Rhiana gets home from work.  After a few minutes with the bike in the driveway, Elena decides to leave it behind and just walk along with us.  We talk about how walking around the block means that you never cross a street and just keep turning right.  Elena counts the turns because Grandpa has told her that he will put her on his shoulders after the 3rd turn.  She doesn't forget.

Once we are back in the yard, it is trampoline time.

Elena makes up a game to play that requires Grandpa or I to catch her by the leg as she runs around the edge.  Each time we catch her, she laughs oh so hard as she falls to the tramp.   She absolutely loves this game.

Rhiana is home and we gather everyone up to go and meet Matt, Becca, Hyrum, and Zyra down at the brewpub for dinner.  We have called ahead and they have a table ready for us so we are just getting settle when Becca and the kids arrive.  The grands all want to sit together and that is easily arranged so they sit and color while waiting for food and Matt to arrive.

About halfway through dinner, the girls have moved down to be with Grandpa and I notice that Hyrum is trying to turn around to watch the baseball game.  We suggest that he sit on the other side and with help from Matt, he moves his food and himself for a better view of the game.  He then settles in and eats while watching sports.  Dad is thrilled.

Grandpa and the girls

My beautiful daughters.

Ah Mom -- please don't kiss me.

I see you Gammy!  What a character.  Gotta say -- love him tons.

It has been a very good day.  We are off to the airport early tomorrow morning so we say good-bye to Rhiana and the girls.  Becca has to go to work, so Matt, Mister, me, and the kids all pile into Matt's pickup and head back to the house.  We have time for a few books and games before bed and then a little visit with Matt.  It's been a whirlwind couple of days but I am so glad we had this time with everyone.  Now it is sleep time for all of us and hopefully we will have an easy time flying tomorrow.

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