Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Morning at White Rock Lake

Oh what a gorgeous morning.  Mister suggests a walk down by the lake and after a stop at White Rock Coffee, we are here.  The path is already filling with cyclists, joggers, strollers, and walkers like us. The lake is calm and abundant with waterfowl providing us with ample photo opportunities as we walk along.  I am able to receive another photography lesson from Mister and worked on reflections today.  I wish I could put it all together and remember the other parts while doing so, but I lost a little ground on focus and the rule of thirds today.  On the flip side --- my reflections are not too bad.  All in all, I am pleased.

As we are walking along, Mister spots an egret standing in the water and we stop to watch for awhile.  Just a little distance further on the path, we come across the perfect spot to sit, relax, and finish our drinks.  There are turtles bobbing in the water right below us and fish are rising everywhere.  It is a perfect morning.

Continuing on our way, a flock of parrots are busily leading us along zooming from tree to tree.  The flock here at the lake is thriving and they are such a joy to watch.  The birds are not wanting their pictures taken today though and will not settle on any lower branches and I did not bring the good camera so distance is tough.  Such is life.  I do manage to catch a couple right as they are taking flight.

We round a bend and our egret is back - and posing beautifully for me.  (Remember, I am making due with my little Sony point and click today.)

A canoe comes along and scares him down to the next little branch poking from the water.  Once again, he poses for me.

We have made it to a view of the old pumphouse and I love the way the red plays on the water.  Let's try a reflection shot.  Not too bad.  Then Mister takes the camera to try and get a better one -- he knows what all the little bells and whistles on my camera do.  So much to learn.

It is time to start the return trip as it is getting quite warm out.  As we are on the other side of the path, I notice the trees a bit better.  They are crabapple trees and are loaded with fruit.  No wonder the parrots were heading this direction.

A few more shots as we near the car and I notice that the three birds on the log have not moved in a couple of hours.

One last look at the lake --- this has been a wonderful morning.  We watch these two for a few minutes and then it is definitely time to go.  See ya later.

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